Chapter 156 The Little Powerful Creature in the End of the World!!

On board the Phantom transport plane.

Karen sat in the cabin, gently wiping her weapon and helmet.

“Did you just see me?”

Anya asked suddenly, and Karen took her eyes off the gear.

“You mean that black car that just got on the ground?” I did see it. ”

In this apocalypse, which was full of ruin everywhere, there was a black car with such a gorgeous appearance, it was difficult for her not to notice.

When the Phantom passed by the car, she also deliberately scanned the other party with the armor of her helmet.

It was found that several people dressed in strange costumes were sitting in the car.

Ania complained: “Obviously it is an apocalyptic world, the indigenous people here are probably too good, and there are beautiful cars and cars, it doesn’t feel like people living in the end times at all.” ”

“Maybe they’re just exceptions?” I don’t believe all the survivors in this world are so rich. ”

“Maybe, but it always feels like something is wrong.”


“I can’t say it.”


The two of you said a word to me, and the time passed unconsciously in the conversation.

I don’t know how long it took for the two to finally arrive at the target place.

The three Phantoms slowly landed at an intersection full of abandoned vehicles.

Karen and Ania emerged from the Phantom transport plane with more than a dozen combat robots.

“Iron Drive, be careful, I have conducted a full scan of the neighborhood and found a lot of unknown life signals.”

The sound of BT7274 rang out in the communication channel.

“Thanks for the reminder, we’ll pay attention.”

“Let’s go our separate ways, I’ll go to point A, you’ll go to point B, and when we’re done exploring these two places, we’ll go to point C to assemble.”

As the squad leader, Karen quickly assigned their respective tasks.

Ania nodded and didn’t speak.

The two then each took several battle robots in different directions.

Point A to which Karen is headed is located in a building, not too far away, just a few minutes away.

When Karen entered the building, the scene in front of her made her heart pound.

I saw that in the hall of the building there were some humanoid statues.

The most surprising thing is that these humanoid statues look dilapidated, but they come to life as if these statues are made of people!

Karen walked over curiously, and the scanner of his helmet scanned the humanoid statues.

However, there was no useful discovery.

Scans show that the statues are just a pile of soil.

However, these soils are slightly different from ordinary soils, which contain only a little human DNA.

“Hey, Aniya, I’ve found some humanoid statues over here.”

“Huh? Do you have it over there? ”

Anya’s surprised voice rang out in the communication channel.


“Yes, I saw it here, and a lot!”

Point B is located in an underground building.

However, the road to the underground building has been blocked, so Ania had to take a detour and look for the entrance from the nearby subway station.

But when she saw the dense soil statue in the subway station, the whole person got goosebumps.

Although the statue in front of you is a pile of soil, it is densely packed, outlining a terrifying scene that makes people’s scalps tingle!

“It looks like these statues are unusual, I guess it’s related to the end times, let’s be careful.”

“I think so too.”

The two continued to advance towards their respective goals.

They found that the more they went forward, the more the number of statues became!

There are even many distorted statues!

It looks like some kind of monster.

“Iron Rider, please be careful, I detected two unknown creatures approaching in the direction you are.”

The voice of BT7274 suddenly rings in your ears.

Karen glanced at the radar on the mask.

There were indeed two red dots above that were rapidly approaching her side.

Immediately, she opened the weapon insurance and quickly prepared for battle.

The battle robots around him also raised their weapons.



The two unknown creatures were getting closer and closer, and the footsteps of each other were heard in the corridor.


A moment later, the door at the end of the corridor was slammed open, and two six-legged monsters appeared in front of Karen’s eyes.

When the two monsters saw Karen, a bloodthirsty look immediately appeared in their eyes.

Karen hated the look.

Their eyes are like looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

She was looked down upon!

And it was looked down upon by two beasts!


The monster roared and rushed towards Karen.



Two shots rang out throughout the building.

Immediately after that, the monster that had been frantically running towards Karen in the last second only saw it fall to the ground.

Karen looked at the two corpses, and her eyes were full of contempt…

“A beast is a beast, what kind of madness?”

“Go ahead.”


Just as Karen was about to move on with the battle robot, the voice of BT7274 sounded again.

“Iron Rider be careful! My sensors showed that the two monsters were not dead! ”

Karen was shocked to hear this, and she stared at the monster whose head had been blown up, and her face showed an expression of disbelief.

“How is this possible? Their heads have been blown up by me, how can they not be dead? ”

“It’s hard to believe, but my sensor can’t be wrong!”

BT7274 is pretty sure it didn’t make a mistake.

Because the life signals of these two monsters have not weakened in the slightest!

That’s enough to say it all!

Although still a little suspicious, Karen eventually chose to believe in BT7274.

Since you’re not dead, let’s shoot a few more shots!

Karen drew her pistol again and shot at the two monsters on the ground.

Bang bang bang bang…

This time, Karen fired ten shots before stopping!

“They should be dead by now, right?”

Looking at the monster with bullet holes all over her body, Karen nodded with satisfaction, as if admiring her masterpiece.

But BT7274’s answer shocked her again.

“Iron Drive, the life signals of these two monsters are still not weakened.”


Karen was utterly speechless.

This is not dead, are these monsters the reincarnation of Xiao Qiang?

Even Xiao Qiang doesn’t have such a strong vitality, right?

Taking a deep breath, Karen withdrew her pistol, pulled out a Z-250 ray rifle, and silently turned on annihilation mode.

After a brief charge, she pulled the trigger.



The hard beam of light instantly hit the two monsters lying in the corpse.

The bodies of the two monsters began to disintegrate rapidly, eventually dissolving into grains and just then, two spheres emitting blue light fell out.

“What is this?”

Karen crouched down and picked up the sphere.

BT7274 said: “Perhaps this is why they are tenacious, I recommend bringing them back to study.” ”

“You’re right, this stuff is estimated to be of great research value.”

Karen put the two orbs that resembled the core of the monster into a static stand, ready to take them back to Lin Ziqin after the mission was over.

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