Chapter 146 Iron Drive, next time we still don’t take shortcuts!!


The jetpack spewed out blue flames, and Karen landed safely on the ground.

“BT, where do you go next?”

“There’s a door on the left-hand side, go inside!”

After hearing this, Karen quickly headed in the direction pointed by the BT7274.

When she entered the gate, she found it gray inside.

She turned on the light of her helmet, and only then did she see the picture in front of her.

“These are… Fumes? ”

My eyes were gray, like a haze of mine in the morning.

But Karen knows that this is the universe, and there can be haze in the river!

And the surroundings were in a mess, as if there had been an explosion.

I’m afraid the previous vibration came from here, right?

BT7274 replied: “Yes, radiation signals have also been detected in the air, and it is recommended that the iron driver move forward carefully.” ”

“I see, thanks for the reminder.”

“You’re welcome.”

Karen continued to move forward carefully.

And the deeper you go, the higher the radiation value!

When she was about to reach the end, she found a red light ahead.

“What’s that?”

Karen always had a bad premonition.

BT7274 replied: “The scan shows that there is a strong microwave energy in the front, and I recommend that it is better not to get close to the iron driver.” ”

“But there’s only one way here, isn’t it?”


“Then there’s no choice.”

Karen did not intend to return the same way, and now she could only rush forward.

Microwave energy?


Just kill the undead!

This set of power armor comes with an energy shield, which should be able to resist microwave attacks for a short time!


Karen quickly rushed up.

And as she approached the red light, suddenly a scanning beam shone on her.

Karen frowned slightly, just about to ask what it was.

As a result, BT7274 suddenly said, “Iron Drive be careful!” Detected that the defense system in the corridor is activated! ”

“What? The explosion just now has not yet destroyed the defense system of the Miles? ”

As she complained, Karen quickly quickened her pace.

At the same time, a large number of automatic turrets appeared on the surrounding walls, the ground and even the ceiling.


Dense bullets shot at her.

“Iron Rider be careful, these microwave energies are constantly depleting the shield, try not to get hit by the shells.”

“Rest assured, little meaning!”

The bars on the head-up display that represent the energy of the shield are decreasing little by little.

Karen did not dare to be idle, and she sped up her pace while dodging bullet attacks.

During the run, she pulled out two Z-110 lightning pistols attached to the sides of her thighs.

Beep! Beep!


Karen opened fire as she ran, her marksmanship still accurate.

The turrets were taken away by her.

The smoke from the turret explosion gave her some cover.

A moment later, the end of the corridor finally appeared in front of us.

However, at this moment, a heavy rocket turret suddenly rose from the ground ahead.

See, Karen was horrified.

“The Earth Army actually put this thing in the corridor?”

This thing is used to counter heavy armor at first glance!

If it had been placed before, she would naturally not have been afraid of this thing with her own shield.

But now the shield energy has been almost exhausted by microwave energy.

If you get hit head-on by this thing, it will definitely be uncomfortable!


The turret fired a rocket.

Rockets flew towards Karen with a long tail.

“Iron Drive! Let me control your power armor! ”

Karen heard this, and in a hurry, she immediately handed over control of the power armor on her body to BT7274.

While she doesn’t know what BT7274 wants to do, she knows BT won’t hurt herself!

One person and one AI exchanged control in less than 0.2 seconds, only to see BT7274 control Karen’s body and raise his left wrist, as if he wanted to use his left hand to resist the rocket attack.

Seeing this, Karen closed her eyes, as if she was preparing to accept the shock.


However, the imaginary explosion did not happen, and when she opened her eyes again, she found that the rocket had been bounced off by her elbow!

Finally the rocket crashed into the wall of the corridor behind him!


“BT! How did you do it? ”

Control returned, Karen couldn’t help asking, her face full of shock.

BT7274 said: “The warhead of the rocket is semi-oval, and I used the declination formed by the armor plate on the elbow to hit the edge of the warhead to deviate from the trajectory.” ”

“You’re too strong, too!” BT! ”

This kind of thing can be done, and Karen is shocked.

“Iron Rider, we are running out of time or move on…”

“World right!”

Karen returned to her senses and moved on.

When she came to the end of the corridor, BT7274 said again: “Iron Driver, I think it is better for us not to take shortcuts next time.” ”

Karen: “Agreed. ”


Tianyuan Bridge.

Lin Ziqin stood in front of the holographic stage with his hands in his hands.

In front of him was a picture transmitted through the shooting of Karen’s helmet.

At this moment, Karen’s every move was paid attention to by him.

In fact, ten minutes ago, when the Earth Army first activated the Soul Destroyer, he began to pay attention to the situation on the lunar base.

The Soul Requiem is powerful enough to pose a threat to the Imperial Battleships!

He was worried that something would happen to Conelia and deliberately activated the Tianyuan space-time weapon to prevent the Earth Army from launching the Soul Requiem at Cornelia’s flagship at any time.

However, it later proved that Lin Ziqin’s worries were superfluous.

It seems that due to technical problems, the Requiem system has an error that prevents it from being launched.

It’s even the countdown to self-detonation.

Karen stepped forward to prevent a catastrophic accident, and Lin Qin was proud of her.

And the scene where he had just used his hand as a missile reminded him of the sergeant major and Cortana.

The sergeant major and Cortana had done such a feat before, with their arms armored to shoot missiles!

“Little love, phase lock Karen, once the self-explosion crisis can not be lifted, immediately teleport Karen back!”

Karen was a good subordinate and a good woman, and he didn’t want to lose her.

“Nice host.”

With the help of Little Love, Karen should no longer be in danger.

Lin Zi Qin Bicai took his eyes off Ka Lian’s body and looked at the picture on the other side.

There is a picture of the main fleet of the Empire and the main fleet of the Earth Army at war.

But the battle over there is already coming to an end, and the Earth fleet has lost 93%.

Only 7 CRS-class light cruisers in the Imperial Fleet were damaged to varying degrees.

At present, the damaged warships have returned to Starport for repairs using tactical short-range folding jumps.

This life is one of the strengths of the Imperial Warships.

Once the battleship’s shield energy is exhausted, the ship’s body can be hit and you can immediately use the tactical short-range jump to leave the battlefield and return to Starport for repairs!

That’s right, it’s bullying you won’t be able to space jump technology!

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