Chapter 173 Lift the mask just to see her true face!!

Lin Ziqin did not know that the group of liar hunters in front of him had already regarded him as the Lord of Light and Shadow.

At this moment, his eyes, hidden under the mask, glanced inadvertently at Fei Xue, who was standing behind the crowd.

More precisely, it is on the mask of flying snow.

Fei Xue, an elite sniper in the Liar Hunter squad.

If you want to say who the most mysterious character in the original book is, it must be the flying snow and the Lotus Vatican in front of you.

In the original book, these two people do not show their faces every time they appear, and they always wear a high-tech mask.

Therefore, many people are curious about the true appearance of the two.

Naturally, Lin Ziqin was also included.

Maybe you can take this opportunity to take off the mask of flying snow and see what she really looks like!

The production team of Dog Day did not even let Fei Xue appear, so Lao Tzu would see for himself! Thinking of this, Lin Ziqin raised his hand and lightly tickled his index finger.

The mask of Fei Xue’s face was lifted.

At this moment, Lin Ziqin finally saw the face of Fei Xue!

Delicate face, rosy lips, just the right amount of nose and eyes.

The appearance is really good, at least it is a beautiful woman of the same level as Bai Yuekui.

“This guy…”

Fei Xue looked ashamed and angry.

The moment she saw Lin Ziqin raise her hand, she thought that the other party was going to do something to them.

But who would have thought that he just lifted his own mask! Was he also curious about what he looked like?

“What is he doing?”

Mark and the others looked puzzled.

They couldn’t move, and Fei Xue, because he was a sniper, stood at the end of the line.

Naturally, no one noticed that her mask had been pulled off.

After witnessing Fei Xue’s true appearance, Lin Ziqin withdrew his gaze.


He snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the space confinement was lifted, and the liar hunter Bo finally regained his freedom.

Fei Xue picked up the mask that had fallen on the ground for the first time and put it back on that hand was quite fast!

Does she just not want others to see her face? Lin Ziqin didn’t want to understand, but he didn’t bother to care about it.

He looked directly at Mark, “Give you one last chance, I don’t care what you come here to do, but if you dare to hinder my side of the experiment, then I will not be polite to you again.” ”

Mark naturally couldn’t do anything stupid.

After witnessing Lin Ziqin’s strength, he was no longer worried that the Pole Eater would pose a threat to them.

Well-behaved, director.

That’s right!

Seeing that Mark and the others were honest, Lin Ziqin nodded with satisfaction.

Then he looked back at the calyx.

“Now it’s finally time to try out the new features of the suit.”

Only to see Lin Ziqin come to the front of the calyx beast and look at it across the shield.

Through the calyx’s huge pupils, he saw the fear in the calyx’s heart for him!

The corners of Lin Ziqin’s mouth rose slightly, and he silently said in his heart: “Mind control, the moment of activation, an invisible spiritual force flew out of Lin Ziqin’s body and fell into the brow of the calyx beast.” ”

At the same time, the eyes of the calyx beast also immediately emitted a burst of blue shimmer, flashing and flashing.

Like two light bulbs in the night.

“Big Boss is trying to control this Pole Eater?”

Xia Dou was the first to discover the glimmer in the eyes of the calyx beast! She knows too much about this light!

“Can the big boss do it?”

Xia Dou was a little worried.

After all, not everyone can be like her.

“Rest assured, he can.”

Bai Yuekui was full of confidence in this, and she didn’t know where this confidence came from.

After about half a minute, the light in the calyx’s eyes flickered again, stable to blue light.

And this also means that Lin Ziqin has succeeded!

“Big Boss really succeeded!”

Natsume was both happy and incredible! Didn’t expect the big boss to really be able to do it!

“God boss, how does it feel?”

Xia Dou curiously leaned over and asked.

Lin Ziqin rubbed his chin and said, “It feels very subtle, it’s like controlling two bodies at the same time.” ”

He tried to manipulate the Calyx’s arms, and then at the same time manipulated his own hands.

Nothing to be used to!

Obviously, there was only one conscious body, but Lin Ziqin was very clear that he could control two bodies at the same time!

It’s a very subtle feeling.

“Well, that’s how I felt the first time I used helmet control!”

“It’s also much more convenient to control than the handle I’ve used before!” Xia Dou, as an ‘old senior’, began to share his feelings with Lin Ziqin.

“How did you do it over the big boss?” Obviously, there is no media. ”

Whether it was the control method of the handle that she used herself before, or the helmet that Lin Zaiqin developed for her later.

If you want to control a Pole Eater, you must first install a medium on the Pole Eater’s body.

But when controlling this pole-eating beast, the big boss didn’t seem to use the medium!

Lin Ziqin explained: “This is the newly developed controller, which also needs the medium, but it needs to strengthen the spiritual power of the heavens. ”

“Boss that day, can you get me a set in the future?”

“Of course it’s fine.”

In fact, Lin Ziqin had originally planned to give Xia Dou a set of this latest controller.

Even initially he intended to let Xia Dou complete the experiment with the controller.

However, considering that Xia Dou’s spiritual power was not as strong as his, he finally chose to use himself to do this experiment.

For now, it seems that the experiment has been very successful.

As long as you upgrade a little after going back, you can give it to Xia Dou.

Lin Ziqin relieved the calyx of control.

The experiment was successful, and it was time to go back.

“Little love, bring this pole eater back.”

“Nice host!”

A gravitational beam of light fell on the calyx beast’s body.

Then the calyx beast was sucked away by this gravitational beam.

“We should go back too.”

“Master, face situation!”

Just as Lin Ziqin was planning to take Bai Yuekui and others aboard the Phantom to return to the SDV-class heavy frigate, Xiao Ai’s voice sounded again.

“What’s going on?”

“The sensors show that a large number of polar eaters are coming from the southwest toward this side.”

“Polar Eaters?”

Lin Ziqin glanced at the liar hunters and others beside him and fell into contemplation.

He wondered if he should tell these people about it!

Lin Ziqin could leave here directly and take care of these people.

But these liar hunters will undoubtedly die here!

Of course, he could also remind these people and let them leave quickly.

But whether the other person will believe in themselves is another matter.

Thinking about it, in the end, Lin Ziqin still decided to tell this group of people at this time, after all, he did not hate these people.

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