Chapter 174 A Deal!!

“Hey! Guy opposite! If you don’t want to die, run fast, there is a large group of polar eaters coming from the southwest towards this side! ”

Lin Ziqin’s voice was not loud, but in this silent night, it seemed exceptionally clear!

All the heads can hear clearly!

And Lin Ziqin’s words were like bombshells, which suddenly made the liar hunters panic, “Southwest direction? ”

Mark’s pupils narrowed, wasn’t that the direction they came from? Couldn’t it be that those polar eaters had chased after them before?

Obviously the bridge is broken, how did those damn monsters get over?

“Boss, what should we do?”

“Retreat? Still is……… Fight to the death? ”

Mo Cheng also realized that those Pole Eaters might have been the ones who had pursued them before, and he did not doubt Lin Ziqin’s words.

Because there is no need to deceive them with such a existence!

Mark’s brain was racing, and one solution after another appeared in his mind, but he vetoed them one by one.

Fall back?

Now that they have come here with important missions, how can they possibly retreat? And it was hard to get here!

If you don’t bring the medicine back tonight, Lord Morgan will die! As for fighting to the death?

He didn’t think that they alone could deal with such a large number of Polar Eaters!

Damn it! What to do?

Mark racked his brains to come up with a way to get the medicine and escape the Polar Eaters.

If only they had the strength of those people on the other side! The group of people opposite?

That’s right!

Suddenly, an idea came to Mark’s mind.

Maybe ask for their help!

Mark immediately looked at Lin Ziqin and the others on the other side.

At this moment, Lin Ziqin was recovering the shield generation equipment they had set up before, and it was estimated that they would soon leave this place!

The leader on the other side looked very good at talking.

I just don’t know if he is willing to accede to his request.

But whether he wants it or not, he has to try!

Thinking of this, Mark took a step forward and shouted at Lin Ziqin on the other side: “Wait for this gentleman! I would like to ask you for help! ”

When these words were detailed, everyone was stunned.

The same is true of Lin Ziqin.

However, he did not refuse on the spot, but instead asked with great interest: “Do you want us to help you?” ”

Mark nodded heavily.

The other party did not refuse at the first time, indicating that there was a play!

He immediately explained, “We are here to find a medicine that exists only in the Old World!” ”

“But now that the Polar Eaters are coming in droves, we don’t have much time to look for this medicine, so I hope to ask you to help us!”

“Of course, we will never let you help for free!” As long as I have, I will give you whatever you want! ”

Mark is willing to give everything to get the medicine to cure the heart disease!

Because this drug is not only related to the life of Lord Morgan, but also to the fate of him and his lover Ran Bing!

“Oh? Can I really give me anything? ”

Lin Ziqin flew to Mark’s face and lifted his suit.

I have to say, Mark is really big.

One meter ninety-two is half a head taller than Lin Ziqin! Even Lin Ziqin raised his head slightly when he looked at him.

“That’s right! As long as I can give, whatever I am willing to give you! Mark patted his chest and said, his tone and eyes very firm. ”

“That… What if I wanted the whole lighthouse? ”


Mark’s pupils shrank suddenly.

Mo Cheng, Fei Xue, Erica and other liar hunters were also frightened.

How did these people know about the lighthouse?

And the other party’s purpose turned out to be a lighthouse?

Mark quickly returned to his senses, a look of embarrassment on his face.

“I’m sorry, I’m not the owner of the lighthouse, so I can’t give it to you.”

If he could, he would naturally be willing to give the lighthouse to the person in front of him.

But he was only the commander of the liar hunters, and it was simply not enough to decide the fate of the lighthouse.

“It’s true that you’re not the master of the lighthouse now, but that doesn’t mean you’re not.”

Lin Ziqin said pointedly, “Don’t forget that you are the next city lord!” ”

“You, how do you know about this?”

Mark looked at Lin Ziqin in amazement.

He knows this kind of thing? How is this possible?

Obviously, only the person on the lighthouse knows about this matter, is it difficult for this person to have eyeliner on the lighthouse?

No, it’s not possible.

You know, today’s lighthouses haven’t received outsiders for decades! Is he really the legendary Lord of Light and Shadow?

Thinking of this, Mark’s eyes showed a touch of respect. I have to say that Mark’s brain supplement ability is indeed not bad.

Unfortunately, his guess was wrong.

Lin Ziqin is just a crosser who has watched the original anime.

Lin Ziqin said, “Give your answer quickly, time is still waiting for you.” ”

“I promise you! As soon as I become the lord of the city, I will immediately give you the lighthouse. ”

Gritting his teeth, Mark finally made his choice.

Does it matter if the lighthouse has its own lover?

Apparently not!

He had already sworn that he would protect her well for the rest of his life, and he would never break his word! Lin Ziqin grinned, “Wise choice! ”

As soon as the words fell, a small space crack appeared in front of Lin Ziqin.

Lin Ziqin put his hand into it, then took out a white box and threw it to Mark.

There is also a very conspicuous red cross representation on the top of the box.

Obviously, this is a medical kit.

“This is?”

Mark looked at the medical kit in his hand with a puzzled face.

Lin Ziqin said, “You don’t have to look for medicines, there are medicines you need in it.”

Hearing this, Mark immediately opened the medical kit in his hand.

Sure enough, he soon found the medicine he was looking for in the medical kit!

Mark carefully closed the medical kit, afraid that the movement would be too large and the contents would be broken.

“Thank you!”

“No thanks, it’s just an equal deal.”

Lin Ziqin continued to move forward, coming behind Mark, and his eyes swept over the liar hunters and dust people in front of him.

Eventually, his eyes locked on the body of Dust Man 4068.

“For the sake of your choice, I’ll clean up an undercover agent for free.”

Now that Mark has agreed to the deal, he will naturally allow Mark to be killed by the undercover agent as in the original book.

After all, if Mark is dead, who will complete the chip alternation with himself?


Mark frowned slightly.

And Mo Cheng and the other liar hunters also looked at each other.

Are there undercover agents among them?

And 4068, who was hiding in the crowd, lowered his head, and his eyes were a little evasive.

Mark just wanted to say something, but found that Lin Ziqin continued to move forward.

The liar hunters gave way to the situation, and finally, he stopped in front of 4068.

At this moment, 4068 was trembling, and his forehead was sweating coldly.

“Dust Man 4068, did you recruit it yourself, or did I force you to obey?” Lin Ziqin looked at the 4068 in front of him coldly. ”

Dust Man 4068, a poor man, but a poor man must have something to hate, and this person is no exception.

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