Chapter 160 Good Guy, it turns out that he picked up the root of people’s lives!!


When the first plasma beam crossed the sky over the ruins of the city, Bai Yuekui and the others were all shocked.

It wasn’t that the Pole Eater wasn’t dead and was shocked, just surprised by the advanced technology that the other party had mastered!

Large mech technology, mature directed energy weapon technology!

This kind of thing is extremely cutting-edge technology even before the outbreak of the apocalypse!

How did an end-time organization master this technology?

Is it possible that these mysterious people have inherited the technology left over from the apocalypse?

Beep! Beep!

In shock, two more beams of light crossed the sky.


It is undeniable that these mysterious people have the top technology of the apocalyptic world, but the polar eater is relatively special, and even the most powerful attack cannot kill it!

Bai Yuekui shook his head lightly and sighed silently.

Sure enough.

When the two beams of light hit the Pole Eater, causing only some trouble for the other party and staggered up from the ground, it continued to chase after the woman wearing the pink power armor like the person who had nothing to do.

“You are waiting for me here.”

Bai Yuekui lifted his slender white legs and walked towards the battlefield with his high-heeled boots.

“Wait for the boss! Where are you going? ”

In the face of the inquiries of his subordinates, Bai Yuekui did not rush to answer.

She moved on, and in a moment she had disappeared into the distance.

The remaining few people stood in place and looked at each other, all showing helpless expressions.

The boss still likes to face all dangers alone.

Looking at the white-haired woman who appeared in front of her, Karen became vigilant, and her eyes locked on each other.

This guy was able to touch his side unconsciously!

This person is probably not simple!

“Are you a Shigong?”

In the face of Ka Lian’s inquiry, Bai Yuekui did not answer, but pointed to the polar eater in the distance and said, “Want to kill it?” ”

This is no nonsense!

Karen wanted to complain, but she resisted.

“Do you have a way to kill it?”

Bai Yuekui nodded, “Presumably you already know the weakness of the Pole Eater?” ”

It was not difficult to guess from the fact that this person had just aimed at the abdomen of the Pole Eater three times, and this person should have known that the weakness of the Pole Eater was the silent and gentle nod of the Spirit Karen located in the abdomen.

Bai Yuekui continued, “Most of the Polar Eater Lingzhizi are indeed hidden in the abdomen. ”

“But not all of them.”

“There are some special Pole Eaters whose Lingzhizi will appear in other places, and the arms, feet, and even the tail may be the location of the Lingzhizi.”

“However, this Pole Eater is even more special, and its Lingzhi is not in its own body!”


Karen’s eyes widened.

The weakness is not in yourself?

Isn’t this the same as your own heart, your brain is not in yourself?

What is the rationale for this?

“Then its nucleus… Since the Reiko is not in his own body, where will he be? ”

Karen chose to believe the man’s words.

She didn’t know much about the strange creatures of this world, and she could only believe what a native ‘native’ of the native world had to say.

Bai Yuekui replied, “This type of Pole Eater usually likes to expel his own spirit out of his body and hide it in the nest or near the nest. ”

“When they go to pay the rent to Mana’s flower, it will swallow the Reiko into the body again and take it away.”

Mana’s Flower?

Pay the rent?

The woman said something she couldn’t understand.

However, Karen didn’t care much, as long as he knew where this Pole Eater had hidden his spirit and flowers.


If I remember correctly, the Polar Eater had burrowed out of the ground.

Thinking of this, Karen prepared to go to the place where the Polar Eater had drilled out.

But at this moment, Bai Yuekui opened his mouth again.

“If you go to its lair now, you probably won’t find Lingzhizi.”


Karen was puzzled.

Didn’t you just say that the Polar Eater liked to hide his spirit in his nest?

Why do you turn around now and say that you can’t find it in its nest?

It’s inexplicable!

“Don’t you ever wonder why that polar eater chased after your teammates so much that you even ignored it when you attacked it?” There needs to be a reason for this. ”


Karen pondered for a moment, then thought of something and exclaimed, “You mean, its spirit is on my teammates?” ”

Karen is not stupid, everything is said about this, if she does not understand then she is a fool!

Bai Yuekui nodded, “Other than that, I can’t think of any other possibility that she has also confronted this Polar Eater directly, and she is an ‘old acquaintance’ of this Polar Eater.” ”

She also knew a lot about the Polar Eater.

This polar eater could not be an infatuated species.

It’s strange in itself that it keeps chasing a person.

So the most likely thing is that its spirit was taken away by that person!

It wants to snatch the Spirit Back!

Karen immediately contacted Aniya.

“Aniya, did you pick up something strange before?”

“Strange stuff?”

Ania thought about it, and remembered the meat balls pulled from the underground laboratory.

“Yes, I did pick up something strange.”

“It was a ball of flesh with light in it and a beating heart.”

I was really guessed right by a white-haired woman!

Karen took a deep look at Bai Yuekui and then said to Aniya, “That’s the core of that Polar Eater, throw it out, quick!” ”

Ania was speechless.

Well, it turned out that it took half a day because I picked up the lifeblood of others!

No wonder they chase after themselves.

Without hesitation, Ania immediately took out the orb containing the contents and threw out the Polar Eater Spirit Seiko inside.

Sure enough!

Of course, after she threw the meat ball out, the Pole Eater, who had been chasing her before, immediately turned around and ran towards the meat ball.

Seeing the Polar Eater open its blood basin and try to swallow the ball of flesh into its belly, Karen pulled the trigger again.

A blue-white plasma jet shot out of the muzzle, instantly piercing the ball of meat!


The ball of flesh was directly shattered, revealing the blue glowing spirit inside, but the next second, the spirit was also shattered.

The moment Lingzhizi shattered, the eyes of the Pole Eater lost their luster, and finally fell to the ground and gently pulled out twice!

A moment later, the huge corpse turned into a disgusting pool of black mud!

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