Chapter 166 is moving!!

Mark took the Lingxizi from Ran Bing’s hand and carefully put it into his pocket.

This thing may be brought back for Dr. Carrie to study and study.

“Let’s go, let’s go back.”

Mark left with his teammates in the direction he had come.

And all this was witnessed by a mechanical eye hidden in the darkness.

Soon this scene was spread to the 001 base, which was more than two hundred kilometers away.

“Have the hunting squad and the liar hunter finally met?”

Compared to the old communicators used by liar hunters, the Tianyuan Empire, which has mastered the means of hyperspace communication, will not be affected by weather and the environment in any communication.

The meeting between the hunting squad and the lighthouse liar squad immediately reached Lin Ziqin’s ears.

Lin Ziqin was very surprised by this.

One also hunts a squad, a squad of liar hunters.

A word or two apart, and still meeting in the same place, this may be fate.

Xiao Ai said, “Master, wouldn’t it be wrong to tell these natives about the weakness of the Polar Eater?” What if they and we rob the Spirit of Sikko? ”

Yes, that snake dog was not the target left by the hunting squad, but Lin Ziqin deliberately left it to these people!

He let Mark and the others witness the entire slaughter of snakes and dogs, just to tell them that the Polar Eater is not immortal!

In order to make them deeply believe this, he also deliberately left a bloody snake dog for Mark to try for themselves.

The final result was also as Lin Ziqin predicted, Ran Bing, witnessed by Mark, personally killed a polar eater.

“With their power, they are not qualified to rob our Lingxizi!”

Lin Ziqin was not at all worried that the lighthouse would become his competitor after knowing the weakness of the Pole Eater.

Any competitor is built on equal strength.

But the lighthouse clearly has no strength to match them!

It is true that after the lighthouse knows the weakness of the Pole Eater, it will definitely hunt more Pole Eaters for experimentation.

However, with the strength of the lighthouse, it could only hunt down some low-level polar beasts.

And the number is limited.

What’s more, it would be better if they could really study something useful from the Spirit of the Pole Eater.

When the time comes, he will go and grab those research results!

“Little love, continue to pay close attention to these people.”

“Feel free to let me know if you have any information.”

“Obey orders!”

In an abandoned hut on a hilltop.

The maiden Xia Dou was lying on the wooden table.

The smile of the past has disappeared, and the cute little face is full of worry.

“The boss has been away for more than a day, why hasn’t he returned?”


A slender finger flicked lightly on Xia Dou’s forehead.

“Yikes! Are you a sister of Broken Star? ”

Xia Dou covered her reddened forehead and puffed up her cheeks to look at Miss Shattered Star in front of her.

“You, don’t keep talking here, the boss is so strong, there will be no danger at all.”

Shattered Star crossed Erlang’s leg and said.

It seemed to be a calm face, but in fact, the heart was also very worried about Bai Yuekui

It is only in front of the younger generations that she needs to maintain her composure in order to give the younger generations confidence.

And her appearance really made Xia Dou feel at ease.

“Yes, the boss is so strong, if those people dare to plot against her, the boss can kill them with two punches!”

While talking, Xia Dou was still waving a pink fist, which looked cute.


The heavenly gate of the wooden house was suddenly pushed open, and Shanda rushed in from outside.

“Hey! Come out, come out, guys! ”

After saying that, Shanda did not wait for the two to respond and rushed out again.

Xia Dou and Shattered Star glanced at each other and immediately followed suit.

When the two of them walked out of the wooden house, they saw the mountain at first sight, and Xu Tong and the three of them were looking up at the sky.

The two men also looked up curiously.

Then they saw an incredible scene.

I saw a huge number of flying formations in the sky flying towards this side!

“Me, my god that, this, how can there be so many planes?”

Xia Dou was stunned and looked at this scene in shock.

“Did they arrest the boss and now surround and suppress us?”

Xia Dou’s cerebellum instantly made up some horrible pictures.

For example, the boss was arrested, then tortured to extract a confession, and had to not reveal the location of their survivors on the ground.

Then those men sent a large army to surround and suppress them!

“What is going on in your little girl’s head?”

Shattered Star once again rewarded Xia Dou with a bursting chestnut.

She pointed to the transport plane flying in front of her and said, “Look closely, our boss is on top!” ”

As an archer, her eyesight is far beyond ordinary people…

Even at a distance of thousands of meters, she also saw Bai Yuekui standing at the hatch of the transport plane.

At this moment, Bai Yuekui was waving at their side!

After a few moments, the transport plane finally came to the top of Xia Dou and the others. Under the watchful eye of several people, Transport One landed on the ground.

Bai Yuekui, Karen and Anya stepped out of the transport plane.

“The owner!”

“Great, you’re finally back!”

Xia Dou and the others ran towards Bai Yuekui, their faces covered with joy that could not be concealed.

“Are you waiting for me outside here?”

After seeing these teammates, Bai Yuekui’s cold face actually had a faint smile.

Natsuru nodded.

“Yes boss! We’re worried about you, so we’ve been waiting for you here! ”

“By the way, boss, how did you bring these people here?” And with a bunch of planes! ”

Shattered Star and the others also looked curiously at the transport plane behind her.

Bai Yuekui did not hide it, when even told several people about the relocation.

After listening to Bai Yuekui’s words, several people showed different expressions.

“Great! Can you leave the underground and live on the surface?! ”

Xia Dou was very happy about this.

But Shattered Star expressed concern.

“If you move to the surface, will you be attacked by the Polar Eater?”

Although they could control the life essence in their bodies through cultivation, the Polar Eater could not see them.

But even so, they don’t dare to live on the surface for a long time.

After all, control is also time-limited, and it will naturally be exposed over time.

Although the three people of Shanda, Xu Tong and Tajiyan did not speak, he was also worried about it in his heart.

“Rest assured, the safety factor of our base is very high, and the polar eaters cannot break through at all.”

The one who opened the mouth was Karen.

She also raised her hand and used holographic projection technology to project a holographic image of the base in front of several people.

“This is our base, shrouded in a shield that can’t even explode with a nuclear bomb!”

Then Bai Yuekui’s answer also confirmed Ka Lian’s words.

Shattered Star and the others finally put their minds at ease.

Thanks to the ‘Jin Jun’ and “staring at the crotch cat a cat” tips, thank you!!!

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