Chapter 161 Yo, isn’t this the busiest heroine of the national fortune text, the white boss?!!

Karen endured the nausea and used his scope to take a closer look at the black mud turned into the corpse of the Pole Eater.

After confirming that the Polar Eater had died and was no longer resurrected, she was relieved.

Then she turned her head and looked at Bai Yuekui.

“Thank you for the information, and I apologize to you for your previous rudeness.”

“You’re welcome.”

Bai Yuekui looked at Karen with a little surprise.

I didn’t expect this little girl to be quite polite.

Bai Yuekui retracted his gaze and turned to leave.

But at this moment, Karen opened her mouth again.

“Please wait for Miss White!” We Emperors would like to meet you! ”


Bai Yuekui looked back at Karen again, and his dark eyes revealed doubts and vigilance.

“How do you know my name?”

Throughout, she didn’t mention her name.

Even ten minutes ago, the other side raised a gun and asked himself who it was.

How did she know her identity in the blink of an eye? Also, who is the emperor in her mouth?

“Miss Bai, I can’t answer your doubts for the time being, and all the answers will naturally be known when you see our Emperor Lord.”

The reason why Ka Lian suddenly knew Bai Yuekui’s identity was naturally because of Lin Ziqin!

But she didn’t explain.

Bai Yuekui frowned slightly, was this the emperor who tempted himself to meet them?

After thinking about it, Bai Yuekui made a decision.

“Well, I’ll go with you to meet your Emperor!”

It just so happens that she is also interested in the forces behind these people.

It can be seen that these people in front of you are more humane than the people on the lid of the cauldron.

If you can, maybe you can find cooperation with them…

Time goes back a few minutes ago.

Tianyuan Bridge.

“The host, Miss Karen and Miss Ania seem to be in trouble.”

“Just now, Miss Karen summoned the Titans.”

When Karen summoned BT7274, Xiao Ai noticed it for the first time and told his master Lin Ziqin about the situation.

“Karen, they’re in trouble?”

Lin Ziqin’s face showed a slight look of concern.

Although Karen and Ania are very strong, there are many beings in this world that can threaten them!

And there are not many things that can make Karen summon the Titans to deal with it.

All Lin Ziqin could think of was a high-level Pole Eater! Could it be that Karen had met a high-level Pole Eater?

Thinking of returning, Lin Ziqin hurriedly put down the work in his hand and came to the holographic table.

“Connect the BT7274 camera picture now! I’m going to see what’s going on! ”

“Obey orders!”

The next second a virtual screen appears on the holographic table.

On the screen, Karen is piloting the BT7274 to shoot at a large polar eater with a sniper rifle.

Seeing this, Lin Ziqin was relieved.

Although he guessed correctly, at least for now, it seems that the two are not in danger of life.

But the next picture surprised him.

Only to see a white-haired woman holding a Tang knife and wearing a fluffy cape appear into the picture!

“White Moon Kui?!”

Lin Zi Qin Dang recognized the identity of this person.

She is the boss of Bai Yue Kui Bai, who is known as the busiest heroine in the national fortune text! I didn’t expect her to be there.

Under Lin Ziqin’s gaze, Bai Yuekui told Ka Lian about the weakness of the Pole Eater.

Subsequently, Karen also succeeded in killing the Pole Eater.

Seeing this, Lin Ziqin immediately said: “Xiao Ai, contact Karen immediately, I want to talk to her!” ”


As Xiao Ai’s voice fell, Lin Ziqin also established contact with Ka Lian.

“Karen, the mission has changed, and now I want you to invite this Miss Bai Yuekui to come up to see me as much as possible!”

Although Karen wondered why her Emperor suddenly wanted to meet this woman named Bai Yuekui, she still nodded her head in response.

What followed was the scene where Karen invited Bai Yuekui.

Although Bai Yuekui agreed to go to see the Emperor of the other side, she did not follow her directly, but returned to her own subordinates first.

“The owner! You’re finally back! ”

Seeing Bai Yuekui’s return, the Yuanqi maiden Xia Dou was undoubtedly the happiest.

She jumped to Bai Yuekui’s side.

“Boss, are you okay?”

Facing the concerned eyes of his subordinates, Bai Yuekui shook his head slightly.

“Rest assured, I didn’t shoot.”

Several people were finally relieved.

The movement in the ruins of the city has stopped.

From this, it is not difficult to guess that the Pole Eater is dead…

But because of the angle, they couldn’t see how the Polar Eater died.

They have been worried about whether the boss will take the shot.

Their boss is strong, and killing the Pole Eater is not a problem, but it must also pay a price!

And this kind of price is not affordable for ordinary people!

It is precisely because of this that they are so worried about their white boss.

“I’m going to go to those people’s bases to see them next, so let’s go back first.”

Bai Yuekui came back, mainly to inform them of his next whereabouts, so that they would not worry about themselves.

“What? Boss, are you going to follow that group of people? ”

The crowd was shocked.

Bai Yuekui gently bowed his head.

“That’s right, they invited me to their side, and I didn’t refuse.”

“Boss, don’t go, what if the other party tries to do something wrong to you?”

“Yeah, yeah!”

“Just like the group of people on the lid of the cauldron decades ago!”

Shanda and Shattered Star and others strongly discouraged it.

They really don’t want their boss to run to get some mysterious people.

“Those people are different from the people on the lighthouse.”

Although it was only the first time they had met, her intuition told herself that those people were different from the people on the lid of the cauldron.

Seeing that Bai Yuekui insisted on going, several people no longer persuaded.

“Well, go back first, help tell Master Lai, and I’ll be back in a few days at the latest.”

Without saying a word, Bai Yuekui turned and left.

After saying goodbye to his teammate’s vacation, Bai Yuekui returned to Ka Lian’s face.

At this time, Ania was also here.

“This is Miss White?”

Ania looked curiously at the White Moon Kui in front of her.

I didn’t expect that there were such fashionable women dressed in this apocalypse.

“Miss White, are you ready?”

Karen stepped forward to inquire.

Bai Yuekui didn’t say anything back, just nodded.

“Then please come with us.”

Karen and Ania came to the bottom of the transport plane of the Phantom.

A beam of light shone on the two men.

Immediately afterward, the two were sucked into the Phantom.

Bai Yuekui was slightly surprised to see this, and she also came to the light with curiosity.

Soon she was also sucked in.

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