Chapter 169 This is not a pleasure to say!!


“Well, that’s all there is to it, it’s the lighthouse rule, no one can break it, you and I are no exception.”

Mark wanted to say something more, Elon quickly interrupted.

The partition wall has ears, and some words are just known in the heart, there is no need to say them.

“Don’t put on this bitter face when you come, smile a lot, after all, you are about to become the lord of the city!”

“How would it feel if others saw this expression of our future city lord all day long?”

“Teacher Elon…”

Mark retracted his expression of loss.

Although the plot changes slightly, but in the same way as in the original book, the current lighthouse lord Morgan still appoints Mark as the next city lord.

This can not be light enough to give a certain golden retriever god stick to anger.

“After I leave, the boys will be handed over to you, but don’t let me down.”

Elon looked back at the members of the liar hunters in the training room.

These guys were taught by himself, and he treated these people like his own children.

Suddenly it is going to leave them, and it is impossible to say that there is no unwillingness.

Mark nodded emphatically, “Rest assured, Mr. Elon, I will protect all the members of the Liar Hunter.” ”

“Leave it to you, I am naturally assured.”


Early morning.

A loud noise spread throughout the base.

Most of the people were awakened from their sleep by this sudden noise, including Lin Ziqin.

“Little love, what happened?”

Lin Ziqin stepped down from the bed and opened the curtains.

Dazzling sunlight filtered through the window and fell on the bed.

The other person on the bed was not awakened by the loud noise, but was affected by the dazzling light.

She rolled over, turned her back to the window, and pulled the quilt up to cover her entire head.

“Back to the master, it was the main guns of the ORS-class battleships that opened fire.”

Little Love flew out, and the blue mechanical eyeball glanced at the other person on the bed without leaving a trace.

Worthy of being the master, so quickly rolled with this high-cold woman.

Lin Ziqin looked up at the sky.

A few kilometers above the base, several warships are parked, the most heavenly of which is the ORS-class heavy cruiser.

“Did the ORS-class heavy cruiser suddenly open fire, did it find anything?”

These ships will not suddenly fire for no reason, unless something threatens the existence of the base.

Xiao Ai replied, “Yes, a large group of polar eaters was found thirty kilometers away from the base, so the ORS-class heavy cruiser opened fire.” ”

“Is that the case?”

After getting the answer, Lin Ziqin no longer paid attention to the matter. Just a group of polar eaters, no matter how many more is to deliver food.

However, there is one thing to pay attention to.

Next time install a noise barrier for the base.

Otherwise, every time the battleship fires so loudly, it is easy to disturb people’s rest.

It’s okay during the day, I’m afraid of giving you a shot in the middle of the night.

Lin Ziqin retracted his gaze and picked up the clothes scattered on the ground.

When he was dressed, he came to the other side of the bed and reached out and gently patted the person hiding in the bed.

“I’ll go out first, and you’ll have a little more rest.”

After speaking, Lin Ziqin got up and left the room.

At this moment, a silver-haired head popped out of the bed. After confirming Lin Ziqin’s departure, the woman’s eyes revealed a complex color.

In the end, all the helplessness turned into a light sigh.

“Master, although it is very bad to inquire about other people’s secrets, I still want to know, how did you play cards with Miss Bai so quickly?”

Xiao Ai’s little mechanical heart ignited the soul of gossip.

No wonder she was so strange.

Mainly the development of the two is also too fast, right?

Obviously, the relationship between the two people in the first two days was still very ordinary, just the cooperative relationship did not expect to become such a close relationship last night!

Lin Ziqin touched the back of his head and said, “This is all an accident.” ”

“I had some drinks with her yesterday because of something, and then we all accidentally drank it.”

“Then something indescribable happened.”

Thinking back to what happened last night, even Lin Ziqin felt a little embarrassed.

But since he did, he would naturally be responsible.

In the future, Boss Bai will be his wife!

Although this wife’s age may be a little older.

But Lin Ziqin didn’t care.

In another few tens of thousands of years, who will care about this age difference.

However, to Lin Ziqin’s surprise, a person of Boss Bai’s age was still a chick!

“Big boss! Good morning! ”

Suddenly, a figure jumped in front of Lin Ziqin.

Xia Dou’s face was filled with a cheerful smile and he waved his hand to greet Lin Ziqin.

“Well, good morning, seeing how happy you seem to be today, is something good happening?”

Xia Dou tilted his head, and his index finger lightly tapped the pink lips.

“Is it a good thing? If you insist on saying a good thing, you have met the big boss this morning! ”

Lin Ziqin smirked.

“Is that a good thing?”

“Isn’t that counting?”

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll pull you for experiments?” Just like yesterday? ”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid! As long as the big boss boils a big pot of soup for me afterwards! ”

“Oh, you.”

Lin Ziqin stretched out his hand and gently scraped the little nose.

I always felt like I had a younger sister.

But this sister is quite cute, and he doesn’t hate it.

“Have you had breakfast?”

“Not yet! Isn’t this getting ready to go and then meet the big boss you. ”

“Then let’s go together.”


Xia Dou took Lin Ziqin’s hand and walked towards the canteen.

When they reached the canteen, everyone looked at the two in surprise.

This is especially true for several of Xia Dou’s teammates.

“After a few days of not seeing, Xia Dou has such a good relationship with our big boss.”

“No way, the parents are cute.”

“It seems that our big boss prefers cute type women like Xia Dou.”

“No, no, the big boss definitely prefers the heroic woman like the boss!”

“How do you know?”

Several people’s eyes fell on Shanda’s body.

Shanda is so sure, is there any evidence? Well, he does have proof.

“You don’t know, I saw the boss and the big boss eating together, drinking together, and finally going back together!”

“I doubt the boss and the big boss already…”

After that, he did not continue, but just made a movement with his hands, and he believed that several of his friends must know what he meant.

“Wow! Unexpectedly, my boss, who has been single for so many years, has finally found a other half! ”

“Shhh! I don’t like to say this, be careful that the boss hears it. ”

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