Chapter 152 The Return of the Expeditionary Fleet!!

Near the Oort Nebula Dimensional Gate.

A large star space station several times larger than the lunar colony is under construction!

It is a dual-use space station used to house Imperial warships and serve as a transit point and customs for future connections to the New World.

There is no doubt that this dimensional gate is not the last, and there will definitely be more dimensional doors being opened here in the future!

In order to ensure that the circulation between the worlds becomes safer, the construction of such a multifunctional space station is a must.

However, it is worth mentioning that the space station uses the technology of the forerunner.

But the people who built the space station were not almighty templar defenders, but craftsmen of the Empire!

After all, you can’t let the Templar defenders do everything, but you must also properly train some Imperial technicians.

In the event that the Templar defenders suddenly stopped in the future, wouldn’t the Empire have no one to use?

It was lunch break, and the workers had put down their work and returned to rest in an engineering ship called the Patriots.

The Patriot engineering ship was converted from a Phoenix-class colonial ship.

It is 2500 meters long, 800 meters wide and 689 meters high.

Since it is an engineering ship, it is equipped with a large number of construction equipment and resource extraction equipment.

In addition, there are more than 20,000 engineering personnel and tens of thousands of engineering robots because they are locally sourced, so the workers have completed 15% of the construction process in just over a month.

That 15% may not seem like much, but it’s actually pretty fast.

You know, when the space station is fully completed, it can accommodate fifty to one million people!

In addition, there are two large port areas inside that can accommodate 3,000 ships of all types!

A space station of this scale, just imagining it is enough to shock people!


Just as the workers were happily eating in the canteen, a blue light suddenly lit up outside the porthole.

The workers looked curiously, only to see that the dimensional gate, which had been silent for more than a month, suddenly opened.

Immediately after that, a large number of Imperial warships sailed out from the other side of the dimensional gate!

“It’s my Ya expeditionary fleet!”

“I didn’t expect to come back so soon, is the battle over there over?”

“Great, my son is one of the expeditionary forces, and I don’t know how he’s doing.”

“Coincidentally, that kid in my family is there too!”

For the fleet, the citizens of the Empire were naturally quite familiar.

That was the expeditionary fleet that had been sent over a month ago to conquer the New World!

Now that his title has returned, it means that the war in the new world is over!

Under the gaze of a large number of people, the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet activated the jump engine and left the Oort Nebula.

“Welcome back.”

Lin Ziqin sat high on the throne, and at the bottom of the stairs were Conelia on one knee, Li Xingke, and Lu Luxiu.

Li Xing caressed his chest and said excitedly, “Lord Hui Emperor, I have lived up to my expectations and successfully conquered a new world for you!” ”

Cornelia said darkly, “It’s just a pity that I waited too incompetently and spent more than a month dedicating this new world to you.” ”

The overall strength of the enemy in the New World was actually not strong.

With the strength of the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet, it wouldn’t take long to conquer them.

In fact, the battle against the Earth Army had ended three weeks earlier.

The reason why they returned after so long was mainly because of the suppression of rebellions and rebel groups.

Although the Earth Army has fallen, there are still many rebels around the world who obey the rule of the Empire.

Although they are small, they hide like rats in the shadows and make them difficult to find.

And he likes to carry out terrorist attacks everywhere and disrupt the new order established by the empire.

It took so long for the two to completely eliminate these scattered rebel groups.

“No problem, one month is within my acceptance.”

Lin Ziqin expressed great understanding of this.

Sometimes, cleaning up small organizations can be much more cumbersome than fighting a large-scale war.

The lighthouse country in his mother’s world was completely trapped in the quagmire of the Middle East because of a ‘security war’.

“And you are coming back at the right time, the Empire will be building colonies in the near future, and I intend to send you Yaya to help.”

Imperial soldiers don’t just have to expand the territory of the Empire and defend against the enemy!

When in need, they also want to help the people build the empire together!

No way, after all, the current population of the Empire is too small, less than seven billion (not including the population of the New World)

And most of them can only be left on Earth, and there are very few people who can use to build colonies.

In addition, the empire still has to build a lot of extraterrestrial colonies, which is even more stretched.

Even if Lin Ziqin asked Xiao Ai to send the Temple Defenders to help, it was still not enough.

At this time, the Imperial Army needs help.

Cornelia and Li Xingke had no problem with this.

To build a beautiful empire, my generation is duty-bound!

“You two go down, and then Xiao Ai will arrange tasks for you.”


After Conelia and Li Xingke left, Lin Ziqin looked at Lu Luxiu.

“Lu Luxiu, the new world can calm down so quickly, you can’t do anything!”

“I’m going to reward you well, do you need anything?”

While Conelia and Li Xingke were fighting around, Lu 123 Lu Xiu followed the two men in charge of finishing the work.

Whenever the two men conquered a city or a country, Lu Luxiu would be the first to take over the administration of the city.

Under his administration, the conquered lands were quickly restored to order and in line with imperial society.

Therefore, if you want to talk about merit, Lu Luxiu’s is not weaker than Conelia and Li Xingke, and even has it!

“There is nothing special to need.”

Lulu Xiu shook his head and said.

He is neither greedy for money nor power-hungry, so he does not value rewards.

However, he did not refuse Lin Ziqin’s reward.

For merit will be rewarded, and sin will be punished, this is the rule of the empire!

Lin Ziqin said quietly, “Since this is the case, then I will give you a battleship that belongs to you alone!” ”

Whether it is his emperor or the queen princess, the three major generals of the empire have their own flagships.

Only Lu Luxiu, the Imperial Prime Minister, did not disappear.

Mainly because he was not a combatant, it was useless to come to the battleship world.

Every time he was needed to travel, he was randomly drawn from the Imperial army and a warship suitable for his identity as his temporary ship.

“Thank you to everyone in the Emperor!”

Lu Luxiu bowed his head and thanked him…

He also likes such rewards.

After all, no man can refuse a Star Battleship of his own!

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