Chapter 149 Karen and Anya’s Infiltration Battle!!


The scorching flames burned the ground, burning everything that could be burned to ashes.

Waste paper, shredded wood became the most loyal servants of the flames, and they burned themselves and made the flames more brilliant.

In the midst of the flames, there was a cracking sound of broken wood from time to time.

in the tunnel.

More than twenty Earth Army soldiers sat around the fire.

Some wiped their weapons, others held military cans and stomachs, others sat there in a daze, and others began to complain.

“When will this war be the head?”

Although the war has only begun less than a day now, many people’s will to fight has been worn away.

In fact, after witnessing the fall of one comrade after another around them in this tragic war, most people have a hard time maintaining the initial determination of the monkey.

“Hey, I don’t know when the retreat order was issued from above.”

“Retreat? Oh, now that the three seas, land, and air routes are blocked by the enemy, how can we still retreat? ”

The voice came from behind the people, and everyone heard and looked.

Only to see a soldier with a rifle approach.

When they saw this man, the crowd stood up.


“Captain, you’re back!”

“Captain, are what you just said true?”

The crowd could not help but look curiously at their captain.

The squad leader came and sat down by the campfire and continued, “True or false, don’t you already know it in your hearts?” ”

The squad leader took a crumpled cigarette case from his pocket and drew an equally crumpled cigarette from it.

He lit the cigarette over a campfire and took a sharp sip.

The familiar smell of nicotine runs down the airways and into his lungs, giving him great pleasure.

These pleasures instantly sweep away the previous fatigue.

But compared to this squad leader, the others were not in the mood to enjoy it.

“Since you can’t retreat, why don’t you surrender?”

“Yeah, yeah, enemy drones have been flying around the city, shouting that as long as you surrender, don’t kill, why don’t you surrender?”

“Who knows if the other side really disarmed and didn’t kill?” What if one is to trick us out? ”

“Yeah, I don’t want to surrender anyway.”

Beep beep beep!

Suddenly, the personal terminal on the squad leader’s wrist suddenly made a noise.

After a brief pause, the squad leader reacted.

He quickly threw the cigarette in his mouth into the campfire and stomped it out.

“Someone is coming! Everyone is ready for battle! ”

The entrance to the tunnel has sensors placed by the squad leader.

An alarm sound is sounded as soon as someone enters and is detected by the sensor.

The others quickly took up their weapons and hid behind the bunkers, raising their guns to prepare for battle.

The entrance to the tunnel was dark, and no one could see what was going on outside.

Everyone stared nervously ahead, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

One second, two seconds… One minute, two minutes…

But when the time passed for three minutes, they never saw any people appear.

“Could it be that something went wrong with the sensor?”

The squad leader frowned slightly and murmured.

The tunnel is not very long, only more than a hundred meters long.

If someone had come in, the other party would have arrived here long ago.

But now they had never seen anyone, so he had to wonder if there was something wrong with the sensor.

“Corey, you take someone out to see.”

The squad leader shouted at a man.

The male guard, named Corey, nodded.



However, when he had just gotten up to take the two people around him out to check on the situation, a blue light flashed by.

The next second, Corey’s head and upper body exploded in an instant, leaving only the lower body to fall to the ground!


The squad leader was stunned, but then he immediately gave the order to counterattack.

“Enemy attack! Fire back! ”


Everyone pulled the trigger and opened fire in the direction where the light had just flown in for a moment, and a deafening gunshot came from the tunnel.


Three more points of light flew ahead.

In the blink of an eye, three more teammates fell in a pool of blood.

“Marko! Aino! Kiel! ”

Watching his teammates fall, the squad leader felt very sad in his heart.

But just as he was stunned, a round object emitting blue light flew over and finally landed at the feet of another of him and several teammates.

“Be careful! It’s a grenade! ”


The blue plasma body was like a sickle wielded by the god of death, and several lives were harvested in an instant.

The squad leader was lucky, he wasn’t too close to the plasma grenade.

At the time of the explosion, he did not splash enough plasma to kill people.

However, the shock wave threw him into the air, and finally smashed him the wall and passed out.

The battle continues.

But it didn’t last long.

And as the last Earth Army soldier fell, the gunfire in the tunnel finally subsided.

“There’s another living mouth here.”

In a trance, the comatose squad leader heard a voice.

The voice was very soft, like the voice of a young girl.

He wanted to open his eyes zeroly, but the sleepiness was like a seal, making it impossible for him to lift his eyelids.

Karen saw Ania raise her gun and prepare to get to know such an enemy.

She quickly reached out and pressed the gun down.

“Don’t kill him first, he may be of some use to us.”

Ania wondered, “What do you mean?” ”

Karen didn’t answer, she just pointed to a door on the tunnel wall not far away.

It was a security door with an authenticated fingerprint scanner on top of the door.

“That’s the way it is.”

Ania instantly understood Karen’s thoughts.

Immediately afterward, the two men picked up the unconscious enemy and led him to safety.

And using his fingerprints, he unlocked the security door.

As the security door opens, an elevator is in sight.

“Take this elevator and go directly to the underground base of the Earth Army.”

Two people came to the front of the elevator.

Ania pressed the button, but found that nothing had happened.

“It is estimated that the person below cut off the power of the elevator.”

“My men will use other methods.”

With that, Karen stretched out her hands and slammed the elevator door open.

There was no elevator behind this door, but an invisible abyss The two took a look at the situation below and jumped without hesitation

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