Chapter 153 Third Level Civilization!!

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

“Congratulations Master, Mission Four is complete!”

“Get Rewards: Unlock 30% inheritance, unlock 30% of the shield world’s weapon system, unlock the construction blueprints of the Precursor Destroyer and some cruisers!”

“In recognition of your diligence, I will once again give you fifteen starports and five spacestations!”

This morning, Lin Ziqin had just woken up from his sleep when he heard Xiao Ai’s gentle and delicate voice.

The residual drowsiness was swept away!

“Finally completed Mission Four?”

He stretched out and showed a comfortable expression on his face.

In fact, the five extraterrestrial colonies had been built three months earlier.

Even at this moment the Empire had begun to build a sixth colony.

But the goal of the mission is not just to build five colonies, but also to have at least 100,000 inhabitants in each colony!

Alien migration didn’t happen overnight, so Mission Four was delayed until now.

“Now it’s finally possible to build a forerunner warship!”

It was almost as Lin Ziqin imagined.

This mission is completed, and you can really unlock the Precursor Battleship!

Although it is only the destroyer class and cruiser class, it is always the battleship of the forerunner!

What’s more, the battleships of the First Runner, even if they are destroyer level, their specifications are far larger than the aircraft carriers of the Star Alliance or the human LSC!

And the combat effectiveness is also above both!

(PS: The largest battleship of the human LSC, the Crispy Infinity, can only be regarded as a destroyer class in the eyes of the forerunners)

“Although it is possible to build a forerunner warship, I don’t mind if you make more love and open your mouth again and give your own advice.”


Lin Yuqin asked.

After unlocking the forerunner battleship blueprints, he also planned to directly build hundreds of precursor battleships to form his private fleet!

As a result, Xiao Ai doesn’t mind building more?


“The reason is simple, the resources required to build the Precursor warship are very large! There are some resources that you can’t tap for the time being. ”

“There are only a few such resources in the shield world, and once they are used up, they will not be reborn.”

Xiao Ai patiently gave an answer.

After listening to the words, Lin Ziqin was speechless on the spot.

After so many years of hard work, is it still impossible to complete the dream of commanding a fleet of millions of forerunners?

Xiao Ai continued, “If you want to build more forerunner warships, you must continue to work hard to develop. ”

“When the Empire leaves the solar system and enters the disease of the vast universe, you can really solve the resource problem.”

“Well, I know all this, but I’m still a little disappointed.”

Lin Ziqin sighed softly.

Although the empire has entered space, the main development is still in the solar system.

Space outside the star system is still only in the exploration phase.

Lin Ziqin estimated that in a year or two, the empire would not develop outside the solar system, or that sentence, the population was insufficient!

Don’t look at the fact that the Empire now has a population of more than 18 billion people (including the population of the New World), but it is developing two solar systems at the same time, even if this population is still a bit insufficient.

To this end, a year ago, Lin Ziqin also promulgated a policy of multiple births and multiple breeding, in order to make up for the shortage of population.

But even so, it is impossible to fill this vacancy in a short period of time.

“Xiao Ai, with the resources I have at hand, how many Forerunner warships can I build?”

Although it was impossible to build the forerunner warships on a large scale, Lin Ziqin still planned to build a few first.

After all, the practicality of the forerunner battleship is too strong, who knows!

Xiao Ai did not answer directly, but instead projected a virtual panel in front of Lin Ziqin.

The panel appeared with an introduction to the Forerunner destroyers and cruisers.

Among them, destroyers are roughly divided into one to three classes, while cruisers are divided into one to five classes.

“Different classes of battleships require different resources, depending on which battleship you want to build.”

Lin Ziqin thought for a moment, pointed to the lowest-level destroyer and asked, “Then take a first-class destroyer as an example.” ”

Xiao Ai immediately replied, “If it is a first-class destroyer, you can only build sixteen of the resources you currently have, and only sixteen empty ships, not including the various vehicles and war machines carried in it.” ”

“Is it too little?”

Xiao Ai’s answer completely exceeded Lin Ziqin’s expectations.

Sixteen is too few!

He had thought that at least thirty or forty had started, but who would have thought that he had not even broken through twenty!

“Okay, then build me ten out, and by the way, help me fill up the battle configuration of this juice battleship.”

It always feels a bit like you’re playing a game of kryptonite.

“Obey orders!”

“By the way, what about my task five?”

This waited, Lin Ziqin finally found out that after the task was completed, Xiao Ai did not immediately release task five.

In the past, she reminded herself that when a task was completed, she would immediately release the next task.

“Mission Five won’t open yet.”

Xiao Ai replied.


“Because the opening condition of mission five is that the civilization level needs to reach level 2.”

“What is the current civilization level of the empire?”

“Barely entering the level 3 civilization, that is, the beginning of level 3.”

“What? Only the beginning of level 3? I thought the Empire had at least reached level 3 now! ”

No wonder Lin Ziqin was so surprised.

Because with the average level of technology in the Empire today, it has indeed reached the middle of level 3.

In fact, some of the Empire’s cutting-edge technology has even reached Level 2!

After all, it absorbs the technology of the forerunners.

Unfortunately, the level of science and technology alone cannot determine the level of a civilization.

Technology, the number of colonization stars, the means by which science and technology are used, the number of people of civilization, and the size of the army are all important factors in assessing the level of a civilization.

Although the Tianyuan Empire is technologically advanced, in the final analysis, it is still just a civilization that has just stepped into the universe, Lin Ziqin sighed: “It seems that if you want to unlock mission five, you want to do a long way.” ”

The Star Alliance has been a level 2 civilization for thousands of years by picking up the fragmentary technology of the forerunners.

If Lin Ziqin wanted to rely on the perfect forerunner technology in his hands to develop into a level 2 civilization, it was estimated that it would take tens or hundreds of years.

Just then, the door to the room was opened, and C.C. walked into Lai.

“Wake up, wake up and come out for breakfast.”

Lin Ziqin withdrew his thoughts and began to get up and get dressed.

After washing, Lin Ziqin came to the table to have breakfast with his wives.

“I’m going to have a second world crossing in a few days, do any of you want to go with me, or stay at home and wait for me to come back?”

At the table, Lin Ziqin suddenly opened his mouth.

This was not a sudden decision.

In fact, half a month ago, Lin Ziqin had planned to carry out the next world crossing.

It’s been a year off, even World Two (SEED World)

We have entered a stage of steady development, and it is time to conquer the third world!

(PS: The civilization level of “Halo” is divided from the lowest to the highest level 7 civilization, 6 civilization, 5 civilization, 4 civilization, 3 civilization, 2 civilization, 1 civilization and the highest 0 civilization, and our earth is still in the middle of the 5th level civilization, that is, the nuclear age)

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