Chapter 145 The Reactor That Is About to Explode!!

Bang! A gunshot rang out, and the bullet instantly hit a person who wanted to sneak a red button.

The man fell to the ground in response, blood flowing from his body.

Ania snapped, “Say it again! Raise your hands and get out of place! Dare to play a small action to kill directly! ”

Everyone was horrified by the gunshot.

No one dares to sneak up on small moves anymore.

He raised his hands and left his position.

At the behest of the Marines, they came to the corner and stood in a row while Ania quickly came to the console and plugged the electronic knife into the terminal interface.

After a few moments, the few remaining artillery pieces on the lunar base stopped working.

Now the entire lunar base has fallen under the control of a few people.

After doing all this, Ania quickly reported the situation to the flagship.

“Report flagship, this is the Ania Squad, and we have taken control of the lunar base control center!”

“Well done!”

Naturally, Cornelia also noticed the situation at the base of the moon.

Just as she was about to say something, one of the crew members suddenly shouted, “Report to the captain!” ”

“The sensor has detected a huge energy signal inside the lunar base and is constantly climbing!”

“Expect to reach the critical value in ten minutes and a big bang will occur!”

As soon as these words came out, Cornelia frowned.

And this voice also reached the ears of Ania and others.

Ania quickly pointed the gun at the head of the bald commander and asked, “What’s under the lunar base?” Be honest! ”

The bald commander looked terrified, he didn’t want to die, so he didn’t hide it either.

“A huge reactor in the sea directly below the base is dedicated to recharging the Soul Talisman.”

“But because the system is wrong and the charge fails, the reactor cannot stop working, and the energy cannot be stopped from rising.”

“If you don’t stop the reactor quickly, the energy it contains is enough to blow up the entire lunar base into the sky!”

The bald commander swallowed his throat and his face was filled with fear.

The power of the Soul Requiem is enormous, and the energy generated by the reactor that provides energy to the Requiem is naturally astronomical!

Once such a huge amount of energy explodes out of control, the entire lunar surface base will be flattened!

If you don’t get it right, you may even change the orbit of the moon directly!

“Commander, did you hear me?”

“Ah, listen to it.”

Cornelia’s face was gloomy, and she didn’t expect that in the end, the Earth Army would give herself such a big trouble!

“You lead the troops to evacuate the lunar base, and I will send a transport plane to pick you up!”

She would never let her men be buried with this crescent base.

“What about those people?”

Ania looked around at the captives.

“Please, don’t leave us alone!”

The bald commander immediately pleaded.

He still has a family, and he doesn’t want to die in this ghost place!

“Yes, please, don’t leave us behind!”

“Please, gentlemen!”

Others fell to their knees pleading.

“Bring them along, maybe they’ll be of some use later.”

Cornelia’s answer rang out in the communicator.

“Do as you are told.”

Ania nodded, then gave a look to the Marines around him.

The Marines understood what she meant and carried them out of the control center.

“By the way, what about Karen?”

At this time, Ania remembered his teammate Karen.

“Leave me alone.”

Just then, Karen’s voice rang out in the communication channel.

In fact, she has been in the channel all along, but she just didn’t open her mouth.

“You continue to evacuate, and I’ll try to see if I can get the reactor to stop working.”

Karen’s words were accompanied by a burst of gunfire.

It looked like there was still fighting on her side.

“No way! That’s too dangerous! You have to evacuate as soon as possible! ”

Cornelia didn’t want Karen to take any chances.

There are still ten minutes to go, what can be done in such a short time?

Karen directly refused Cornelia’s orders.

“Rest assured, I won’t be in trouble, not to mention that after BT’s calculations, once the reactor does explode, the energy generated by the explosion is enough to push the moon away from its original orbit!”

“This is a huge disaster for the earth’s environment, and we must prevent such a catastrophe from happening!”

The Moon is more than just a satellite of Earth.

Its existence affects the Earth’s environment at all times.

Once the Moon deviates from its original orbit, activities such as tides, cloud rain, thunderstorms, ice core concentrations, air pressure distribution, and even typhoons on Earth will be affected by the Moon!

“Okay, since you insist on doing so, then the Fa.”

Cornelia eventually relented.

Karen was right, and since she had so much confidence in herself, it meant that she shouldn’t be in any danger.

“I’ll come back with victory!”

With that, Karen ended the communication.

Beep! Beep!

Two spot shots took away two Earth Army soldiers, and Karen continued to advance.

“These guys are really annoying, don’t they know that the reactor is about to explode?”

As she went deeper, the resistance that Karen encountered grew stronger, which made her a little powerless to complain.

“Iron Drive, I guess they really shouldn’t know the reactor situation.”

BT7274 replied.

These people are not stupid, and if they really knew, they wouldn’t be here to die.

“I can hack into the system here and tell everyone here about it, all I need is to insert my sub-chip into the nearest terminal.”

“No more!”

Karen dodged enemy bullets with a sliding shovel and threw a grenade at will.

With a loud bang, several Earth Army soldiers were blown away.

“It’s such a waste of time, just kill it!”

It was just a bunch of cannon fodder, and she didn’t want to kill a few more.

BT7274 heard this: “Since this is the case, then I will take a shortcut, and it will be faster.” ”

“Shortcut? Where are the shortcuts? ”

Karen looked puzzled.

She has seen the map of the lunar base no less than ten times, and there seems to be no shortcut here, right?

“Of course there is, turn left and you can see it by turning left in front of you.”

Listening to BT7274’s answer live, Karen immediately changed direction.

As it turns out, the BT7274 isn’t lying, and there really is a shortcut in front of you.

Karen held the railing in her hand and looked down at the bottomless sinkhole.

“Are you sure it’s okay to take this short road?”

BT7274 said: “I have scanned this deep well and confirmed that there are no enemies underneath. ”

“And after calculation, jumping from here can save at least five minutes!”

“All right, listen to you!”

Karen took a deep breath and jumped straight into the pit.

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