Chapter 170 Get ready to catch the proud little chrysanthemum!!

“Please Miss Bai Yuekui immediately go to the central control center, repeat, please Miss Bai Yuekui immediately go to the central control center!”

Suddenly, there was a cold summons in the laboratory.

Bai Yuekui put down the experiment in his hand, removed the big white coat on his body, put on the fluffy cape of the past, and walked outside the laboratory.

A few minutes later, she came to the ~ central control center.

“You’re finally here.”

Lin Ziqin looked at her with a smile.

Bai Yuekui’s eyebrows also seemed to show a hint of happiness.

“Is there anything wrong with suddenly looking for me?”

Although what happened that night was an accident.

But it is undeniable that that incident did bring the two closer together.

At least when facing Lin Ziqin, Bai Yuekui was no longer as cold as before.

Occasionally, there is a slight smile.

And after a few days of precipitation, Bai Yuekui had already seen it.

As an elderly girl, she really wants to be loved.

Lin Ziqin said, “Remember when I promised to catch a high-level Pole Eater for you before?” ”

Bai Yuekui gently bowed his head.

“Naturally I won’t forget this, so you’ve found your goal?”

“It’s true.”

Lin Ziqin held out his hand and tapped a few times on the holographic table.

A holographic image of a large polar eater appeared in front of the two men.

This is a deformed polar eater, and the lighthouse named it: Calyx Beast!

That’s right, the unwanted calyx beast in the original book that abused the Liar Hunter Squad!

However, compared to the calyx beast, Lin Ziqin preferred to call it the ‘proud chrysanthemum beast’.

This guy always likes to fork his waist, plus when he opens his ass, it’s like a blooming chrysanthemum.

That’s why Lin Ziqin would call it that.

Although this guy’s size is not as good as that of the Double Eun Beast, his rank is similar to that of the Double Eun Beast.

And because it is a deformed polar eater, it has extremely high research value!

“That’s the experimental material I’ve picked for you, how’s that?”

Lin Ziqin pointed to the hologram of the calyx beast and asked.

Bai Yuekui looked at the guy in front of him carefully, and then nodded with satisfaction.

“Not bad, so when are you going to send someone to get it back?”

“Let’s go tonight.”

“At night… Wait a minute! Let’s go? Will you go too? ”

Bai Yuekui suddenly realized another meaning in Lin Ziqin’s words.

“Yes, I have something to experiment with here.”

“This kind of thing is good for the subordinates to go down and do it, why do you have to do it yourself?”

“You don’t understand, I have to do this experiment myself.”

Lin Ziqin’s experiment required the use of the Precursor suit.

At present, only he and his wives in the entire Tianyuan Empire have the Precursor Battle Suit.

So this experiment he must appear in person!

“Then I’ll go with you, anyway, I’ll be bored, so I’ll go out with you.”

After hearing this, Lin Ziqin was very touched in his heart.

He could see that Bai Yuekui was worried about himself, so he went with him.

“Well, we’ll leave at nine o’clock tonight.”

He did not refuse her accompaniment.

The time turned to nine o’clock in the evening.

Lin Ziqin took Bai Yuekui to the Phantom docking bay.

At this moment, Karen, Ania and Xia Dou and others are sorting out their equipment.

“The boss? Top banana? How did you get here? ”

When Xia Dou found out about the arrival of the two of them, he ran over with his slender white legs.

Lin Ziqin replied, “The next two of us will also walk with you.” ”


Xia Dou and the others stared wide-eyed.

The boss was with them and they understood, after all, they were a group.

But the big boss actually wants to go out with them!

What if something happens?

Obviously, they did not yet understand Lin Ziqin’s strength.

Karen and Ania were not worried.

Moreover, the two of them had already received the notice that Lin Ziqin would act together in advance, so they were not surprised.

“Are you all ready?”

Lin Ziqin patted Xia Dou’s head and asked several other people.


Karen and Ania answered first.

Shattered Star and the others also nodded.

“Let’s go!”

The crowd then boarded an SDV-class heavy cruiser aboard the Phantom.

Rumble…… In the dark.

A small convoy is driving on abandoned city roads.

In one of the armored vehicles, Mark looked down at the tattered photograph in his hand with obvious burn marks in thought.

The photo shows a woman and a man.

The woman had flowing red hair and wore a beret.

It was his sister Hongkao, who had been executed more than a decade ago for breaking the taboo of the lighthouse and falling in love with his lover.

As a child, Mark witnessed his sister’s death.

That was the pain of his life!

Even now, after so many years, he still remembers the scene and now he has embarked on the same path as his sister.

Now he finally understood his sister’s original idea.

But his fate was diametrically opposed to that of his sister.

He was not executed, and was given a chance to atone for his sins!

It was to travel to the ground during the extremely dangerous night in search of the medicine that would save the Lord of Morgan.

As long as he completes this mission, he can be with his lover forever, and in order to be with his lover, he is willing to take this risk!

“Report Captain, the road ahead has found a herd of polar eaters!”

At this time, the sound of Mo Cheng sounded in the headphones.

Taking a deep breath, Mark calmed down the mixed emotions in his heart.

“Are there any other roads ahead?”

“No, that’s the only passage.”

“Then go full speed and go straight through!”



The drivers all stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

In an instant, the speed of the convoy increased several notches.

The sleeping Pole Eaters were also suddenly awakened by the roar of this engine.

It used to chase quickly toward the convoy.

The Polar Eater was so fast that it bit the back of the convoy in the blink of an eye.

“Fire! Don’t let these ugly bastards get close to the convoy! ”

The machine gunner fired wildly at the Pole Eater in the rear.

In a few moments, a large group of polar eaters were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

There were even a few lucky ones who were hit by Reiko and burped directly!

“There’s a broken bridge ahead!”

The voice of Mo Cheng sounded again in the communicator.

“We can try to drive and jump over to shake off the Polar Eater’s pursuit.”

Mark opened fire as he asked, “Can you jump?” ”

Mo Cheng was silent for a moment before giving an answer.

“If you use a vehicle-mounted rocket jet, you can definitely do it!”

The armored vehicles of the liar hunters were specially modified.

Rocket jets are installed on the bottom of the car!

“Then jump right over!”

Mark hesitated for a moment and then immediately adopted Ink City’s proposal ten.

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