Chapter 168 Not a Perfect Experimental Result!!

Seeing that Lin Ziqin agreed to his request, Xia Dou showed a happy smile.

She put the helmet in her hand on her head.

Lin Ziqin asked, “Are you ready?” I’m ready to start. ”

Xia Dou took a deep breath and said, “I’m ready!” ”

“Well, then, the experiment begins!”

Lin Ziqin pressed the button in front of him.

In an instant, the light on Xia Dou’s helmet flashed twice.

Immediately after that, the eyes of the double beasts in the experimental site also changed from the original gray-white to the blue of the light.

It looks like it worked.

“Xia Dou, try to control this beast simply, take your time.”

Natsuru nodded.

Only to see her open her pink lips and let out a cute howl.



Ming Mingxiadou let out a stupid and cute howl, but when it reached the mouth of the Double Eun Beast, it was a huge roar.

“Take a few steps and try it.”

Boom! Boom! Boom! The walking posture is standard.

“Well, it’s not bad, let’s try the battle mode.”

Lin Ziqin snapped his fingers again.

Several snake dogs were released.

“Go and get rid of these snakes and dogs.”

“Obey orders!”

Looking at these small snakes and dogs in front of him, Xia Dou’s heart grew.

Double beast vs. snake dog, isn’t this just a hand?


The group of snakes and dogs also seemed to perceive the strangeness of this ‘companion’.

They looked at the beast warily and let out a low roar, as if to warn.


Under Xia Dou’s control, the beast opened its blood basin and directly bit one of the snake dogs.

The huge bite force directly bit the poor snake dog into two pieces.


Xia Dou laughed and teased, “Crispy and chicken-flavored!” ”


Several more snake dogs were squashed by the beast with its huge palms.

The remaining snakes and dogs did not intend to sit still.

They attacked the beasts.

However, the Double Eun Beast has enough defensive power to withstand the small electromagnetic cannon, and their attack cannot hurt the Double Edo Beast a single minute!

After a few moments, the entire experimental site became a mess.

The original snakes and dogs had died and turned into a pool of black mud.

Only the double beast remained.

“Very good, the experiment is over, Xia Dou has worked hard for you’.”

Lin Ziqin was very satisfied with the experimental results.

Xia Dou took off his helmet and breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Whew! Is it finally over? I’ll have a big meal later! ”

“Huh? Your face looks a little pale. ”

Bai Yuekui suddenly frowned slightly, and she keenly noticed that Xia Dou’s face was slightly paler than usual.

After being reminded by Bai Yuekui, Lin Ziqin soon discovered this as well.

The two looked at Xia Dou nervously.

“Maybe it’s because I’m a little tired.”

Xia Dou’s hands gently caressed his face.

Lin Ziqin asked with concern, “Do you feel tired?” ”

Natsuru nodded.

“It’s a little bit, it feels like the mental drain is still a little bit bigger.”

“Is that so?”

Lin Ziqin murmured.

It seems that this experiment is not as perfect as imagined.

And trying to control a large polar eater is really not so simple.

It looks like the device needs to be upgraded later.

“Little love.”

Lin Ziqin called out Xiao Ai’s name softly.

The next second, Xiao Ai appeared in front of Lin Ziqin.

“Master, I’m in.”

“Let’s prepare some big soup for Xia Dou.”

Xia Dou’s appearance was really a little worrying, and Lin Ziqin decided to get her some heavenly soup.

“Please wait, the soup will come right away!”

“Because of the soup? All right! ”

Xia Dou jumped up excitedly.

But before he could jump a few times, his legs suddenly softened, and the whole person fell to the side.

Bai Yue Kui saw that he wanted to catch Xia Dou.

But Lin Ziqin’s speed was faster than hers, and he hugged Xia Dou into his arms.

“Are you okay?”

Feeling this strong manly breath, Xia Dou’s pale face turned pink.

“Me, I’m fine, I just didn’t stand still.”

Xia Dou hurriedly left Lin Ziqin’s arms.

The latter did not perceive the girl’s shyness, he was still a little worried about Xia Dou’s situation, so he made a look at Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai instantly understood Lin Ziqin’s meaning and conducted a full body scan of Xia Dou.

A moment later, the results came out.

“Master, Miss Xia Dou has no answer, but her mental strength is excessive, and she can recover after resting for a while.”

“It couldn’t be better if nothing happened.”

With the affirmation of Xiao Ai, Lin Ziqin finally put his mind at ease.

“Look, I said I’m okay!”

Xia Dou crossed his hands and looked up at Lin Ziqin, as if to say that you still believe me!

Lin Ziqin smiled lightly and gently caressed the girl’s head to give comfort.

Bai Yuekui silently watched the interaction between the two people.

At this moment, she actually saw her brother’s shadow from Lin Ziqin’s body.

But that illusion soon disappeared.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to drink the heavenly soup and eat the food!”

“Does Miss Bai Yuekui want to be together?”

As Lin Ziqin’s voice fell, Bai Yuekui’s thoughts returned to reality.

She had wanted to refuse, but when she saw Lin Ziqin’s smile that was bathed in the light, she actually made the god nod his head.


Just as Lin Ziqin took Xia Dou and Bai Yuekui, two beautiful women, to enjoy the food together.

More than three hundred kilometers away on the lighthouse.

The protagonist Mark’s mood is very heavy.

He held a canned beer in his hand and lay on the railing and stared into the distance.

“What happened to our great hero today, in such a dull mood?”

A large and powerful hand slapped Mark on the shoulder, and the beer in his hand was hanging on to grab.

Mark didn’t have to look back to know who it was.

“Teacher Elon, Heavenly Hero or something can lift me up too much.”

Big Heroes?

It was just that he learned the method of killing the Polar Eater from others and brought the method back to the lighthouse, which is not a big hero.

“Are you still worried about my business?”

Elon saw that Mark was always dull and slightly depressed.

Mark nodded and said, “Teacher Elon, are you really going on a long trip tomorrow?” ”

Although the lighthouse mastered the method of killing the Polar Eater, the plot did not change for many days.

The Liar Hunter’s Instructor Elon will still be a distant subject!

A long trip is one of the things most people on the lighthouse are likely to experience.

Whenever a person reaches the age of seventy or eighty, he will be arranged to travel far.

And to go far is to throw people into the ground and let them fend for themselves.

This may seem cruel, but it doesn’t work.

There are not many lighthouse resources, and people who continue to stay on the lighthouse when they are old will only waste resources.

Elon patted Mark lightly on the shoulder and said, “You don’t have to worry about me, I’m ready.” ”

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