Chapter 162 Make a deal with Boss White!!

In a dark universe.

The blue dot of light is flying at a very fast speed.

When you zoom in on the picture, you will find that this blue spot of light is a Phantom transport aircraft.

“This is the A01 Phantom, requesting to board the ship.”

“The request for boarding has been approved, please dock at No. 343 Reorganization Bay.”

“A01 Phantom received.”

When the Phantom arrives near the moon, a huge starfleet is docked at the junction of light and shadow!

Even Bai Yuekui, who had always been a dignified and frightened person, after seeing the fleet in front of him, the beautiful face that was as white and tender as milk jade also showed a shocked color.

Under the astonished gaze of Boss Bai, the Phantom finally entered the harbor of the Tianyuan.

“Please come with us.”

Karen and Anya leave the Phantom with Bai Yuekui and follow Xiao Ai’s guidance.

Along the way, Bai Yuekui discovered a problem.

There don’t seem to be any living people in this ship!

Except for the two people around her, all she saw were robots! There are humanoid and non-humanoid, there are those who walk on the ground, and there are those who fly in the sky!

All in all dizzying.

After passing through two bridges of light, three portals, and a journey of ten minutes, the three finally arrived at the Tianyuan’s guest room.

I saw a handsome, extraordinary man sitting upright on the main seat of the hospitality room.

Even if she has lived for decades and read countless people, she can’t help but be amazed by this person’s appearance and temperament.

Is this person the so-called Emperor? It looks pretty good.

Just as Bai Yuekui was looking at Lin Ziqin, Lin Ziqin was also looking at her.

Silver-white shoulder-length short hair, dreamlike black eyes reveal indifference all the time.

The off-white cropped underarms wrap around the feminine figure, and the black ultra-short jeans reveal the slender legs.

The jade-like skin looks particularly crystalline in the light, making people want to take a bite.

The long fluffy cape swayed as she walked.

Worthy of being the white boss who is liked by so many people!

What a heroic little sister! Revealing the queen’s temperament!

Love love!

“Welcome Miss Bai Yuekui to the ship, please sit down.”

Lin Ziqin pointed to the position opposite him and said.

Bai Yuekui came to the back of the chair and circled around before sitting down.

Lin Ziqin: “…”

This vigilance is also too obvious, right?

Is it not true that she is still worried about her own manipulation in that chair?

“Cough, first of all, introduce yourself, my name is Lin Ziqin, the emperor of the Tianyuan Empire.”

Tianyuan Empire?

Haven’t you heard of a country that you didn’t know about was established later? Thoughts flashed quickly in Bai Yuekui’s mind.

After a moment, she also briefly introduced herself.

“White Moon Kui.”

Well, it’s really simple to say just one name.

But fortunately, Lin Ziyun still had some understanding of Bai Yuekui.

“First of all, thank you for providing useful information to my subordinates.”

“If it weren’t for your intelligence, my men might be in danger.”

The danger was fake, after all, even if they couldn’t fight, Karen and Anya could still run away, but Lin Ziqin was sincerely grateful for the information provided by Bai Yuekui.

Bai Yuekui leaned back, and his right foot, which was hidden under the table, rested on his left foot, and cocked Erlang’s leg.

She just listened quietly and didn’t answer, because she believed that the other person had invited her not just to show her gratitude.

There are definitely more important things to come by.

Sure enough, after thanking him, Lin Ziqin went straight to the subject.

“Miss Bai Yuekui, I want to make a deal with you.”

“What deal?”

This time, Bai Yuekui finally spoke.

Lin Ziqin took a sip of tea and said unhurriedly, “I want to buy angel potions, your cultivation methods, and all the knowledge in your mind!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Bai Yuekui’s pupils shrank, and she stood up directly from her position, her dark eyes staring closely at Lin Ziqin.

“How do you know about angel potions?”

Cultivation methods, knowledge is nothing.

But angel potion, where did this man hear about it?

The Angel Potion, a potion she developed before the end of the world, can greatly increase human life and physical strength.

She had used angel potions before, and that’s why she had become so strong!

And Lin Ziqin also saw this and wanted the angel potion.

However, the angel potion was a secret before the end of the world, and as the end came, this secret was basically buried.

Where did this man learn of the existence of the angelic potion?

Could it be that he, like himself, is an ageless monster who has lived for decades? Lin Ziqin didn’t know what Bai Yuekui had in mind.

He shrugged and said, “I’m sorry, but this is my own secret, I can’t tell you.” ”

Can’t tell her she’s seen your anime and some of your manga?

Bai Yuekui sat down again after a moment of silence, “Since it is a transaction, what can you give us?” ”

If you think about it, these things are nothing to give to the person in front of you.

Of course, the premise is that the other party can give the corresponding remuneration.

Lin Ziqin said, “I can give you survivors an absolutely safe place to live, as well as a living resource that will never be exhausted!” How is it? ”

Safe living environment and never run out of living supplies.

These things seem ordinary as if they were nothing.

But in this apocalyptic world, it is an extremely precious thing.

Now that the surface of the earth is rampant with polar eaters, and there is a shortage of living materials, any safe habitat and a few biscuits are priceless!

Bai Yuekui thought for a moment and nodded sickly.


Whether it was angel potions or cultivation methods, or the knowledge in her mind, it was of little use in this broken apocalyptic world.

If you can exchange these things for a safe place and living materials that can never be used up, then this is definitely a blood profit!

“Miss Bai is really happy!”

Lin Ziqin had thought that she would hesitate or make some demands.

He was even prepared to accept some excessive demands from the other side.

I didn’t expect people to agree directly!

Bai Yuekui crossed his feet, changed his sitting posture, and said, “Don’t be too happy too soon, I will give you the cultivation method of life essence and the knowledge I have mastered.” ”

“But I don’t have such a thing as an angel potion, and I have to start making it again if I want to.”

Lin Ziqin bowed his head slightly, “I naturally know this.” ”

“You don’t need to worry, I’ll give you a lab, you can also tell me directly what materials you need, I will try to satisfy you!”

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