Chapter 154 Crossing Again and Heading to a New World!!

Shield World Central Control Center.

After breakfast, Lin Ziqin and Xiao Ai came here to prepare to start the crossing.

In the end, C.C. and the others, like the last time, chose to stay and help him run the empire.

Lin Ziqin was not surprised by this.

And it’s better if she could stay.

He could put a hundred hearts into their hands.

However, unlike the last time, Shamna as the emperor’s personal maid was not taken by Lin Ziqin.

Instead, Karen and Ania, the two strongest soldiers of the Empire, were taken by Lin Ziqin.

The reason why Lin Ziqin would bring these two people was mainly because they could sometimes help themselves to complete some tasks that ordinary people did not do.

Well, to put it bluntly, now Karen and Ania have become Spartan warriors in Lin Ziqin’s eyes.

The two also underwent physical strengthening surgery and wore power armor.

This is simply another version of the Spartan warrior!

However, in terms of strength, the two are probably far stronger than the Spartan warriors.

“Little love, start the world crossing.”

“Obey orders!”

Ten minutes later, everything was ready.

With Lin Ziqin’s order, the shield world once again began its journey through the world!

……… New World Division…


The dark void was suddenly torn open by a crack.

The 15,000-meter-long Tianyuan was the first to jump out of slippery space.

This was followed by a large number of retinue warships.

This time, Lin Ziqin carried more fleets than the last time.

Including the Tianyuan, there are more than a hundred warships of various types!

There was no way, now that the Tianyuan Empire had exceeded more than six hundred warships, Lin Ziqin had completely expanded!

Even if more than a hundred warships were drawn, it would not have much impact on the Empire’s troops.

“The wake-up procedure has started.”

In the confusion, Lin Ziqin heard Xiao Ai’s voice echoing in his mind when he opened his eyes, and the entrance was a solid transparent energy shield.

He had just woken up, and he was still in a hazy state.

He didn’t even know why he was lying here.

But this state of affairs did not last long.

When the energy shield was lifted from the shop, he remembered everything.

“Little love, have you arrived in the solar system?”

Xiao Ai replied softly, “Yes master, after a month of space jumping, we have successfully reached the solar system of this new world!” ”

“Did I sleep for a month?”

Lin Ziqin murmured.

This crossing trip could not be said to have been much smoother than the last.

Because the place they crossed turned out to be some unknown star field more than 400,000 light-years away from the Milky Way!

At that time, when he learned where he was, Lin Ziqin’s whole body was numb.

I didn’t expect this crossing to deviate so far!

In order to go to the solar system that sent the world, Lin Ziqin entered hibernation.

Even with the Forerunner’s Leap Technology, it took them a full month to return to the Milky Way more than 400,000 light-years away!

Fortunately, they didn’t travel to Andromeda or other galaxies, otherwise they might have taken longer to make their way.

Lin Ziqin slowly stood up, feeling the situation of his body.

He found himself dormant for a month without any discomfort.

Then he looked to the side.

There are also two dormant pods.

The dormancy pod was there, and Karen and Anya were lying quietly, as if they were sleeping normally.

“Little love, wake up Karen and Ania too.”

“Obey orders!”

The wake-up procedure did not last long, and after only half a minute or so, the two daughters opened their eyes one after another.

Like Lin Ziqin, the two were obviously a little dazed when they opened their eyes.

After all, including Lin Ziqin, this was their first dormancy.

Never experienced it before.

However, when she saw Lin Ziqin staring at herself, the second daughter remembered their situation at this time.

“Two ladies, how did you sleep this night?”

Lin Ziqin looked at the two young girls with a smile.

Although they are not old and immortal, after several years of development, there is still a little change.

For example, Aniya, she has advanced from a tablet loli to a giant R Lolita.

And Karen’s hair became longer, a red hair straight up to the waist, which she tied into a long single ponytail.

“Very good value for money”

The two women nodded, stood up and stretched out, and the graceful posture was fully revealed in front of Qin.

Like Lin Ziqin, after they just woke up, they tried to check their physical condition.

I was also very surprised to find that there was no discomfort.

Ming Ming lay motionless in bed for a month, but his physical functions were still in the best condition.

Sure enough, the Empire’s technology can always make people feel unthinkable!

“Let’s go, let’s go to the bridge together.”

Then Lin Ziqin left the dormant room with his second daughter and went to the bridge.

“Little love, where are we now?”

After arriving at the bridge, Lin Ziqin immediately inquired about their current location.

Xiao Ai replied: “I am currently located in the Oort Nebula, only 1.2 light years away from the solar system. ”

Xiao Ai was very cautious and did not rush into the solar system with the fleet.

The Oort Nebula is the natural protective layer of the solar system, enveloping the entire solar system like a circular bubble.

But again, it’s also the best place to hide.

This is full of dense meteorites, and the fleet hides in it and is difficult to detect.

Even if the Earth civilization of this world is also an interstellar civilization, it is estimated that it is difficult to find a fleet of deliberately hiding in the vast nebula!

“Let’s take a look at the situation on Earth.”

It’s so close to Earth that there is no need for a reconnaissance ship at all.

With the ultra-space detection radar that comes with Tianyuan, it is enough to understand the situation on Earth.

Lin Ziqin’s fingers lightly touched in front of the holographic table.

The holographic table lit up instantly.

A virtual projection appeared in front of everyone.

It was a blue planet.

It seems familiar, but it gives people a sense of strangeness.

Lin Ziqin frowned slightly: “Is this really the earth?” ”

To understand the confusion, he pulls the holographic picture to the disease.

Immediately afterward, the entire solar system came into view.

The third planet is right, the aqua blue appearance is right.


What is the situation of the land plate division on this day?

The continental plate of the earth in front of him is completely the same as the earth he knows well!

The Pacific, Indian, and Eurasian plates are gone!

In its place are several pieces of unknown land and sea.

“Did we come to Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?”

Karen guessed.

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