Chapter 163 A big cauldron lid floats from the sky!!

Two hours later.

Through the portal, Lin Ziqin took Bai Yuekui to the ground 001 base, at least for the time being, called the 001 base.

“This is where you will live in the future, how do you feel?”

Originally, Lin Ziqin intended to build this place into a pure military base.

Not entering into a deal with Bai Yuekui made him change his mind.

He also built a small city with a capacity of fifty thousand people on the edge of the base.

And it was built according to Imperial City standards.

This is the living place that Lin Ziqin provides for the survivors on the ground.

“It’s protected by shields and is invaded by the Polar Eater.”

“In addition, there are many heavy weapons to protect, even if the King-level Pole Eater comes, he will kneel and shout Daddy!”

Listening to Lin Ziqin’s introduction, Bai Yuekui was very satisfied with the base in front of him.

If it is really as Lin Ziqin said, then this place is definitely very suitable for survivors!

There is no doubt that this deal is a win-win situation!

Bai Yuekui turned to Lin Ziqin and said, “I still need your help.” ”

“But it doesn’t hurt to say it.”

“The number of survivors on the ground is large and far away, and the migration work is troublesome, and you need to help send them all here.”

“Of course it’s fine.”

It was not difficult to help move the survivors to this side, and Lin Ziqin naturally would not refuse.

“I’ll send a transport plane formation back with you later, by the way, how many of your ground survivors?”

“Four thousand or so.”

“Well, I’ll send three transport planes in formation back with you.”

Four thousand, which was far more than Lin Ziqin had imagined.

“When are you leaving?”

“No hurry, I’m going to see here first and then go back tomorrow.”

Bai Yuekui was not in a hurry.

Take a look here first, familiarize yourself with the environment, and prepare for the relocation work later.

“As you wish.”

Lin Ziqin naturally had no opinion on this.

Then Lin Ziqin took Bai Yuekui on a brief tour of the base.

After the visit, Lin Ziqin said goodbye to Bai Yuekui and returned to the Tianyuan through the portal.

As soon as he returned to the Tianyuan, Xiao Ai jumped out and couldn’t wait to say to him, “Master, I just studied the Polar Eater Spirit Core brought back by Miss Karen and Miss Ania a little.” ”

“I found it rich in a strange energy.”

“Presumably, this energy is what you call life essentia.”

“These life essentias are great supplements for any living thing, and we may even be able to use them to speed up our cultivation!”

Lin Ziqin was not surprised when he heard this.

Overall, this kind of thing as life essentia is really amazing.

It’s not surprising that it can do wonders in some ways.

Xiao Ai continued, “I suggest hunting more Polar Eaters and plundering their Lingzhizi!” ”

“This can be!”

Lin Ziqin very much agreed with this proposal.

Anyway, sooner or later he would have to kill all the polar eaters on this planet.

While killing them all, take away their lingshi by the way!

“Assemble a squad of hunters dedicated to hunting the Polar Eater to capture the Spirit Son, and this task will be entrusted to you Xiao Ai.”

“Obey orders!”

The next morning.

Bai Yuekui opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep.

The entrance is an open and unfamiliar ceiling.

Exquisite chandeliers, small dresser, comfortable large bed.

At this moment, Bai Yuekui had a feeling of returning to the pre-apocalyptic outbreak.

But that feeling disappeared after she stepped out of the door.

Sure enough, it was the end of the day she was familiar with.

With his memory, Bai Yuekui came to the airport where Lin Ziqin brought himself yesterday and was parked with more than thirty large transport planes.

“Miss White, we’re meeting again.”

Lin Ziqin had been waiting here for a long time.

Karen and Ania also stood silently on either side of him behind him.

“How was the rest last night?”

Bai Yuekui chuckled lightly, “Not bad.” ”

“That’s fine, I’m afraid Miss Bai will recognize the bed.”

Bai Yuekui turned his head and looked at the transport plane parked nearby.

“Are these the transport plane formations that are ready to be used to transport people?”

“That’s right, 37 in total, each capable of transporting more than a hundred people, enough to load all of you at once!”

These large transport aircraft are 77 meters long and 60 meters wide, and their appearance is somewhat similar to the dragon gunboats in the movie “Avatar”.

However, unlike the Wyvern gunboats, these transport aircraft can fly in both atmospheric and cosmic environments.

It can also take off and land vertically, regardless of the terrain.

Of course, in addition to the transport capacity, they are also equipped with some heavy armament.

Slightly modified it can even serve as a real air gunboat for some moderate combat.

All in all, these transport aircraft are ideally suited to serve as the protagonist of this transport mission.

“Next, these two of my subordinates will accompany you to help complete the transportation task.”

Lin Ziqin pointed at Karen and Ania and said.

Bai Yuekui glanced at the two and nodded, which was a greeting.

“Miss White, please come with us.”

Karen stepped forward, then turned and walked with Ania toward one of the transport planes.

Bai Yue Kui also followed.

“Be careful all the way, go back quickly.”

Lin Ziqin waved at several people.

A moment later, the transport planes took off one after another, and under the eyes of Lin Ziqin, the transport planes left the base in formation.

It wasn’t until the transport plane formation disappeared into the distant sky that he withdrew his gaze.

Xiao Ai said, “Master, just now, the radar of the base detected a huge UFO three hundred kilometers away.” ”

“Presumably it’s the lighthouse you mentioned earlier.”


Lin Ziqin was slightly surprised to hear this.

“Did the lid of the heavenly pot actually appear?”

Lighthouse, aka cauldron lid.

The area where the protagonist lives in the original book.

In fact, when it was just confirmed that this was the Spirit Cage World, Lin Ziqin also thought about finding the existence of the lighthouse.

However, when he met Bai Yuekui, he gave up this plan.

There is nothing on the lighthouse that you can see, and it is a waste of time to deliberately look for them.

“Master, do you need to make contact with each other?”

Lin Ziqin thought for a moment and shook his head, “No.” ”

“Just keep an eye on their actions.”

He does not intend to take the initiative to contact the lighthouse for the time being.

“Obey orders!”

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