Chapter 165 The Hunting Squad and the Garbage Pickers!!

“Captain! I’ve got it done! ”

After some effort, Mo Cheng can be regarded as cracking the security system of this door.

Mark and Ran Bing return to the team.

The two stood in front of the door, raising their guns and preparing for battle.

Mark nodded toward Ink City, who pressed the button on the terminal.

With the sound of air pressure flowing, the safety door was finally opened.

An old smell comes over you!

It is not difficult to guess that no one seems to have been here for a long time.

“Stay alert and keep going!”

Mark took the lead and moved on.

The crowd was not moving fast, but it was not slow.

As they went deeper, they finally came to a more spacious corridor. There are also several rooms on either side of the corridor, and the doors are still open.

Mark took the lead in the nearest room door.

He poked his head in and took a closer look inside.

There’s just some meat and all the boxes in the corner.

“Downey, Penny, you two take some dusters to check the boxes.”

“If it’s useful, bring it all.”

Downey and Petunia nodded, then walked in with a few dust people around them

Mark then led the team on its way.

He carefully inspected each room.

After confirming that there was no danger, he let people into the room to collect supplies.

After leaving a portion of the men to guard the dust to collect supplies, Mark marched forward with the last few left.

“Wait! There is a situation! ”

At this moment, Ran Bing suddenly opened his mouth.

Several people raised their weapons and looked around warily.

Mark came to Ran Bing and asked, “What, did you find anything again?” ”

Ran Bing frowned and said, “I just heard something.” ”

“Sound? How come I didn’t hear that? ”

Mo Cheng pricked up his ears and listened carefully, but found that there was nothing.

“Neither do I.”

“Me too.”

Others also said they hadn’t heard anything.

But Mark has a lot of trust in his partner.

“What kind of sound is it?”

Ran Bing shook his head: “I can’t say it, it’s a strange sound that I haven’t heard before.” ”

“Where did the sound come from?”

Ran Bing closed his eyes tightly and listened carefully to all the sounds around him.

After a moment, she suddenly opened her eyes and ran forward.

“Keep up!”

Mark immediately followed with him.

Soon they came to a gate again.

Compared to the two doors I met before, this door is obviously much larger.

Ran Bing pressed his ear to the door.

“Yes, the sound is coming from within!”

Mark and Ink City also tried to stick their ears to the gate.


They also heard a strange noise coming from behind the door!


Mo Cheng looked at Mark, as if to ask if he wanted to open the door.

Mark pondered for a moment and made his decision.

“Open it!”

Mo Cheng nodded and started working again.

Although this door is large, the security system is not difficult.

After a few moments, the door finally opened.

However, the moment the gate was opened, a black shadow came into the eyes of Mo Cheng, “Be careful! ”

Mark’s eyes were fast, pulling the stunned Mo City aside.

In an instant, the black shadow flew in front of Mo Cheng, and finally smashed heavily on the wall behind him.

When the crowd looked, they saw the face of the black shadow clearly.

“It’s a snake dog!?”

That’s right.

This dark shadow is none other than the low-level Pole Eater Snake Dog! Seeing this, the crowd was immediately stunned.

But just as they were about to pull the trigger to shoot, they found that the snake dog was already scarred, lying on the ground and twitching a few times before it did not move.


The crowd looked at each other.


Just then heavy footsteps came from inside the gate.

The hearts that had just been laid down were lifted again, and everyone turned and looked inside the gate again.

However, the scene in front of them stunned everyone.

I saw more than a dozen snakes and dogs lying horizontally and vertically inside the Gate of Heaven!

Among these snakes and dogs are several silver-gray robots.

It used to hold the Energy Sword in its left hand and an advanced little pistol in its right hand!

At this moment, they were using the energy sword in their hands to break through the belly of the snake dog and take out a sphere emitting blue light from it!

When the sphere was removed, the snake and dog that had been killed in their eyes turned into a pool of disgusting black mud!

Everyone watched this scene in a daze until the robots had ripped all the snakes and dogs apart.

That’s when the robots set their sights on Mark and the others.

One of the robots shot a scanning beam of light from its eye and shone on Mark and the others.

Mark and the others stood nervously where they were.

In the face of such an unknown guy, they did not dare to rush to attack.

After a few moments, the scanning beam disappeared, and the robots withdrew their gaze and turned away, as if uninterested in Mark and the others.

Under the gaze of a crowd, they disappeared at the end of the dark corridor.

It was only then that Mark and the others came back to their senses.

“Just that is?”

Ran Bing asked.

But no one could give him the answer.

Mo Cheng turned to Mark and asked, “Captain, what should we do now?” ”

Mark was silent for a moment and said, “I’ll go back and help the others finish collecting supplies as soon as possible!” ”

Can’t stay here any longer!

No one knows if those robots will suddenly become hostile to them and then kill a carbine.

“Also, record the situation here and send it back to the lighthouse.”

Mo Cheng nodded.

“Captain! There’s also a snake dog there that hasn’t been unscavenged! ”

I don’t know who said it, and then everyone remembered that there was a badly injured snake dog still lying under the corner.

Ran Bing said to Mark: “Before those robots took a glowing sphere from the belly of the snake dogs, and then these snake dogs died. ”

“Shall we try it too?”

“Hmmm… You can try it! ”

If it had been, Mark would have taken the snake dog out of here before it had been fully resurrected.

But after seeing how the robots killed the snakes and dogs, he also wanted to give it a try.

“Let me come.”

With that, Ran Bing came to the snake dog, then pulled out his dagger, plunged into the snake dog’s abdomen, and cut a more than ten centimeter-long opening.

She forced her hand into it with disgust and touched it from side to side. She did touch a hard sphere in the belly of the snake dog.

Ran Bing did not hesitate to pull it out.

The next second, the snake dog in front of him turned into a pool of black mud!

“Really dead?”

The crowd was in disbelief.

All along, they thought that the Polar Eater could not be killed.

But when they killed a snake and dog with their own hands, it was as if the worldview had been overthrown at this moment!

Mark looked at the Lingzhi Zi in Ran Bing’s hand and his expression gradually became excited.

“Go! We go back! Get this news back to the lighthouse as soon as possible! ”

The harvest this time is far more abundant than any lie hunting operation!

The method of killing the Pole Eater alone is enough to rival thousands of boxes of resources!

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