Chapter 164 There Are Survivors on the Ground?!!

In the yellow sand storm, a convoy is speeding fast.

The gravel slapped against the car window and made a clicking sound.

“Liar Hunter Squad calls the lighthouse, receive please answer!”


“Oh, this broken machine.”

Mo Cheng helplessly put the communicator aside.

This thing is estimated to have been used for a long time afterwards.

“Still can’t contact the lighthouse?”

A hand clapped on Mo Cheng’s shoulder.

He looked up and saw a kind face.

“Yes Captain Mark.”

The man, named Mark, was the commander of their liar hunter unit.

“Ever since we entered this damn storm zone, the signal has been bad, and it is estimated that for a long time to come, we will have to rely on ourselves.”

“Not to be expected.”

Mark was very open-minded.

This is not the first time I have encountered this situation, and I have long been accustomed to it.

“Captain Mark! You’re about to arrive at the R-49 resource collection point! ”

At this moment, the driver’s voice came out of the cab.

Mark patted Ink City on the shoulder again before heading toward the cab.

Entering the wheelhouse, through the window, he saw the wreckage of the huge spaceship in the distance.

That’s the destination of their trip – R-49 resource collection point!

Today, the lighthouse’s resources are running out, especially in terms of energy.

If you don’t add it, the lighthouse will fall from the sky in up to two weeks!

It can be said that this resource collection task is more important than usual.

He pretends to be carrying the fate of the lighthouse’s future!

Retracting his gaze, Mark turned on the communicator and said, “Everyone is ready to act according to the plan, the first team will go into the inside of the spacecraft with me to collect resources, and the second team will be responsible for receiving outside.” ”


Moments later, the convoy stopped behind the ship’s engines. Mark took the lead and got out of the armored car with a group of men.

A strong earthy smell poured into his nose, and Mark couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Mo Cheng also complained, “This damn sandstorm is really annoying.” ”

“Don’t talk nonsense, a team of people come with me!”

Mark led a group of men toward the ship.

Some of them were armed and wearing black combat suits with rosy faces.

Others were carrying backpacks, wearing tattered clothes and yellowing faces, and they knew at a glance that they were caused by chronic malnutrition.

The inhabitants of the lighthouse have a very clear hierarchy. Those who are genetically good are the people, and conversely, those who are genetically inferior are the dust people.

These people with weapons in their hands and rosy faces are naturally Shangmin.

Not only do they have abundant distribution power, but they are also candidates for members of the Liar Hunter Battle.

The dust people are different, not only do they not get better and more resources, but they can only do some dirty and tiring work on the lighthouse.

In the long run, the body of the dust people will naturally appear to be in a state of good nutrition.

A moment later, the crowd came to the entrance of the ship.

The door was locked, but it didn’t bother them.

Mark gave Mo Cheng a look, who nodded and pulled a wire from the controller at the gate and connected it to the terminal on his wrist.

Only to see Mo Cheng tap the screen of the terminal a few times, and the door opened with a pop.

Mark pulled out the Magnum pistol hanging from his waist and walked in first.

Others followed.

It was pitch black inside, but thankfully they had brought flashlights.

With the help of a flashlight, they could see the situation inside.

It’s a long corridor.

The corridors were full of dead people who had turned into flesh.

“Oh my God, how many people have died here?”

Mo Cheng’s eyes widened, and the amount of flesh in front of his eyes was simply numb! Even Mark couldn’t help but frown slightly at what was in front of him.

It was also the first time he had seen so much flesh.

“They have all polished their eyes, and there may still be polar eaters here.”

Although it has been abandoned for decades, no one knows whether there are any polar eaters here.

“Obey orders!”

The crowd moved on.

Soon, they came across another door.

This time, without the need for Mark’s eyes, Mo Cheng had already begun to act. However, the security system of this door seems to be higher than that of the previous door.

A minute later, Mo Cheng still couldn’t open the door.

“Hey, can you do it?”

A dark-haired man walked over and kicked Mo Cheng’s heel lightly with his foot.

Mark saw this and said to the man, “Downey, don’t make trouble, let Ink City concentrate on his work.” ”

Mo Cheng scratched the back of his head, and his face was full of distress.

“Strange, how can the security system here be so high?”

The crowd was very surprised.

Mark asked, “Can’t even crack it?” ”

You know, Mo Cheng is a technical expert in their squad.

“It’s okay to be there, but I’m afraid it will take more time.”

“Just do it, we can afford to wait.”

In any case, they must enter this spaceship.

After all, the resources inside this spaceship are related to the survival of the lighthouse!

“Captain Mark! Come over here! ”

Just then, a woman’s shouting voice came from the back of the line.

Mark turned his head and looked away.

I saw a silver-haired woman waving at her.

He walked over to the woman.

“What’s wrong Ran Bing, did you find anything?”

The woman named Ran Bing pointed to the metal wall in front of her and said, “Look at what this is.” ”

Mark raised his flashlight and leaned his face over to take a closer look at the wall Ran Bing was referring to.

“The tunnel is… Bullet holes? ”

The metal walls are craterned, look like bullet holes, and there are burn marks.

Ran Bing nodded, “That’s right, this should be a bullet hole, and from the traces, it is very fresh, I’m afraid that someone fought here not long ago!” ”

It’s unbelievable, but the bullet holes in front of you are really fresh!

When she put her hand up and stroked it, she could even feel the faint warmth on the wall!

There may be other survivors on the ground!

A crazy idea appeared in Ran Bing’s mind.

When Ran Bing wanted to share this conjecture with Mark, she suddenly found that Mark was frowning at the moment.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Mark looked back and said, “If someone has actually fought here, it means that there is a threat here, and we must be more careful.” ”

Ran Bing also realized the problem at this time.

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