Chapter 158 First Contact with the Ground Squad!!



It was like the sound of a heart beating in your ears.

Anya’s eyes instantly locked on the center of the laboratory.

I saw that there was a disgusting ball of meat there.

The flesh is constantly beating, and it is it that is constantly beating!

Below the ball is an operating table, but at this point it is fully integrated with the ball.

“What is this?”

Ania approached cautiously and turned on the helmet’s scanning system.

Unfortunately, even the scanner couldn’t confirm what it was.

What is certain, however, is that there seems to be a faint signal of life inside the ball.

“Iron Rider, I suggest taking some samples, or just going back to the rescue for people to study.”

“Listen to you.”

Ania had originally planned to take some samples and bring them back.

But after thinking about it, she finally decided to take the whole meat ball back.

She then took out a metal ball identical to Karen’s and sucked the ball of flesh into it, along with the entire operating table.

After doing everything, she continued to move forward with the battle robot.

The next second Ania left the lab, a pair of huge pupils deep underground suddenly opened, revealing scarlet eyes.

“Boss, the footprints split into two groups and left in different directions.”

Xia Dou retracted the scanner in his hand and jumped back to Bai Yuekui’s side and said excitedly.

In the era of sending an end to the end, she has always believed that she must always maintain an optimistic attitude so that she can live happily.

That’s why this lovely girl is so energetic that she looks out of step with this repressed apocalyptic era.

“Boss, do I have to go my separate ways?”

Bai Yue Kui Mo held his chin as white as jade.

Just as she was about to speak, she seemed to have suddenly discovered something, quickly turned around and pulled out the Tang Dao in her hand.

Tang Dao came out of its sheath, and the body of the sword emitted a burst of blue halo.

The others immediately prepared for battle.

“Don’t move! Raise your hand, spoon! ”

With a soft drink, the crowd saw clearly who was coming.

It was a woman in powered armor, and behind her were several heavily armed robots.

Whether it’s a woman in powered armor, or a robot with a weapon.

At this moment, he monkeys aimed their weapons at them.

The muzzle of the black hole hole made other people outside Bai Yuekui feel the pressure.

It is true that because he has cultivated, he is stronger than ordinary people.

But they don’t think they can dodge bullets!

At this moment, Karen on the other side was looking at the few people in front of him curiously.

Isn’t that the same people who drove it before?

Karen quickly recognized the identities of Bai Yuekui and the others.

She didn’t expect to meet them again so soon.

A few minutes ago, she had just finished exploring point A, but unfortunately found nothing.

She then plans to go to the point to prepare to meet Anya.

But after leaving the building, BT7274 tells her that someone has come to the abandoned city and that it was where she and Ania landed!

After thinking about it, she decided to come and have a look.

As a result, I didn’t expect to see ‘acquaintances’.

“Raise your hand!”

Seeing that several people were not moved, Karen once again spoke out to warn.

The human heart is sinister, not to mention that this is an apocalyptic era.

She wouldn’t show mercy to them just because they were human!

It is unlikely to be taken lightly!

Who knows what these people are thinking?

Bai Yuekui opened his mouth as if ready to say something.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly heard a violent tremor!

Karen almost didn’t stand still.


Bai Yuekui’s eyes flickered, as if he had guessed something.

“If you don’t want to die, get out of here!”

Dropping a word, Bai Yuekui turned around and left with his own people.

Karen saw this and wanted to go forward and stop these people.

But at this moment, the voice of Anya sounded in the communication channel.

“Karen, come and help!”

In the communication channel, Anya’s voice seemed a little hurried.

From time to time, you can even hear gunshots coming from the opposite side.

Was there a fighting over there in Ania?

Anya’s next answer confirmed Karen’s conjecture.

“A big monster suddenly appeared on my side!” I can’t handle it alone! Need your help! ”

Karen heard this and hurriedly said, “Send me your coordinates!” ”

Ania was very well aware of her strength.

Even the guy she can’t figure out, the strength is probably not simple!

“You’re already in trouble!”

The next second Karen’s human terminal received coordinates from Aña.

It’s not far from here, about two kilometers or so.

When she saw the coordinates, Karen was slightly surprised.

Ania this guy ran two kilometers away so quickly?

“Hold on, I’ll be right over!”

Karen did not dare to slacken off, and hurriedly let a Phantom come down to pick up people.

Immediately afterward, she flew on the Phantom towards the coordinates.

“Just the movement… Surely it was that monster? ”

“How did it suddenly wake up? Obviously it’s not time yet! ”

“Damn, that monster woke up at this time!”

Bai Yuekui and the others withdrew from the city as quickly as possible.

When leaving, Bai Yuekui also deliberately looked back at the sky.

The original three aircraft have become two.

It’s not hard to guess where the one that disappeared went.

Did the woman go looking for the monster?

“Boss, what should we do now?”

With Xia Dou’s inquiry, everyone else closed their mouths and looked at their boss.

Bai Yuekui was silent for a moment and then said to the taciturn, “You go and drive the car first.” ”


Taciturn turned and left.

Then she said to the others, “Prepare the Spirit Bomb!” ”

“What? Boss, are you planning to save that woman just now? ”

After listening to Bai Yuekui’s words, the crowd expressed their incomprehension.

Just now the other party is using a gun to this one of them, why should they save her nephew?

“What to do with so much nonsense, hurry up and prepare!”

“Okay, okay.”

After being reprimanded, the crowd had to go to prepare the spirit bomb in ashes.

Although they did not want to save the woman who had just pointed a gun at them, they did not dare not listen to their boss.

If you make the boss angry, they will be miserable!

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