Chapter 150 Cyclops System!!

Early morning.

Lin Ziqin woke up from his sleep.

The entrance is a familiar ceiling.

The green and pink hair mingled like a silk thread on his own chest.

There was a feeling of heaviness in both shoulders.

Turning his head to see, it was C.C. and Lax’s beautiful and peaceful sleeping faces.

Crystal jade-like pink lips, delicate nose, blown-up small face, all make people’s blood veins swell.

But Lin Ziqin still resisted, he pulled his arms out of the arms of the two wives, and crept off the bed.

When he had finished his clothes, he quietly left the warm room.

“Master, Karen and Ania have successfully infiltrated the Earth Army base and obtained an important piece of information from it!”

“And this information may be the reason why they have not surrendered!”

Little Love Flower Room waited outside the door for a long time.

As soon as Lin Ziqin left the room, it flew out.

The big blue mechanical eyeball shone brightly.

There is a hint of seriousness in the words.

Lin Ziqin immediately asked, “Tell me about it, what kind of intelligence?” ”

“Back to their masters, Karen and Ania discover in the Earth Army base that the Earth Army is preparing to activate a secret weapon.”

“The name of a weapon is the ‘Cyclops System,’ and it’s simply a very large microwave device.”

“Once started, it will become a huge hot melt furnace within a radius of more than ten kilometers!”

“The Earth Army intends to use this oversized ‘microwave oven’ against our fleet!”

Cyclops system?

After listening to Xiao Ai’s words, Lin Ziqin’s mind instantly remembered the plot of a certain original work.

Zaft’s army invaded the earth, and then the earth army activated the Cyclops system to explode in order to eliminate Zaft’s army, and the entire city instantly turned into a high-temperature microwave oven!

So, is the city destroyed by the Cyclops system in the original book Alaska?

Perhaps because of the past too long, Lin Ziqin has long since stopped remembering this plot.

If it weren’t for Xiao Ai’s reminder to him, maybe he wouldn’t even know about the Cyclops system now!

Thinking of it, Lin Ziqin’s forehead flowed out a cold sweat!

Among the many black weapons of the Earth Army, the Cyclops system is not the strongest.

In terms of attack power and practicality, the Cyclops system can only be regarded as the last ranking.

But the Cyclops system has a more special property.

That’s penetrating objects!

The Cyclops system emits a microwave beam, and the microwave beam can penetrate most objects to destroy the inside of the object!

Lin Ziqin didn’t know if the microwave beam could penetrate the shield of the Imperial Battleship, and he didn’t want to try it, but he also dared to try!

In any case, he will not allow the Earth Army to activate the Cyclops system!

Seemingly seeing Lin Qin’s concern, Xiao Ai explained, “Master, you can rest assured that for the time being, the Earth Army will not be able to activate the Cyclops system, if it were to be launched, they would have launched it long ago, and they would not have waited until now.” ”

Yeah, too!

Now the whole of Alaska has fallen.

External reinforcements could not enter it, and internal enemies could not withdraw.

If the Earth Army wants to use the Cyclops system, he should use it!

Xiao Ai’s words made Lin Shouqin react completely.

“Then why did the Earth Army delay activating the Cyclops system?”

Xiao Ai answered, “It is the reason for the equipment.” ”

“The Cyclops system was built by the Earth Army before September, but the construction of the Cyclops system stalled for three months due to the fact that the Intermediate Earth Army tilted a lot of resources to fleet construction.”

“The Cyclops system only started construction again eleven days ago, and many of the equipment has not been commissioned, and even some of the equipment is not in place, so they can’t start the Cyclops system at all!”

After listening to Xiao Ai’s answer, Lin Ziqin was completely relieved.

Fortunately, the butterfly effect does not seem to be without benefits.

The threads of fate entangle cause and effect.

A few months ago, I did an unintentional act, but a few months later I helped myself a lot.

“Little love, let Karen and Ania find a way to destroy the Cyclops system!” This weapon must not be allowed to be finished! ”

Although Lin Ziqin believed that under the blockade of the Imperial Fleet, it was impossible for the Earth Army to complete this weapon.

But just in case, the best way is to destroy it directly!

But Xiao Ai didn’t seem to think so.

“Master, I don’t recommend destroying the Cyclops system, we may be able to use it to break through the Earth Army base!”

Hearing this, Lin Ziqin looked at Xiao Ai doubtfully.

“Oh? What does this mean? ”

Xiao Ai directly projected a holographic picture with a large blue eyeball.

This picture is exactly the holographic image of the Earth Army base.

“Master, the Earth Army base is built one hundred and fifty meters underground.”

“To destroy it, it is very simple for us, a glowing spear attack, or an orbital bombardment, is enough to bury this base underground forever.”

“But there are multiple shelters near this base, and if we attack with a light spear or bomb in orbit, we will undoubtedly destroy these shelters as well.”

“If that’s the case, why don’t we destroy this Earth Army base from within?”

“Destroying it from the inside can cause minimal damage to the shelter!”

“And the Cyclops system is our key weapon in destroying the Earth Army base!”

“As long as we control the range of attack of the Cyclops system, we don’t need to worry about hurting nearby shelters!”

Lin Ziqin also understood the meaning of Xiao Ai.

“Your method is really good, but isn’t the Cyclops system not perfect, can it be activated?”

“Rest assured Master, if it is only for small-scale use, the Cyclops system can still be activated.”

“If that’s the case, then Kyo will do it according to your plan.”

Lin Ziqin thought about it and finally agreed to Xiao Ai’s method.

Beyond that, there doesn’t seem to be a better way.

The Earth Army would rather die than surrender, and he didn’t want to continue to let his fleet waste time there.

After all, there is only one place on the whole earth in Alaska that needs them to capture!

However, just in case, Lin Ziqin still issued a retreat order.

Get the fleet out of Alaska range and keep a relatively safe distance.

After getting the approval of his master, Xiao Ai happily passed on his plan to Karen and Ania who were still on standby at the Earth Army base.

It didn’t take long for Karen and Ania to set up Launcher II for the Cyclops system with the help of Little Love.

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