Chapter 147 Turning to Earth!!

Bang~! Bang! Bang~!

Suddenly, the Earth Army’s flagship, Diru, fired three rockets.

The rocket exploded in the pitch-black universe, emitting three dazzling white lights.

“Is this a signal of surrender?”

Lin Ziqin witnessed all this.

For some reason, people in this world love to use signal flares to convey information.

Obviously, it is the information age, but it prefers to use such primitive means.

However, although Lin Ziqin did not understand this, he also understood what different colors of signal flares represented.

The three white rays of light represent the meaning of surrender!

“Master, do you want to accept the surrender of the other side?”

Xiao Ai asked.

Lin Ziqin thought about it and finally chose to accept it.

“Accept it, there’s no point in continuing to fight.”

It is more of a battle than a one-sided massacre.

For the slaughter of the weak, it really felt funny at the beginning.

But when this freshness passed, it gradually felt that it was not interesting.

“Send a few CRS-class light cruisers to take these captives back, and then let Li Xingke turn around and go to Earth to directly attack the headquarters of the Earth Army!”

“Obey orders!”

Li Xingke quickly received an order from Lin Ziqin, who immediately ordered the fleet to reverse its course and fly towards the earth.

In just a few moments, the Pang’s Imperial Fleet had reached the Earth’s high-altitude orbit.

“A third of the fleet was airborne on Earth, and the remaining two-thirds remained in Earth orbit for reinforcements.”

Li Xingke did not let an entire fleet enter the earth, just in case, he left two-thirds of the fleet to remain in the high orbit of the earth.

The adjutant Zhou Xiangrin nodded and began to carry out Li Xingke’s orders.

Before long, more than seventy warships broke away from the fleet and headed for Earth.

The appearance of such a huge fleet in the orbit of the earth naturally escaped the eyes of the earth army.

In fact, from the moment the lunar base disappeared, they had already anticipated that the enemy might attack Earth, so he had already made defensive preparations.

When more than seventy warships began to parachute into Earth, a large number of anti-aircraft weapons and anti-orbital guns were taken out by the Earth Army.

“A large number of anti-orbital weapons have been detected on the ground!”

“Lock these anti-orbital weapons! Get ready for orbital bombing! ”

Li Xingke was very happy.

Fortunately, he left enough warships in orbit to standby!

However, just as Li Xingke was preparing to use orbital bombardment to eliminate these weapons balls that posed a threat to the battleship, Zhou Xiangrin said: “Report Lord Li Xingke, I have detected that there are still a large number of civilians in the city below.” ”

“If orbital bombing is used, it will definitely cause a large number of civilian casualties, and I do not recommend orbital bombing to the enemy.”

Hearing this, Li Xing frowned.

He is not the kind of ruthless person who naturally cannot kill innocent civilians.

“Then send my elegant airborne troops and let them destroy the enemy’s railguns.”


After the words fell, a large number of airborne warehouses were thrown out, thousands of them!

Of course, half of these airborne warehouses are empty.

Because of the need to confuse the enemy’s anti-aircraft weapons, it is natural that the river can fill all the airborne warehouses with people.

And the empty airborne warehouse usually flies in front, so as to play a role in attracting firepower.


It is a huge city located in the eastern part of North America.

It is also home to the headquarters of the Earth Army!

Due to the headquarters of the Earth Army, the city was also built as a semi-fortress city.

Both the spacious streets and the towering buildings can see a hint of military style.

Beep Toot!

“All citizens are invited to enter the nearest shelter immediately for refuge!” Again, all citizens are requested to enter the nearest shelter immediately for evacuation! ”

Sirens set up in all corners of the city sounded a piercing siren.

It was accompanied by the serious, nervous and trembling voice of the announcer.

The citizens don’t yet know what’s going on.

They looked uneasy, but they obeyed the arrangement.

Everyone dropped what they were doing and went to the nearest shelter.

In fact, the citizens who live in the city will more or less encounter similar situations.

Sometimes it’s acting, sometimes it’s about escaping natural disasters.

But every time before that, the Yays would be notified in advance.

But this time it came so suddenly, that they weren’t even a little prepared.

“Mom, is the typhoon coming?”

The little girl hugged her bear doll and looked up at her mother, her innocent pupils filled with curiosity.

The girl’s mother shook her head.

“I don’t know.”

At this moment, the mother and daughter were standing in front of the entrance of some shelter.

In front of the two men, there was a long line.

There were so many people entering the shelter that a long line was formed.

Under the organization of the police, everyone obeyed the order and there was no chaos.

“Look at the heavens!”

Just then, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

This immediately aroused everyone’s curiosity.

He pretended to look up.

I saw dense black dots in the sky passing through the clouds and descending at a very fast speed.

And as time went on, these black dots grew larger and larger, and only then did they finally see the appearance of the black dots.

It’s a cool cannonball-like man-made metal object!

And it was the airborne warehouse dropped by the Tianyuan Empire fleet!

“What’s the send?”

No one knows what it is.

Just when everyone was curious, the streets of the city, the park ground suddenly cracked, and the anti-aircraft guns stretched out from the ground and began to tilt their fire towards the sky!

Suddenly, a large number of artillery pieces flew into the sky, forming a dense network of bullets!

Boom boom…

“Run! The war has begun! ”

“Don’t be stunned by the people in front!” If you don’t want to die, get into the shelter quickly! ”

At this moment, everyone understood.

It turns out that the flames of war have spread here!

The residents who reacted quickly ran toward the shelter.


Suddenly, an unmanned airborne barn that had been hit smashed not far from the crowd and exploded violently.

The explosion was like a stone falling into the waters of a lake, breaking the tranquility of the water, and the orderly team was instantly chaotic.

They desperately ran into the shelter.

Even during this period, there were many stampedes, and some people lost their precious lives as a result.

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