Chapter 143 Tianyuan Empire Expeditionary Fleet VS Earth Army Fleet!!

“The third mobile squad is completely destroyed!”

“Oda Nobunaga, Churchill, Crook sank!”

“The enemy has broken through the flank of our fleet!”

The flagship of the Earth Fleet is an aircraft carrier up to four hundred meters long.

Its name is Diru.

Diru is the latest first-class aircraft carrier built by the Earth Army, and the Earth Army has only served three ships of the same type so far.

The other two are still waiting in Earth for reinforcements, before they can be sent into space.

At this moment inside the bridge of the ship Diru.

Listening to the constant battle situation, the commander of the Earth Army shed a cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart had already sunk to the bottom.

In less than five minutes of the engagement, the losses of their own fleet were so heavy!

The Diru was located in the rear of the fleet, protected by a regiment of friendly ships, but over time the fighting gradually spread inside.


A purple streamer of light landed on the deck of the Diru.

The heat dissipation deck, which is enough to resist the attack of heavy beams, is directly melted by the highly corrosive plasma, and a large hole with a diameter of several meters wide appears!

A large amount of gas poured out of the hole, with some purple smoke!

“What about the fire support of the lunar base?” Why hasn’t it appeared so far? ”

The fleet commander gritted his teeth and asked.

He’s been fighting the enemy for five minutes, five minutes!

What about good fire support?

As a result, I didn’t put a fart!

What is that old friend of his?

“Report to Your Excellency, Commander! We lost contact with the lunar base! ”

The correspondent’s answer suddenly made his face darken.

Why did you lose contact with the lunar base at this time?

“Damn! It seems that I am afraid that I can only use the last hole card! ”

As soon as these words came out, the bridge suddenly fell into a silence, and everyone looked at the commander.

He knows what the final hole card is.

That’s a nuclear bomb!

Originally, they were going to use it against PLANT, but now they probably have to use it here!

The adjutant stepped forward: “However, the enemy fleet is so close to us, and there are friendly troops nearby, it is easy to use nuclear bombs to injure friendly troops by mistake!” ”

The two sides fought very closely, only a few hundred kilometers away.

This may seem quite far at first glance, but it is quite close in the universe!

And nuclear bombs are at risk of being intercepted!

Once intercepted at close range, they will be caught up in blast range!

“But we have no choice but to do we?”

As if to confirm the commander’s words, another plasma torpedo landed on the side deck of the ship.

Suddenly, there was another hole more than ten meters wide on this ship!

The adjutant gritted his teeth and ultimately didn’t say anything.

Your Excellency, Commander, is right, they really have no other choice.

Their own ship-borne weapons, MS can not hurt the other side’s warships, and only nuclear bombs can still be used at present!

Admittedly, this is a gamble with a very high risk factor.

Once the bet is lost, then they will be able to bury the river with the nuclear bomb!

The commander took a deep breath and said, “Activate all nuclear bombs and start the launch process!” ”

“Obey orders!”

This time no one stopped him.

In an instant, all the battleships received orders from their commanders.

Suddenly, a large number of MA were put out.

These MAs all have a huge missile hanging from their abdomen.

This is the last bottom card nuclear bomb of the Earth Army fleet!

However, as these nuclear bombs were activated, the weak radiation sources emitted by them were also detected by the battleships of the Tianyuan Empire.

Tick tock!

An alarm sounded from the flagship bridge of the Tianyuan Imperial Expeditionary Fleet.

Li Xing immediately ordered, “Intercept these MAs immediately!” ”

He remembered that Emperor Cheng had told him that a nuclear bomb was one of the few weapons in the world that could pose a threat to the Empire’s warships!

He would never allow these nuclear bombs to come near his fleet!

With Li Xing’s order, a large number of weapons turned their guns and aimed at those MAs that were hanging on nuclear bombs!

Boom boom…

In an instant, the number of people MA was shot down!

The flight speed of the MA is not fast, otherwise the Earth Army would not have eliminated it to install S.

Watching more and more teammates die, finally everyone was stretched out.

“I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!” I want to go home! ”

One of the MA drivers cried out in a broken state.

Without hesitation, he pressed the launch button.

With the launch of the bomb, the safety insurance of the bomb was lifted.

The captain saw this and exclaimed, “Stupid! It’s not even close to launch! Everyone, get away from the smoke guys! ”

But this is still a step too late.

A purple pulsed beam of light hit the Maki nuclear bomb with precision.


Because the safety insurance was lifted, the nuclear bomb was detonated.

The dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire battlefield!

It was as if a second sun had appeared in it!

Everyone couldn’t help but close their eyes, and after a long time, the light disappeared.

Li Xing muttered, “Is this a nuclear bomb?” Sure enough, as the Emperor said, it was a weapon that was enough to pose a threat to us! ”

One such bomb might not be enough to break the ship’s shield.

But the number of nuclear bombs on the other side cannot be stopped!

However, thanks to the help of the stupid MA driver of the Earth Army just now, the explosion of the nuclear bomb just now directly killed many of his allies.

This relieves the pressure on the fleet to intercept the sand!

Words speak of two ends.

Just as the fight on this side was in full swing, Cornelia’s side had already started an operation.

“The weapons in the sea are fully charged!”


Cornelia gave the order.

A large number of purple pulsed beams, isochronous shells, plasma torpedoes bombard the lunar base.

There was even a heavy light spear that dealt a devastating blow to somewhere on the lunar base!

In a matter of moments, 70% of the defensive shells in the lunar base were destroyed!

43% of the area was destroyed!

After losing 70% of the defenses, the counterattack of the lunar base suddenly plummeted.

Cornelia seized the opportunity and immediately dropped a landing force on the lunar base!

A large number of airborne warehouses fell from the sky under heavy artillery fire, smashing the surface of the cratered lunar base.

Then a group of soldiers in powered armor ran out of the airborne barn and it was Karen and Ania who led it!

“This is a beheading! The mission of the two of you is to attack the lunar base control center! Be sure to give me the commander of this base alive!” ”

Cornelia’s voice came from the communicator between the two.

The two nodded, “Understood! ”

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