Chapter 148 Lin Ziqin’s Worries!!

“Strange, so strange.”

In front of the holographic platform of the Tianyuan Bridge.

Lin Ziqin Mo clutched his chin and fell into bitter thought.

This scene happened to be witnessed by Lacus, who came to call him back to rest.

“What’s up, honey.”

Lacus stretched out her slender jade hand and stretched her eyebrows.

“It’s Lacus, you.”

Lin Ziqin realized the arrival of Lax.

Lacus asked curiously, “What are you thinking?” What’s weird? ”

Lin Ziqin turned his head and looked at the holographic platform, on which was the report on the situation of the earth.

“Now that my starship has entered the Earth’s atmosphere, the landing force has surrounded the headquarters of the Earth Army, but the other side has no intention of surrendering, which makes me feel very strange.”

It has now been seven hours since the Earth landing.

At this moment the Alaskan side has entered the middle of the night.

But the fighting still didn’t stop.

Shells and colorful beams of light glide across the night sky, adding a touch of color to the dark night.

The Earth Army ground forces have largely been crippled.

They are now huddled in a base for defense.

The Earth Army base is a fortress buried deep underground.

A forced attack is difficult to take down.

If you use railgun bombardment, you can destroy the base.

But sending could also destroy several nearby underground shelters.

Inside the shelters, there are at least a hundred thousand civilians.

Lin Ziqin could not do anything to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians!

So he’s waiting!

Wait for the Earth Army to surrender!

But now that so much time had passed, the other side had never surrendered, which made him feel very strange.

Why didn’t they surrender?

Is it difficult for them to have any hole cards?

Is there the latter they intend to die to the end?

But why is Yi Yi?

One doubt after another surged in Lin Ziqin’s heart.

And the left eyelid that had been jumping also gave him a bad premonition.

No, we have to figure out what the Earth Army is thinking!

Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin immediately called out Xiao Ai.

“Little love, contact Cornelia now!”

“Obey orders!”

After a moment of illness, the holographic table screen switched, and Cornelia’s figure appeared in front of Lin Ziqin in a holographic shadow mode.

“Your Honor, what’s the matter?”

Cornelia did not expect that the Emperor would contact him so late.

Lin Ziqin asked, “Ka Lian, is she back?” ”


Karen had already returned.

Together with BT7274, she successfully prevented the explosion of the Moon Jiyan Town Requiem Reactor.

At the moment she was resting, waiting for the next task.

“I’ve got a task here, and you’re in charge of handing it over to her, so let Ania go with me, and I’ll be more relieved that the two of them go together.”

“Obey orders!”

After the communication, Lin Ziqin immediately sent the task to Cornelia.

“Honey, let’s go back and rest, it’s so late, C.C. sisters, they’re still waiting for us.”


Lin Ziqin also found that the time had passed so late at this time.

He took Lax’s slender and soft jade hand and left the Tianyuan bridge with Cornelia to look at it for the first time after receiving the content of the mission.

As Karen and Anya’s immediate superior, she was naturally qualified to look at their tasks.

Unless Lin Ziqin said that only the performer can know the content of the task, she is eligible to view any task content!

When she finished reading the mission, Cornelia’s face became strange.

“This task… Is the Emperor worried about something? ”

Cornelia couldn’t understand.

But she called Cornelia and Ania to her.

“I have a task here that the Emperor himself named and asked you to complete.”

“Yes, guaranteed mission accomplished!”

Karen and Ania looked serious as soon as they heard this.

Although they still knew what the task was, it was certainly simple for the Emperor to personally assign it.

But even if it is not simple, they will not refuse.

It’s all for the Emperor!

“I will pass on the content of the mission to your people’s terminals, you go to prepare first, and in fifteen minutes there will be a transport plane that will deliver you to General Li Xingke’s flagship.”

“At this moment, Cornelia’s fleet is still hovering above the Earth Army’s lunar surface base, and Lin Ziqin’s mission is to require them to go to Earth, so they must first be transferred to the flagship of the Daoli Star Carving.”

“Obey orders!”

The two nodded and left the bridge.

Fifteen minutes later, Karen and Ania boarded the transport plane for the flagship of Le Singke.

At the same time, the two received the content of the mission from Cornelia.


Karen read the mission briefing for the first time.

“The forest… Lord Emperor, he actually asked me to infiltrate the Earth Army Alaska headquarters to find out what the Earth Army high-level was thinking? ”

Anya was slightly stunned, and a touch of surprise appeared on her pretty little face.

She also did not expect that Lin Ziqin would assign them this task.

However, infiltrating the battle is not the first time they have carried out, and they do not feel that it is difficult.

Not long after, the two finally arrived at Li Xingke’s flagship to receive the two Li Xingke’s aide-de-camp, Zhou Xiangrin.

“I have already received the combat mission of the two adults, please come with me, I will take you to the airborne room.”

According to their ranks, both Karen and Ania were much taller than Zhou Xiangrin, so it was not wrong for her to call them adults.

“You’re in trouble.”

Karen and Ania followed Zhou Xiangrin to the airborne room.

At this time, there is also a group of orbital airborne troops preparing for airborne operations.

When Yaya saw both Karen and Anya, they both showed a look of surprise.

“It’s the legendary warriors Lord Karen and Lord Ania!”

Among the warriors of the Empire, Karen and Ania are very famous ‘stars’!

Without him, it is only because the two of them have completed difficult tasks that ordinary people cannot complete many times!

Although the two now wear power armor and put on helmets.

However, the power armor of both men was specially made, and there were only two people in the entire empire.

Therefore, some orbital airborne troops still recognized the identities of the two men.

“Two adults, you will be in airborne operations with this orbital airborne force, but their mission is different from yours, and once you reach the ground, the rest of the mission will be on your own.”

Zhou Xiangrin explained the operation procedure for the two people.

Karen and Anya nodded, they naturally knew this clearly.

In fact, the more people who infiltrate the fighter, the worse it is.

“Then please prepare the two adults, and in three minutes the orbital airborne will begin!”

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