Chapter 141 Pre-War Preparations, Last Tranquility Before the Storm!!

“Maliu, come and introduce these people to the Earth Army.”

“Obey orders!”

Ma Liu stood up from his position and took over Lin Ziqin’s voice.

“The Earth Army, full name United Earth Army, is an army formed by the Earth Coalition Government.”

“Although the headquarters of the Earth Army is located on Earth, the lunar base is his most important military base.”

“And there are also multiple military space stations near Earth orbit that serve as small military bases…”

For a short time to come, Maliu gave Cornelia a detailed introduction to the Earth Army.

The total number of troops, the deployment of troops, weapons and equipment and other information are very comprehensive.

This life is thanks to little love.

Her powerful hacking ability keeps you up to date on the Earth Army anytime, anywhere!

After listening to Maru’s introduction, Cornelia and Li Xingke fell into contemplation.

Although the Tianyuan Empire had technological advantages.

But the Earth Army is a formidable opponent they have encountered for the first time, and they have to take it seriously!

Instead, Lu Luxiu’s face was calm.

He is now the Prime Minister of the Empire, and he does not need to worry about war affairs, but he is also very idle.

Lin Ziqin opened his mouth again at this time: “At present, the Earth Army has hit most of its troops on the lunar surface base. ”

“So our main target is the lunar base.”

“As long as the lunar base and the Earth Army forces in it are destroyed, the Earth Army is basically crippled.”

The Earth Army seems to be preparing for war lately, so it has dropped most of its forces on lunar bases.

And by doing so, they undoubtedly gave Lin Ziqin the opportunity to annihilate their large army at one time!

“This operation is divided into two groups of operations, one group attacking the main force of the Earth Army, and the other attacking the lunar base!”

As soon as Lin Ziqin’s voice fell, Li Xingke stood up and said impatiently, “Your Honor, I am willing to lead the Imperial Fleet to attack the main force of the Earth Army!” ”

A battle with the main force of the Earth Army was undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to test the abilities of himself and his subordinates.

Most importantly, he can also make great achievements, and he will naturally not let go!

And Cornelia knows this very well.

So she stood up too.

“Emperor Tianren, please allow me and my men to come down and serve as the first group!”

“Lord Cornelia, please come first and come first.”

Li Xingke raised an eyebrow, and the policeman looked at Cornelia and said.

“Lord Li Xingke laughed, how can such a thing be decided by coming first and coming later?”

The two looked at each other, their eyes flashing with invisible electric light.

After Maru, Natar looked at the two with a confused face.

Is there a must-zero grab?

“Cough cough!”

Lin Ziqin coughed lightly, which made the two stop fighting each other.

He looked at Cornelia.

“Cornelia, you and your Exterminator forces are not suitable for a frontal attack, so you are still responsible for sneaking in from the rear and attacking the lunar base.”

As soon as these words came out, Cornelia felt lost.

Li Xingke was just the opposite, holding his head high and showing a happy smile.

“Li Xingke, you lead the fleet to attack the main force of the Earth Army.”

“Obey orders!”

Then, Lin Ziqin looked at Maliu and Natar again.

“The two of you and Vlada will follow Li Xingdi, and watching the Empire fight for yourself will help you understand the Empire’s current way of fighting.”

“If there is anything that is insufficient, you can bring it up.”


The second daughter nodded and understood Lin Ziqin’s intentions.

“Then let’s talk about the detailed battle plan.”

Half an hour later.

Lin Ziqin and the others left the combat conference room together.

“You go and prepare, and the battle will start in two hours.”

“Obey orders!”

Conelia, Li Xingke, Ma Liu and Natal nodded and left, after which Lin Ziqin looked at Lu Luxiu.

“You can go to PLANT too.”

“I’ve talked to the current Speaker of the PLANT side, and you can start working right away when you’re over.”


In the end, even Lulu Xiu left.

While everyone was busy with their own affairs, Lin Ziqin, who was idle, returned to the bridge of the Tianyuan and quietly waited for the battle to begin.

The Tianyuan did not participate in this battle, and gave full authority to Li Xingji and Connelle.

After all, there are warlords, so why should he, the emperor, take the shot?

As far as the Tianyuan Empire Expeditionary Fleet was in full swing to prepare for war, the Earth Army was also in a state of readiness in the lunar base millions of kilometers away.

After months of emergency expansion, the Earth Army’s strength has now returned to the level it was a few months ago…

Even in terms of combat strength, it may be stronger than a few months ago!

A large number of ships were lost a few months ago, a large part of which were old warships.

This gave the Earth Army a reason to build new types of ships.

With the service of a large number of new warships, their combat effectiveness has naturally improved.

Most importantly, they have not only served new warships in these four months.

A large number of new MSs are also installed!

Although he failed to get the blessing of Aubu Technology.

However, after the unremitting efforts of scientific researchers, these latest performance has also improved a lot.

Even in order to prevent the problem of MS systems being attacked again, these MSs have also specially installed a more powerful system firewall.

In the port of the lunar base.

The commander of the fleet, dressed in white uniform, walked down the corridor and admired through the window the neatly arranged group of warships below.

But when he came to the end of the corridor he stopped, held the railing with his hand, and looked down at the nearest air port.

This harbor is where the Archangel originally docked.

The gate, which was once damaged by the Archangel, has long been repaired, and no signs of war damage can be seen.

But despite this, no ship was willing to dock in this position for the simple reason that most captains were pretentious and unwilling to use anything that the traitors had ever used, even a port position!

In this regard, the commander was somewhat helpless.

“Are you really here?”

At this point, a bald man in the same white military uniform walked over.

He is the commander-in-chief of the lunar base!

“Are you worried about something?”

The bald commander caught the worry on the fleet commander’s face, and he couldn’t help but ask.

The fleet commander did not hide his inner thoughts.

“I’m worried that the mysterious fleet will come out again and spoil our business.”

The mysterious fleet of his mouth naturally refers to the Tianyuan Empire fleet.

The last time they attacked Obu, the other side suddenly ran out and completely annihilated their fleet!

This time they attacked PLANT, and he was afraid that the other side would run out again.

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