Chapter 155: The Prehistoric World? No, this is the apocalyptic world!!

“Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?” Not without reason. ”

What Ka Lian said was exactly what Lin Ziqin had guessed.

The plate segments on Earth are very strange and look like they were in prehistoric times.

Of course, it could also be Earth hundreds of millions of years from now.

However, this is less likely.

After all, hundreds of millions of years from now, who knows if the Earth still exists?

But Xiao Ai’s next answer overturned everyone’s speculation.

“According to the detection of radioisotope decay in the sun, the age of the sun at this moment is five billion years.”

“Therefore, it can be concluded that the time and space we are in is not a prehistoric era, let alone a future hundreds of millions of years later.”

“And after scanning the Earth’s surface, I found that there are human life signals and a small number of traces of civilization on Earth.”

As Xiao Ai’s voice fell, the picture of the holographic platform also changed and the three people saw a ruined city.

The broken streets are covered with weeds, the towering buildings are covered in vines and moss, and the weather-beaten vehicles have long been rusted and thrown to the side of the road.

From the above points, it is not difficult to see how brilliant human civilization was at this time.

“Have we come to an apocalyptic world?”

Lin Qinmo muttered softly with his chin.

The images in front of him reminded him of the post-war or post-disaster world of some films.

However, there are no signs of fighting in this abandoned city.

It is not difficult to guess from the fragmented surface that it was most likely destroyed by a high-intensity earthquake.

In other words, this world is not a post-war world, but more likely a post-disaster world.

Post-disaster world?

At least conquering the world is relatively simple, and no one can stop you.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin opened the control panel of the shield world and glanced at the cooldown time of the world crossing function.

There is still more than a month to go.

The cooldown time after this crossing is only more than two months.

They had spent a month in the dormant pod, and now they only have more than half of the cooldown time left.

Waving his hand to close the virtual panel in front of him, Lin Ziqin said, “Little Love, take us to Earth.” ”

After confirming that the human civilization of this world would still pose a threat to himself, Lin Ziqin was no longer low-key.

Not only that, but he also planned to start the world conquest plan directly, without waiting for the imperial army.

With the current human situation in this world, their survival may be a problem, who has the ability to stop him!

“Obey orders!”

More than a hundred warships activated their jump engines at the same time.

Suddenly, a large number of space vortexes appeared in the dark universe, like white lilies blooming one by one, brilliant and dazzling!

But soon this gorgeous scene disappeared, and the star returned to tranquility.

The distance of 1.2 light years is very, very short for Lin Ziqin and others.

In the blink of an eye, the fleet ended its leap journey.

By the time the fleet flew out of slippery space, he had already come to the high altitude of the earth.

Lin Ziqin looked at the planet beneath his feet through the porthole.

Although it is the earth, it is so strange.

Withdrawing his gaze, he turned to Xiao Ai and said, “Xiao Ai, choose a foothold.” ”

He planned to build a ground base on the ground first, as a way to work as an outpost Xiao Ai was very efficient, and only a few moments later found a suitable location.

“Master, I have found a suitable place for you, and the coordinates have been transmitted to the holographic table, which you can view.”

“You don’t have to look at it, I believe in your vision.”

Lin Ziqin’s fingers tapped a few times on the holographic table.

Immediately after that, a phoenix-class engineering ship broke away from the fleet and flew towards the interior of the earth.

Then, Lin Ziqin turned to Karen and Anya and said, “I want you two to go to the ground.” ”

“Go to the ruins of the city and see if you can find some information about the world.”

The human civilization of this world has been broken, and Xiao Ai cannot obtain information by invading the network.

If you want to get information about this world, you can only send people down to recycle some computers and files and things like the old times.

Perhaps there is useful information on it.

“Obey orders!”

The second daughter nodded and left the bridge.

At sunset, a black sedan drives on a dry desert road.

Along the way, a burst of yellow sand was set off.

There was a driver and three passengers sitting in the car, and on the top of the car lay two men, a fat man and a thin man.

At first glance, this gives a sense of weirdness.

Whether it is the passenger capacity of this car, or the bright appearance of this car itself, it is completely inconsistent with this apocalyptic scene.

Sitting in the driver’s seat was a white-haired woman.

However, it is not her who drives this car, but the on-board AI of this car.

At this moment, the woman is lying in a chair, holding a comic book in both hands, and her feet are on the steering wheel, enjoying this leisurely time with a comfortable face.


Just then, there was a whistling sound in the sky.

This instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the car.

The white-haired woman immediately discarded the comic book in her hand and stuck her head out the window to look up at the sky.

Only to see three flying machines in the sky that she had never seen before skimming over their heads in a zigzag formation!

Seeing this, everyone showed a shocked expression.

It wasn’t until the three aircraft disappeared into the distant sky that they withdrew their gaze.

“Boss, was that an airplane just now?”

A man sitting in the back seat asked.

This question, everyone else also looked at the white-haired woman here and only their white moon white boss had the most experience, and she knew what most people didn’t know.

Bai Yuekui nodded.

“Yes, that’s a kind of airplane.”

The aircraft that has just skimmed overhead looks strange, but it can also be sure that it is a kind of aircraft!

Sitting in the vice seat was a very cute young girl named Xia Dou.

She put her hands on her chin, looked at the sky in the distance, and said, “I didn’t expect that the people with the lid of the cauldron still had planes in their hands!” Why didn’t they take it out and use it before? ”

“This should not be the stuff of those people, if the people on the lid of the cauldron have these things, the little life will not be so hard.”

“Oh yes.”

Several people exchanged words and I exchanged words, but Bai Yuekui was silent, and no one knew what she was thinking.

“Boss, they seem to be flying in the direction of the ruins of Qingcheng.”

The cute girl Xia Dou pointed in the direction in which the aircraft disappeared.

“Are we going to chase after it?”

Bai Yuekui thought about it and made a decision: “Let’s go and have a look.” ”

Aircraft can be seen everywhere before the end of the world.

But as the end comes, this once-ubiquitous product of technology has disappeared along with a shattered civilization.

After so many years, she could still see the aircraft again, and Bai Yuekui felt that it was very incredible, so she decided to go and see who the other party really was, and how she could master the technology before the end of the world.

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