Chapter 159 I didn’t rush the syrup!!

Bang bang bang bang…

Ania ran forward as fast as she could, and the heavy footsteps sounded like a bell that was ringing, which made people feel shocked.

Whenever she ran some distance, she would look back.


A tall building full of thorns and vines was instantly stopped by a huge tail.

A huge, crocodile-shaped monster was chasing after Aniya.

I don’t have a rush of syrup, don’t chase me, okay?

“Where did you get such a monster from?”

The communication channel rang out Karen’s spitting words.

Ania immediately looked up at the sky, and sure enough, found a Phantom not far away.

“I didn’t know, this guy suddenly rushed out of the ground and chased me.”

Ania was also very helpless.

She originally just wanted to continue with the task.

But as a result, only the monster suddenly came out of the ground and chased her.

At first, she was looking for food for the other party, so she ordered the robot to run apart in an attempt to lure it away.

But this monster ignored the robot, as if it were only her in sight!

Is it hard to believe that this pole eater is actually an LSP and likes beautiful women?

“This monster is covered in thick biological armor, and the weapons in our hands are difficult to hurt and may need the support of the Titans.”

Anya shared with Karen what she currently knew about the weaving monster.

She had also tried to use her own weapons against a monster before.

Some of these weapons do deal damage to monsters, but it’s hard to kill them.

“You hold on for a while, and I’ll summon the Titans.”

Karen jumped off the Phantom transport plane and came to a clearing.

Immediately, she sent the coordinates of her own dissolution to her Titan.

“BT, I’m going to trouble you.”

“Willing to work for you.”

The BT7274 was already ready, and the next second before the coordinates sent by Karen received the coordinates, it set off from the mothership’s hangar in the airborne warehouse.

Ten seconds later, there was a whistling sound from the sky.

The Titans are finally coming!

I saw the huge airborne barn like a meteorite streaking across the sky, leaving a long trail in the blue sky.

“Boss, see what that is!”

Several people on the hillside outside the city also found a scene.

Everyone couldn’t help but look surprised.

Just when several people were curious about what it was, the airborne warehouse began to slow down and separate.

A set of programs down, BT7274 safe landing!

“Oh my God! These people even have such a big robot! ”

Xia Dou was stunned.

Good robots!

Good to want!

This robot is much more handsome than the Polar Eater!

She suddenly felt that the handle in her bag was not fragrant.

Everyone else watched the scene in disbelief.

Even Bai Yuekui, who had always been calm and calm, showed a little surprise on his face at this moment.

The BT7274 landed, and Karen quickly ran toward it.

Just as she was about to approach the BT7274, Karen suddenly jumped.

The BT7274 reached out very cooperatively, grabbed Karen and tucked it into his cockpit.

“The neural connection begins! Transfer control to Iron Drive! ”

In an instant, Karen’s consciousness merged with BT7274.

“BT, did you bring any heavy weapons?”

Karen manipulates the massive body of the BT7274 and jumps onto the roof of an abandoned building.

Looking at the large polar eater chasing Ania in the distance, Kalima clapped his fists, as if he wanted to show his skills.

Now the Titans of Karen and Ania have been fully upgraded.

The specification has been raised from the original height of four or five meters to seven or eight meters.

Protection, firepower and performance have also been greatly improved.

You can even equip different modules to fight in different environments!

“Report Iron Rider, this time I brought the latest heavy plasma sniper rifle.”

“Then let me try the heavy isometric sniper rifle.”

Karen took out the sniper rifle hanging from her back.

This sniper rifle is worthy of the title of heavy, and it is indeed very large!

When it is fully extended, the length has even exceeded the height of the BT7274.

Karen crouched down, set up her sniper rifle, and aimed in the direction of the monster in the distance.

“Aniya, I’m going to attack, you’re ready.”

“I’ve been prepared, you shoot.”

Ania replied, in a very flat tone.

Compared with the previous nervousness, the current Anya is undoubtedly calm.

Because after walking around the monster, she found that this guy didn’t seem to have anything to be afraid of except for his larger size.

Even she couldn’t catch up!


Ania turned back and raised her middle finger to the polar eater.


Karen pulls the trigger.

An arced blue-white beam of light shot out from the muzzle of a heavy isotaxic rifle!

The speed of light grazed the corners of a building.

Although the building was not directly hit, the hot plasma stream still melted through the corner of the building!


The beam of light hit the polar eater’s abdomen with precision!

Creature armor large enough to withstand shell attacks is as crisp as tissue paper in front of the beam of light!

A large hole several meters wide appeared in the abdomen of the Pole Eater!

Black blood flowed from the hole.

But what was surprising was that despite being seriously injured, the Polar Eater continued to chase Ania as if it were a person who was fine.

“Hey hey hey! Where are you shooting! Aim your head! ”

Ania also thought that Karen’s marksmanship was inaccurate.

But as everyone knows, the place where Karen was aiming from the beginning was the abdomen.

She had killed no less than twenty Polar Eaters, knowing full well that the Polar Eater’s weakness was not the head, but the core hidden in her body!

If the core is not destroyed, even if the head is broken, the Polar Eater will still be resurrected!

“Isn’t the core no longer in this position?”

Karen murmured.

“It’s not impossible, this polar eater is long, maybe its core is elsewhere in the body.”

“Maybe we can shoot a few more shots.”

BT7274 gives its own insights.

“Then try again.”

Karen once again aimed her gun at the giant Polar Eater.

Beep! Beep!

Shoot twice in a row!

Two precise shots!

This time, the Polar Eater’s abdomen had two more bloody holes.

But this polar eater still didn’t die!

“Karen, are you kidding me?” Aim your head at you! ”

Anya looked impatient.

Karen: “…”

“Iron Rider, we may be able to try it, and say that the core of this polar eater is hidden in the head position.”

“Okay, try it one last time, if it doesn’t work, you can only call the orbital bombardment Karen to prepare to try again.”

But at this moment, she suddenly found that the white-haired woman she had met before appeared in front of her eyes again.

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