Chapter 172 Is this man a god?!!

Mark and others simply could not understand Lin Ziqin’s ability.

Don’t say it’s them, even Bai Yuekui and Xia Dou around Lin Ziqin showed shocked expressions after seeing this scene.


Under the control of Lin Ziqin’s mind, the big stone egg was thrown into the open space.

A loud noise ensued.

“Huh? This doesn’t come out? ”

Lin Ziqin carefully looked at this stone egg.

Wrapped inside this stone egg was the target calyx beast of Lin Ziqin’s trip! He had just deliberately thrown the stone egg heavily on the ground just to wake up this guy.

But this guy was like a drunk with fake wine, and such a big movement did not wake up.

If it weren’t for the scan showing that there was a life signal in the egg, he would even wonder if he had found the wrong target.

Bai Yuekui also seemed to understand Lin Ziqin’s purpose, and she immediately explained, “If you want to awaken the Pole Eater, the best way is to use life essentia to attract it.” ”

“That’s right!”

Lin Ziqin suddenly realized.

In the original book, the reason why this polar eater awakens is entirely because someone has approached its eggshell.

And human beings, as the moving life essentia, are like bait in front of fish!

“I have professional ‘bait’ on my side.”

Bai Yuekui finished speaking, and then shouted at Fat Zi Shan: “It’s time for work.” ”

Shan Tian nodded.

“Rest assured, boss, leave it to me!”

Only to see Shanda drag his plump and fat body to the front of the stone egg.

I took a deep breath and folded my hands.


Lin Ziqin watched this scene with great interest.

Shanda is a tank in the White Moon Kui squad.

In the original work, it was he who used the zero incision bullet to lure the calyx away.

I just don’t know what method he will use to wake up this calyx beast this time.

“What are they doing?”

The other side.

The liar hunters were completely unable to understand the confused behavior of the group in front of them.

In the face of Mo Cheng’s inquiry, Mark only shook his head slightly.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s some ritual?”

“It always feels like it’s not going to be a good thing.”

Fei Xue did not know when he came to the two people’s side.

As a top sniper, she has a keen intuition.

Although I couldn’t understand what those people were doing on the other side, my intuition told me that this should not be a good thing!

“I rely on the boss! Look at the fat man, he seems to be emitting blue light! ”

At this moment, everyone noticed that a blue light was coming out of Shanda’s body.

“That’s… Life essentica? ”

Mark was the first to react.

That blue light is nothing but life essentia!

Although he didn’t understand what life essentia was, whenever the Polar Eater killed a person, it would lie on that person’s body to absorb life essentia! Click!

Suddenly, a slight noise came into Lin Ziqin’s ears.

“Is it finally coming out?”

The corner of Lin Ziqin’s mouth slightly raised a slight arc.

A tiny crack appeared on the side of the stone egg!

Click, click, click…

Over time, more and more cracks have emerged!

“That’s the egg of the Polar Eater!” They wanted to hatch the Pole Eater inside! ”

At this time, Fei Xue finally realized why he had always had a bad premonition.

“What are you doing?”

Mark asked, “Stop! You will kill us all!” ”

Such a big egg, if the Pole Eater inside comes out, it must be a big guy!

They don’t have the confidence to deal with that kind of big guy!

Lin Ziqin glanced at Mark and said, “Watch quietly, if you are afraid, run quickly, it is still too late.” ”

Run? Where to run? Their mission is to come here to find the medicine to save people!

Before finding the medicine, they are unlikely to leave here!

“Flying snow, Mocheng, let the brethren prepare for battle!”

Mark gritted his teeth and whispered to the two people next to him.

“Wait for the meeting to act!”

The other party insisted on waking up the Pole Eater, and they could not leave until they found the medicine.

It seems that you can only prepare for the worst!

The two nodded silently and then retreated into the line.

Lin Ziqin naturally noticed the small movements of these people, but he did not care.

Bang! At this moment, the eggshell finally broke!

A polar eater with huge hands and a spherical lower body jumped out of the broken egg.

Mark gritted his teeth and said, “That’s a metamorphosis Polar Eater!” These guys are playing with fire and setting themselves on fire! ”


Mo Cheng did not hesitate to issue an attack order.

The liar hunters, who had long been prepared, quickly pulled the trigger and poured fire on the newly shelled calyx.

Dadada… Lin Ziqin frowned slightly.

“I can’t let you hurt my experimental material.”

With a wave of your hand.

Suddenly, it was as if the entire space had frozen!

All the bullets and shells that flew towards the calyx hovered in mid-air!

And Mark and the other liar hunters are like characters in the video, and the audience outside the video presses the pause button to freeze at the moment of firing!

“Wow, God boss is so handsome!”

Xia Dou looked at Lin Ziqin with Venus in his eyes, as if he were looking at his idol.


The calyx naturally saw this incredible scene as well.

As a high-level Polar Eater, it has extremely high intelligence.

And from Lin Ziqin’s body, it felt a huge threat! So it didn’t hesitate to turn around and run away.

But as soon as it turned around, it found itself enveloped by a blue barrier!


The calyx beast slammed into this blue barrier with all its might, but it was still unable to shake the barrier one by one!

“Give me some peace.”

Lin Ziqin’s gaze shifted slightly, and a look directly made the calyx beast unable to move! Then he looked again at the liar hunters.

“I seem to have said before that I would let you watch quietly, so why don’t you obey?”

Liar hunters are only fixed in shape, and consciousness is still retained.

When Lin Ziqin looked at them, they looked at them with fear.

Is this really human?

Stop all bullets with a wave of your hand and keep them immobile! Is He God?

Is it the legendary Lord of Light and Shadow?

Although it is the end of the world, the people on the lighthouse still retain their faith.

Rather, in the midst of these last days, having faith is a good thing for them.

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