Chapter 171 Good evening opposite, have you eaten?!!

Finally, after some terrifying jumps, the convoy finally got rid of the Polar Eaters behind them.

Mark was relieved.

“Mo Cheng, how far are we still to reach the target place?”

“Report Captain, there’s still about twenty minutes to go.”

“Twenty minutes?”

Mark glanced at the electronic watch on his wrist.

Above it was 8:45.

“Keep going at that pace and everybody be vigilant.”


Time: 9:20 p.m.

At this moment, it has been about fifteen minutes since Mark and the others arrived at the T-69 lighthouse medical collection point.

In the sky.

A warship more than nine hundred meters long quietly came here.

“Master, a squad of lighthouse liar hunters has been detected below.”

As the terrain scans, Xiao Ai soon discovers a squad of liar hunters on the ground.

“Are they here too?”

Lin Ziqin murmured.

In the original book, the Liar Hunter Squad did come here to find the medicine to save the city lord and fought with the calyx.

Lin Ziqin originally thought that this plot would take at least a few more days to happen, but he didn’t expect it to be today!

That’s a coincidence!

Lin Ziqin Mo raised his chin and asked, “What is the current situation of the liar hunters?” ”

Xiao Ai replied: “They seem to have arrived here not long ago, and at present they are setting up ropes, as if they want to take people to the underground hospital.” ”

Although the Liar Hunter Squad had been here for ten minutes.

But after coming here, they spent a little time building a simple defensive line, and then they also built ropes to transport people and supplies.

So they haven’t even entered the hospital, which is buried underground.

Just here?

It seems that their luck is good today, at least they have not met the calyx yet.

At least on his side, the calyx was no longer a threat to liar hunters.

“Let’s go down too.”


The SDV-class heavy frigates began to drop in altitude.

At the same time, the liar hunters on the ground finally fixed the last rope.

Buzz Buzz………

Suddenly, there was a dull noise in the sky.

Everyone looked up at the sky in doubt.

Immediately after, they saw a scene that they would never forget.

Only to see a huge black shadow slowly descending!

It didn’t stop until it descended to an altitude of one thousand meters.

At this time, they used the moonlight to see the face of this black shadow clearly! This is a battleship nearly a kilometer long!

Everyone was stunned and looked at the ship in a daze.

It wasn’t until they saw something fly out of the ship that they finally came back.

“Everybody get ready for battle now!”

Mark stared closely at the Phantom transport plane flying out of the ship.

He didn’t know if these people were friends or foe.

However, judging from the fact that the other party has not attacked them at present, the other party should be too likely to be an enemy.

But that doesn’t make a let down of vibes!

It’s all just his guess!

Finally, under the watchful eye of Mark and the others, the Phantom landed opposite the liar hunters.

As the Phantom opened the cabin, Lin Ziqin and Bai Yuekui and others walked out with a group of combat robots.

“Those robots…”

Mark and Ink City’s pupils narrowed.

Are those white robots the same robots you met earlier at the R-49 Starship site?

At the same time, Lin Ziqin on the opposite side was also looking at the group of people in front of him.

Mark, Ink City, Fei Xue, Erica…

Except for a certain Wangwang crushed ice, the members of the liar hunters with names and surnames in the original book are all here.

Of course, there is also a certain duster 4068 here.

“Oh, good evening to the people on the other side, have you eaten?”

Suddenly, a mischievous and slightly mocking voice sounded, instantly breaking the silence.

Lin Ziqin: “…”

Bai Yuekui: “…”

Mark: “…”

Everyone’s eyes fell on the Xia Dou little girl beside Lin Ziqin.

This guy is as lively as ever.

But thanks to her opening, the tense nerves of Mark and the others finally relaxed a lot.

Mark took a deep breath and asked, “What are you lions?” ”

Lin Ziqin replied calmly, “We are just a group of ‘hunters’. ”


Mark and the others frowned slightly.


So what are their hunting targets?

Lin Ziqin continued, “You just have to do your own thing, you still need to care about us, just when we don’t exist…”

After speaking, Lin Ziqin no longer cared about this group of people.

He made a glance at Karen and Ania and the others.

The latter nodded and began to order the robot to remove all the equipment on the Phantom.

Mark and the others looked at each other.

Although Lin Ziqin said that he did not need to care about them.

But in this situation, who can completely ignore the group of people in front of them?

“Captain, what should we do?”

Mo Cheng asked.

Everyone else looked at Mark as well.

After thinking about it, Mark said, “Let’s stay still and see what they want to do.” ”

He still can’t understand the current situation, it is better to find out what this mysterious group of mysterious people really want to do.

Lin Ziqin also found that Mark and the others did not act.

But he didn’t care and continued to do his own thing.

A moment later, the Karen men set up all the equipment in the open space next to them.

“Your Honor, the shield generator is ready to begin.”

Lin Ziqin nodded.

Then the space behind him was torn open! A suit flew out of the rift of space!

This is exactly Lin Ziqin’s forerunner suit!

The appearance of the suit stunned Mark and the others on the other side.

They didn’t read that wrong just now, right?

The space was torn apart directly?! But that’s not the end of it!

Under the gaze of everyone, the suit instantly disintegrated, turning into parts of different sizes.

The parts flew towards Lin Ziqin and reassembled on his body.

In just three seconds, Lin Ziqin had finished wearing his battle suit!

Lin Ziqin closed his eyes tightly and carefully felt that there seemed to be not much change in the strength of this upgraded suit suit.

However, he could feel several new skills added to the suit.

After a moment, he reopened his eyes.

Raising his right hand, his index finger pointed to a huge stone egg located in the hospital hall!

With a flick of his index finger, the seemingly incomparably heavy stone egg actually flew up!

Seeing this, Mark and the others were shocked again.

“What kind of superpower is this?!”

Thanks to ‘AllHail Lelouch’ for the tip!!!

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