Chapter 167 Big Boss, I porridge you!!

“Uh huh! Delicious! Delicious! ”

“How can there be such a delicious thing in the world?” Let me eat for the rest of my life will not get bored! ”

“Eat slowly, no one will rob you.”

Lin Ziqin drew out a paper towel and handed it to the young girl Xia Dou in front of him.

At this moment, she was holding a half-eaten Boston lobster in her left hand and a steak in her right hand, and her mouth was also stuffed.

The cheeks on either side bulged slightly, like a cute little hamster.

“God boss, you are so kind, I porridge you!”

Xia Dou said as he ate.

“Yes and yes, I also porridge you, and can you change the title?”

For Xia Dou’s ‘affectionate confession’ Lin Ziqin naturally will not take it seriously.

This little girl looks cute, but she is actually a big foodie! Give her something tasty and she loves everyone!

“Isn’t the title big boss bad?”

Xia Dou said with a fine touch of the relationship between the two, “My boss is your employee, and you are naturally my big boss.” ”

That’s not wrong at all.

Now Bai Yuekui had become a staff member of Lin Ziqin’s side.

After all, she had already sold all her knowledge to Lin Ziqin, and she had become a scientific researcher on his side in disguise.

Don’t underestimate Bai Yuekui’s mind.

Although the anime only shows her powerful force, her real identity is a genius brain scientist and biologist!

The angel potion was developed by her.

“Forget it, it’s up to you.”

Lin Ziqin had given up correcting Xia Dou’s name for himself.

“Have you eaten enough?” When you are full, continue the experiment. ”

There is naturally a reason why Xia Dou can eat a delicious meal.

Her abilities are special, allowing her to control the Polar Eater through the Medium.

Lin Ziqin was very interested in this ability, so he invited Xia Dou to come and conduct some experiments.

In return, Lin Ziqin invited her to a big meal.

Now it’s the third day of the experiment.

After a few days of getting along, Xia Dou also knew more and more about Lin Ziqin.

The relationship between the two has gradually improved, and it has reached a friendship relationship.

“Ton ton ton ton ton ton

Xia Dou took a cup of happy water and poured it into his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, she drank a whole glass of happy water.

Dry so much happy water in one breath, is a cruel person!


After eating and drinking, Xia Dou also gave a loud full burp.

“I’m full! It’s time to start experimenting! ”

“Let’s go.”

Lin Ziqin left the canteen with Xia Dou and walked towards the laboratory.

On the way, the two also met unexpected people.

“Bai Yue Kui? Strange, you actually came out of the laboratory? ”

This unexpected person is none other than Boss White.

At this moment, she was wearing a small pair of glasses, and her clothes were also changed into the standard white coat of scientific researchers.

Ever since Lin Ziqin gave her a separate laboratory, she had been hiding in it and rarely came out.

Anyway, Lin Ziqin had never seen her come out of it.

Even the daily food is delivered by robots.

Seeing her come out of the lab today was simply the sun hitting the west side.

Xia Dou waved his hand to greet him: “Boss, I haven’t seen you for a long time!” ”

Bai Yuekui nodded at Xia Dou, and then looked at Lin Ziqin.

“I need some new experimental material.”

“What material?”

“Polar Eater.”

“No problem, I’ll give you a few later.”

Lin Ziqin immediately nodded his head in agreement. The Polar Eater grabbed a handful of such things.

And now there are readily available in the base.

It was Karen and Ania who were caught when they went out these days.

Bai Yuekui shook his head, “I don’t want a low-level polar eater like a snake dog, I need a more advanced one.” ”

Lin Ziqin raised an eyebrow.

Couldn’t the low-level Pole Eater satisfy her experiment anymore?

However, her experiment also helped Lin Ziqin, so he did not refuse.

“Okay, what level do you want?”

Bai Yuekui replied, “Casually, but the higher the level, the better, and it is best to be metamorphosed.” ”

Lin Ziqin nodded, “Metamorphosis?” Okay, I’ll send it to you later. ”

When you have free time later, you can go and help her catch one and come back.

“By the way, I’m going to take this guy to the experiment next, are you going to see it?”

Lin Ziqin sent an invitation to Bai Yuekui.

I want to invite her to see the next experiment.

Similarly, as a researcher, perhaps she will be interested in the next experiment.

Bai Yuekui thought for a moment and then bowed his head, “Yes.” ”

Then, the three of them came to the laboratory together.

It is a 30-meter-tall building.

When you walk in, the first thing you see is countless advanced instruments and equipment. In addition, there are many polar eaters trapped by the stagnant position.

Among them are ridge worms, snake dogs, ground roars and even thorny eels.


Xia Dou made a grimace in front of a snake dog, but it was not scary at all, but it was very cute.

Immediately afterward, she jumped to a ridge and made the same expression.

Every time this lively little girl came here, she would tease the polar eater here.

The trio moved on, and finally they came to the deepest part of the laboratory.

This is an observation room shrouded in an energy shield.

Underneath the energy shield is a circular pit that resembles a Colosseum.


Lin Ziqin snapped his fingers.

A giant double beast was released.

Seeing the return of the double beast, Xia Dou’s eyes widened.

She pointed to the beast below and asked, “Big Boss, don’t you want me to control this big guy?” ”

Bai Yuekui looked sideways at Lin Ziqin, and there was also some curiosity in his eyes.

She also knew that Xia Dou’s abilities were more special, but Xia Dou could only control some low-level pole eaters at best.

This level of polar eater, Xia Dou really hadn’t tried it.

Lin Zi Qin bowed his head, “That’s right, this time you will try to control it.” ”

“This won’t work!”

Xia Dou shook his head slightly, like a drum.

“This kind of big guy, with my ability, simply can’t control it!” If I don’t know I’ll be eaten back! ”

“Rest assured, I won’t let you have an accident.”

Lin Ziqin gently caressed Xia Dou’s head and pointed to a helmet placed in front of her.

“See this helmet?” My new gift to you, which strengthens your psychic powers, should be able to control this polar eater. ”

This helmet was developed based on Natsuto’s abilities.

With it, Xia Dou’s control of high-level polar eaters will become as simple as drinking water!

Feeling the warm palm above his head, Xia Dou’s face turned slightly red.

“Okay, but afterwards you’ll invite me to eat more and more food!”

“Well, I promise you!”

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