Chapter 157: True Immortality’s Little Strong?!!

At the same time, Bai Yuekui and the others who had previously followed the Phantom had finally come to the outskirts of the abandoned city.

“These guys really came to Qingcheng!”

The three Phantom transporters hovering in the sky confirmed the suspicions of these people.

“But what are they doing here?”

“Who knows, maybe like the people on the lid of the cauldron, they came to search for supplies.”

“Boss, what do you think?”

Several people talked with each other and finally looked at Bai Yuekui.

“Let’s go.”

Bai Yuekui didn’t give an answer, and she didn’t know what these people were trying to do here.

And that’s why she’s here.

She wanted to figure it out!

In order not to expose their bodies, they hid their precious cars and walked towards the ruins of the city.

“Master, we received a message from Karen and Aniya.”

“Oh? How quickly did they finish their mission? ”

Tianyuan Bridge.

Lin Ziqin was remotely controlling the phoenix-class engineering ship to establish a forward base at a selected location.

His base, of course, should be built according to his favorite style!

And Xiao Ai’s sudden opening of the mouth made Lin Ziqin stop the work in his hand.

Xiao Ai denied, “Master, these materials have nothing to do with their tasks. ”

“They’re just exploring and they find something weird and record it.”

“Strange stuff? I’d like to see what strange things are. ”

What strange thing had made both Karen and Ania record?

Lin Ziqin’s curiosity was instantly hooked.

Xiao Ai then projected the messages sent back by Karen and Ania on the holographic platform with pictures.

The first image first is a group of densely packed gray humanoid statues.

The statues look dilapidated, but they give a lifelike feel.

When he saw these statues, Lin Ziqin was immediately stunned.

“Is it meat to send?”

“Meat soil? What is that? ”

Xiao Ai’s mechanical eyes shone with doubt.

Lin Ziqin did not answer, he continued to look through the pictures and materials.

Most of the pictures after that are of this flesh.

The last few are pictures of a group of monsters with six legs.

“Snake dogs? Polar Eater! Did you really come to that world? ”

See, Lin Ziqin can already be sure that the statues in those pictures before are meat soil!

And he finally understood what kind of world they had come to.

“So Master, do you know these things?”

Facing Xiao Ai’s curious gaze, Lin Qin nodded.

He immediately told Xiao Ai the general information of this world.

In fact, he didn’t know much about Lin Ziqin in this world.

He had only seen anime.

And there are too few things to explain in the anime.

Most of the answers are hidden in the original comic.

In the original comic, he rarely touched on it.

“Master, I think my men should capture a few polar eaters and come back to study them.”

“That’s exactly what I thought.”

The master and servant thought of going together.

The miraculous creature of the Polar Eater is undoubtedly a good object of study.

They hide secrets all over their bodies.

Maybe by studying them you can learn the secrets of this world!

“Tell Karen and Ania to catch a few Polar Eaters when they come back.”

“Obey orders!”

After explaining the matter, Lin Ziqin continued to build his own frontier base, but after knowing that this world had a dangerous creature such as the Polar Eater, he planned to add more protection and armor to the base.

“Is it true that a monster is called a Pole Eater?”

Karen soon received a message from the flagship as well.

Looking at the monster lying on the ground, she murmured.

She had already encountered many of these monsters along the way.

More than once, she marveled at the powerful vitality of these creatures.

No matter how long you cut off the heads of these monsters or cut off their six limbs, how long will it be alive again!

It’s just a real and unkillable little strong!

Unless she turns on the annihilation mode of her weapons and completely breaks down these monsters into substructures, even she can’t do anything with these monsters!

“Iron Rider, to be precise, the name of these monsters is called Snake Dog, and the Pole Eater is just a general name.”

BT7274 corrected the road.

“Of course I know that.”

Karen took out a silver-gray metal ball from her tactical backpack.

In the center of the ball is a red diamond-shaped crystal.

Only to see her point the crystal at the snake dog lying on the ground.

A ray of light shot out of the diamond-shaped crystal.

In the blink of an eye, the snake and dog lying on the ground were all sucked into this palm-sized ball!

“The Polar Eater capture mission is complete, and these Polar Eaters should be enough to serve as research materials, right?”

“If you don’t think it’s enough, if you still meet the Polar Eater, we can continue to catch it.”


Karen moved on.

At the same time on the other side.

After some twists and turns, Ania finally opened the passage to point B.

Compared to Karen, she was more relaxed.

There didn’t seem to be a Polar Eater on her side, at least not so far she hadn’t encountered it.

And when she entered the underground building, she found that there was not even meat and soil here.

There were only a few scattered white bones on the ground.

This means that there should not have been an invasion of the Polar Eater here.

If this place had been invaded by the Polar Eater, the dead on these ground would not have been in this state of white bone, but would have become a pile of flesh like the people outside.

“Iron Drive, the scan shows that there is a faint thermal signal ahead.”

The sound of her Titan RT1010 rang in her ears.

Ania asked, “Do you know what it is?” ”

“I can’t get an accurate answer, something is interfering with my scan, I suggest you be careful.”

“I see.”

Ania nodded and moved on.

Following the RT1010’s guidance, she led the battle robot to the door of the room where the thermal signal was emitted.

Above the gate are several large letters.

“Laboratory A17?”

“Iron drive, the gate is locked, there is no electricity, I can’t open it.”

“Then use the simplest and roughest method.”

Ania came to the gate and threw her fist at the gate.


A loud bang resounded throughout the underground building.

The safety door, which weighed more than a ton, was directly smashed and flew away, and finally hit the wall hard!

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