Chapter 144 Town Soul Song!!

Backbite! Backbite! Whew!

The harsh sirens echoed in the ears.

Red siren lights flicker in the long corridors.

Stepping on the pedal…

“Hurry up, hurry up! Hurry up again! ”

A group of lunar base defense units wearing black body armor and helmets were shuttling through the corridors.

The captain ran to the front, constantly urging his teammates behind him to speed up.


Just then, a round thing suddenly landed under his feet.

The captain saw the change of look.

“It’s a grenade, get down!”


As soon as the words fell, the grenade exploded.

The flames instantly engulfed the captain of the guard and several people around him.

“Enemy attack! Take cover! Take cover! ”

The captain was killed, and the command naturally fell to the vice-captain who was not yet dead, and he immediately ordered people to hide.


Bullets flew from the other side of the corridor, taking away a few more in an instant.

The others reacted and immediately looked for cover to hide.

But the corridors were empty, and they could only lean against the wall or lie on the corpses of their teammates.


A bullet hit the vice captain’s brow precisely, and the next second his head exploded.

Red and white things splashed three feet.

Soon the other guards fell to the ground and lost their lives.

The gunfire stopped.

A moment later, more than a dozen Tianyuan Empire warriors dressed in power armor arrived here.

The two who took the lead were Karen and Ania.

“How far is it from the command center?”

In the face of Anya’s questioning, Karen raised her hand and opened her palm, and a holographic projection appeared on her palm.

“The straight-line distance is two hundred meters, but at least more than five hundred meters away.”

Speaking of which, Karen was very eager to complain about the design of this base.

It’s winding and twisting, and it’s just speechless.

“Go ahead.”

Retracting her thoughts, Karen led the group on her way.

But that’s when…


Suddenly, a violent tremor struck, as if it were an earthquake.

Karen and Ania and the others hurried to hold on to the wall, barely standing.

But this ‘earthquake’ came and went quickly.

Karen frowned slightly.

“What happened?”

Ania speculated, “Isn’t it possible that our commander has fired another glowing spear attack?” ”

The crowd looked back at the Prime Minister, but no one could give the exact answer Karen raised her hand and said, “Just ask.” ”

Her intuition told her that the shock just now always felt not simple, and they didn’t dare to rush forward before they figured it out.

“Karen called the flagship, hear please answer.”

“The flagship received, please speak.”

The sweet voice of the correspondent sister came from the communicator of the crowd.

“What just happened?”

“Huh? What happened? ”

This time the sub-wheel correspondent sister was confused.

“You don’t know?”

Karen frowned slightly.

Didn’t even know what was happening to the flagship?

The shock just now is not simple!

Karen quickly replied, “Just now there was a violent shaking on our side, have you bombed our area?” ”

A moment later, the communicator answered.

But the answer was no longer the correspondent sister, but Cornelia.

“I did not order the bombing of your area.”

“That’s strange, how did the shock just come back?”


Before he could finish speaking, the shock struck again.

This time, Karen and the others had the experience of the previous time and quickly stabilized the rest.

“Damn! The shock came again, what the hell happened? ”

It was a really bad feeling, and even Ania couldn’t help but explode.

Cornelia said, “We did detect shock waves on our side, but it wasn’t just your area that was shaking, the entire lunar base was violently shaking!” ”

Because she had been paying attention to the battle before, Cornelia did not notice the last shock.

But this time, the battleship’s sensors did capture this shock wave!

“It has been detected to have fallen to the source of the earthquake, located one kilometer deep directly below the base of the lunar surface!”

After listening to the answer, Karen and the others stared wide-eyed.

The vibrations from a kilometer-deep place actually reached here?

What the hell is going on there?

Cornelia was also curious about this, and she immediately gave the latest order.

“Aniya, you continue to lead people to beheading.”

“Karen, I need you to act alone, to go deep into the base of the lunar surface and see what’s going on there!”



The two nodded.

The communication ended.

Ania looked at Karen.

“Be careful with yourself.”

“So are you.”

The two nodded to each other and then left in different directions.

This lunar surface base control center.

The bald commander was in a cold sweat, and his face was full of fear.

“Damn! Why is that! ”


The violent shaking came again, and this was the third time!

The bald commander clutched the armrest with both hands before he could barely stabilize his body.

“Report Commander! The energy of the Soul Reaver power furnace is constantly rising! The threshold is about to be exceeded! ”

“Anyway! Stabilize me now! Fast! ”


Requiem, the pool is known as Zaft’s nightmare.

It’s the ultimate weapon of the Earth Army!

Originally, the thing appeared in the second season.

But because of the butterfly effect, the Earth Army built this thing in advance.

But the result of the rush is that this thing is extremely unstable!

Just now, the bald commander intended to use it against the ORS-class heavy cruisers overhead.

But when he activated the Requiem, he found that there was an error in the launch system!

Now that the Requiem has been activated, because it cannot be launched, the power furnace energy is constantly rising, and it will soon reach a critical value!

Once the threshold is exceeded, the power furnace will have a lot of river energy and will explode!

The power of this explosion is enough to raze the entire lunar base to the ground!


The fourth shock struck, and this time it was noticeably more violent than the previous ones!

Even if the bald commander grabbed the handrail, he still couldn’t stand!


Just then, the control center gate was blown open, and Anya rushed in with a group of Marines.

“Everybody raises their hands and leaves their positions!”

The bald commander was shocked.

Did the enemy get into here so quickly?

Did the interceptor squads sent out before all eat dry food?

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