Chapter 138 Another One-sided Massacre!!

Eastern Indian Ocean.

A vast fleet of more than a dozen aircraft carriers and dozens of other types of jellyfish carriers is riding the waves.

This fleet is the joint crusade fleet composed of the Earth Army.

And the object of the crusade naturally knows that it is Aubu needless to say.

Charles Kechira was the captain of the Earth Army aircraft carrier and the commander of the fleet.

He is exactly thirty-five years old this year.

To be the captain of an aircraft carrier and a fleet commander at such an age shows that he is a genius!

Even in the talented Zaft army, it is better than the vast majority of people!

But he wasn’t content with that.

His real dream is to become the captain of a space battleship!

Although surface ships and spaceships are also subordinate to the Earth Army Navy, the gap and treatment between the two are completely different.

The treatment of the captain of the space battleship is many times higher than that of the captain of the surface ship, and he can gain the respect of others!

And Charles also happens to be a man who values glory.

He wants to become the captain of a space battleship and gain more recognition!

And this battle against Aub is undoubtedly his opportunity to leap into the captain of a space battleship!

If he can perform prominently in this command operation, the people above will promote themselves to serve in the lunar base to become a deputy captain!

Although he is only a lieutenant captain, he believes in his talents!

With his talents promoted to captain is definitely a matter of time!

Now he has even begun to fantasize about his handsome figure sitting in the position of captain of a space battleship in the future!

In his opinion, this crusade against Aub could not be simpler.

It is undeniable that Aub has strong military strength and world-class technology and technology.

But they have an overwhelming numerical advantage on their side!

Even the use of human heaps can kill the country of Obu!

It’s just a small country of Obu!

“Adjutant, get everyone ready for battle.”

Seeing that the fleet was about to cross the strait into the Pacific Ocean, Charles immediately issued an order to enter combat readiness.

“Obey orders!”

As the order went on, everyone in the fleet returned to their posts.

A large number of M took the elevator to the deck of the aircraft carrier, neatly arranged in two rows.

Seeing this scene, he smiled.

As if having seen the glory of victory waving at himself!

But his smile didn’t last long.

Because just then the sky suddenly darkened.

“What’s going on? Is it going to rain? ”

At first, everyone thought it was going to rain, until when someone looked up at the sky, they found that a huge battleship with a length of more than thousands of meters appeared overhead!

For a moment, everyone froze.

At the same time, a purple beam of light rained down from the sky in front of the fleet, like a scythe wielded by the God of Death, harvesting a stream of fresh life!


A violent explosion sounded.

The dozen or so warships running in front of the fleet were instantly engulfed in explosive flames!

But then the shock wave of the explosion and the waves overturned more than a dozen nearby warships!

Even the warships that remained in the rear received the impact of the shock wave.

The shock wave shattered the portholes of all ships!

The glass shards flew like a sharp knife to the people in the bridge in the blink of an eye, and everyone’s body was covered with scratches.

Blood flowed from these wounds.

At this time, Charles and others finally reacted.

“Enemy attack! Enemy Attack! Ring the alarm! Fight back now! ”

In just a few moments, an alarm sounded in the fleet.

A large number of MSs took off, firing as they flew towards the giant ship.

And the surface ships are not idle, all kinds of anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft missiles and ship-borne laser guns are fired into the sky!

For a moment, the sky was filled with brilliant light and flames.

But these guns could not hurt the ship in the slightest.

All attacks are blocked by shields!

Just then, several more giant warships appeared in the sky.

However, compared to the original one, the next few warships were obviously smaller.

But even the smallest is beyond their reach!

One ORS-class heavy cruiser and four SDV-class frigates, as well as eight CRS-class light cruisers, opened fire simultaneously.

Purple rain fell in the sky again, gorgeous but full of danger!

In the blink of an eye, more than two dozen more warships sank!

The MS in the sky is even more tragic.

Not long after it took off, it was half taken away by a wave of plasma shells!

The wreckage of MS fell into the sea with the light of fire!

“My glory, my chances of promotion.”

Looking at the miserable battle in front of him, Charles rolled his eyes and directly fainted.

This battle…

No, it should be called a massacre!

The massacre lasted less than five minutes before it ended.

At this moment, the surface of the sea can be seen everywhere the wreckage of humans, MS, and battleships.

After confirming that all enemies had been destroyed, the fleet left the area and finally returned to tranquility.

After solving Aubu’s crisis, Lin Ziqin contacted Uzmi again.

Only this time he did not go to see him in person, but used video communication to tell him the good news.

“Your crisis has been lifted, and I think the Earth Army will not bother you again in a short period of time.”

Uzmi was stunned.

So fast?

Since Lin Ziqin left, it has only been a little more than an hour, right?

Did the other side solve those Earth Army Combined Fleets so quickly?

Could it be a lie to yourself?

Lin Ziqin also saw the doubts in Uzmi’s heart, but he didn’t bother to explain.

“Soon you’ll get the news, and then you’ll know if what I’m saying is true.”

Drop a sentence shop and the communication will end.

Sure enough.

It wasn’t long before Uzmi received the news that the combined fleet of the Earth Army had been wiped out!

In addition to this, there is a video of the massacre of the combined fleet of the Earth Army.

The photographer of this video is not Lin Ziqin.

It was taken by some fisherman.

It turned out that there was a fishing boat fishing near the battlefield.

The crew of this fishing boat were very ‘lucky’ to witness the whole battle and photographed it!

This video went viral so fast that it reached a million views in just half an hour!

Major news media have also reported on this.

The people of the world were shocked.

The Earth Army, which originally wanted to suppress this matter, was completely ruined, and could only watch the situation get worse.

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