Chapter 140 The Imperial Expeditionary Fleet Refers to the Seed World!!

The Oort Nebula is a huge cloud centered on the solar system that envelops the entire solar system!

Its maximum radius is enough to be a light-year distance!

Its interior is filled with various active comets.

Because of this, its existence is equivalent to a natural shield, preventing most cosmic meteorites from invading the solar system.

Now Lin Ziqin chose the dimensional gate to be built within the Oort Nebula!

It’s not too far from the solar system, and it’s not too close.

Once something happens, the Empire can also react as soon as possible.

Buzz Buzz…


Hundreds of Imperial warships broke through the space and came here one after another.

After all the battleships arrived, Lin Ziqin summoned the shield world.

The appearance of a huge mechanical planet has brought great shock to the warriors of the Empire, and they are witnessing this ultimate secret weapon of the Empire for the first time!

But then, three silver pillar-shaped objects that were more than a hundred kilometers long flew out of the shield world and came to the front of the fleet.

Under the gaze of all people, these three long column-shaped objects are connected together, and the shape has gradually changed.

In the end, they combined into a huge triangular gate.

The three corners of the door also have pointed bumps.

Like Stargates in some science fiction movies.

“The dimensional gate has been combined, the system is working normally, and it can be opened at any time.”

Xiao Aike reported the situation to Lin Ziqin.

“Then turn it on!”



As soon as Xiao Ai’s voice fell, the dimensional gate in front of him was activated.

I saw wisps of ripples on the inside of the triangular human gate, like a lake that had been broken into calm.

But then the ripples grew larger and larger, and finally formed a huge whirlpool!

And on the opposite side of the vortex is a new world!

“Expeditionary Fleet, go!”

With Lin Ziqin’s order, hundreds of warships flew towards the vortex at the same time.

SEED World.

In the meteorite belt star harbor.

Maliu stepped on his military boots and walked in a long corridor with a lotus.

As she passed the window, she couldn’t help but pause and look out the window at the dark universe.

“Emperor Tianren, hasn’t he come back yet?”

A few days ago, Lin Ziqin said that he would leave here and return to the Tianyuan Empire.

And handed over the inside to her to manage.

She had thought that Lin Ziqin would return the next day at most.

But who would have thought that now that six or seven days had passed, they had never seen Lin Ziqin return.

She couldn’t help but start to worry a little.

Could it be that Lin Ziqin left them and never came back?

No, no, no, how is this possible!

The Tianyuan is still here!

I took a deep breath and calmed down the complicated emotions in my heart.

Just as she was about to withdraw her gaze and move on, the dark universe outside the window suddenly changed.

Hundreds of densely packed warships jumped out of the jump space!

Seeing this, Maru’s face showed joy.

“It’s the Emperor Tianren who has returned!”

Immediately, she quickly ran toward the port with confidence.

And this scene also happened to be witnessed by Natal.

“What’s wrong with Maru? So excited? ”

Natal came to where Fang Cai Maliu was standing and looked outside.

When she saw the scenery outside, Nataltonchi understood why Maliu was so excited.

“Finally back?”

With a soft murmur, Natal also ran toward the port, no slower than Maliu.

When Maliu and Natal arrived at port, the expeditionary fleet was also lining up to enter the harbor.

The CAS-class attack aircraft carrier on which Lin Ziqin was riding took the lead in docking.

Immediately afterward, he walked out with C.C. and the others, as well as Cornelia, Li Xingke, and Lu Luxiu.

“Lax, take the C.C. and them on a tour of the starport.”

“Okay, sisters, please come with me.”

The women held hands and left together.

Lin Ziqin then said to Ma Liu and Natal, “I will no longer work hard for you during this time. ”

Both Maliu and Natal shook their heads.

“Sending is what we should do.”

“By the way, what about the others?”

Lin Ziqin looked around and found that there was one less person, and that person was Mu La Vradha.

Natal replied: “Mr. Vrada and Kira are testing the latest MS. ”

Lin Ziqin was surprised to hear this.

“Oh? So that M is almost finished? ”

In the previous period, Lin Ziqin let people gather the technology of the Tianyuan Empire to develop a latest MS.

This is a weapon specially prepared for the Empire’s space war!

However, Lin Ziqin’s positioning of S is different from this world.

The world uses MS as its primary weapon.

But Lin Ziqin only regarded it as a carrier-based aircraft similar to an aircraft carrier.

The protagonist on the battlefield is still a space battleship after all.

After all, the space battleship has extremely high protection and extremely strong firepower output, which is incomparable to MS.

Natal nodded slightly.

“Yes, sending is the last test, as long as you pass this test, you can mass-produce the installed troops.”

“It was good.”

Lin Ziqin was very satisfied with such a result.

“Go to the conference room, and it’s time to discuss the plans for the trip.”

Since Mu La Forada was busy, Lin Ziqin did not intend to wait for him, and directly led everyone to the conference room.

“Introduce yourself first, and you will be considered a colleague in the future.”

After coming to the conference room, Lin Ziqin asked several people around him to introduce each other.

Lu Luxiu took the lead in speaking: “Two good, my name is Lu Luxiu Lampe Luki, and I am the Prime Minister of the Empire.” ”

Lulucius did not use the surname Britannia, which he had long since abandoned.

The second opening is Li Xingke.

“My name is Li Xingke, the general of the Empire, please give me more advice on this illness.”

“My name is Cornelia and I am the commander of the Imperial Special Force, the Exterminator Force.”

The last Cornelia also briefly introduced herself.

After listening to the three people’s introductions, both Maliu and Natal looked shocked.

I’m dripping well!

None of them are ordinary people!

Several of the highest officials of the Empire are coming!

Then it was Maru’s turn for the two of them.

“My name is Maliu Lamias, the future director of the Imperial Naval Academy, and I would like to ask for more advice from the three of you.”

“I’m Natar Bakilulu, the future vice-chancellor of the Imperial Naval Academy, and I would like to ask for more advice.”

The Imperial Naval Academy had not yet been established, so the two were now in name only.

“Okay, now that you’re all acquainted with each other, let’s start the meeting.”

As soon as Lin Ziqin’s voice fell, the lights in the conference room dimmed instantly.

Then the holographic projection of the Earth appeared above the table.

“Now PLANT, one of the two great forces in this world, has defected to our Tianyuan Empire, so the biggest obstacle to conquering this world is the Earth Army’s conquest of Four!”

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