Chapter 175 The Poor Man Must Have Something to Hate!!

As Lin Ziqin’s voice fell, everyone looked at the dust 4068.

Is this duster what this man calls an undercover?

In the face of so many eyes, the dust people 4068 trembled and shook majestically.

“Me, I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“Enough? Don’t see the coffin and don’t shed tears, you. ”

Lin Ziqin sneered.

Dead or not admitted? Never mind!

Lin Ziqin is the way to make him admit it!

“You wouldn’t really think that no one knew about your deal with Charles, would you?” As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the Dust People 4068 shrank violently. ”

If he still thought that Lin Ziqin was just scaring him with a fluke mentality before, then now this fluke psychology has been completely shattered by Lin Ziqin!

Mark, Mo Cheng, Fei Xue and other liar hunters I listened to Lin Ziqin’s words and stared closely at the dust people 4068.

Mo Cheng even put a hand on the pistol around his waist! There is a deep meaning of directly drawing the gun.

Charles, the spokesman of the Council of Light and Shadow, is the son of Morgan, the current Lord of Lighthouse City! This man is Mark’s political enemy with the entire Liar Hunter Force!

Especially since Lord Morgan announced that Mark was the next lord, he had used all means to target Mark and the Liar Hunter Army!

So most of the members of the liar hunters were fiercely hostile to Charles

Mark is relatively calm.

Mark gently patted Mo Cheng’s shoulder and then came to the face of Dust Man 4068.

“4068, what the hell is going on?” Hope you can tell the truth. ”

In the face of Lin Ziqin’s playful gaze, in the face of Captain Mark’s scrutinizing gaze, and in the face of the hostile eyes of all liar hunters, the defense line in the heart of Dust People 4068 was finally breached.

He suddenly fell to his knees crying and pleading, “I’m sorry! I was wrong, please spare me! I didn’t want to be an undercover either, but Charles, he used 4277. ”

Life threatens me!

Mark crouched down and asked in a calm tone, “Don’t you cry, first make clear what deal you made with Charles?” ”

“He, he wants me to find an opportunity to kill you during this lie hunt.”

Next, 4068 completes Charles’s plan.

A bunch of liar hunters are afraid to hear it!

This ungodly killing Charles actually wanted to kill their commander!

Not only the liar hunters were fake, but even the other dust people who came down to help were very angry

That’s Mark the Liar Hunter’s Commander!

He has led the liar hunters many times to bring back supplies from the ground, and if it were not for him, both the underlings and the dust people would have starved to death!


Mo Cheng pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Dust Man 4068.

Just as he was about to shoot the bastard, Mark pressed his muzzle down.


Mo Cheng’s doubts were solved.

Why not let him kill this traitor?

Mark shook his head slightly, “If you make a mistake for him, he will only be blackmailed.” ”

“And he may be the key evidence we can bring down Charles!”

All right:

Mo Cheng thought about it for a moment, but finally put the pistol back.

Lin Ziqin watched all this silently.

When Mark decided to spare the duster, he was somewhat surprised.

It seems that Mark is also stupid, at least knows how to use this dust man to counterattack Char

Mark got up and came to Lin Ziqin.

“Thank you so much for helping me uncover Charles’s plot!” Lin Ziqin shrugged. ”

“No need to thank you, helping you is also helping me.”

“After all, who will complete the chip exchange when you die?”

“Having said that, thank you very much!”

Mark bowed deeply to Lin Xuqin to express his gratitude.

At the same time, Xiao Ai’s voice once again appeared in Lin Ziqin’s mind.

“Master, the Polar Eater Beast is already close to this side, so push it five kilometers away!”

“Did you come so soon?”

Lin Ziqin didn’t expect the speed of this group of beasts to be so fast.

“What’s wrong?”

Mark also seemed to notice the change in Lin Ziqin’s look.

“Nothing, it’s just that the Polar Eater is almost ready.”

Mark’s pupils narrowed, and then he turned to the people behind him and shouted, “All of you are ready to evacuate immediately!” Recover as much equipment as possible that can be recycled! If you can’t recycle it, throw it away! ”

Mo Cheng and the others immediately took action.

“Don’t worry.”

Lin Fuqin said calmly.

“These polar eaters will soon disappear.”

Mark was full of question marks and didn’t understand what it meant to disappear.

But soon he would understand.

Only to see Lin Ziqin say to Xiao Ai, “Lock on to the Polar Eater Beast and bomb it.” ”

“Obey the master!”

As soon as the words fell, five isochronous shells were fired from the belly turret of the SDV-class heavy frigate!

The shell made five long arcs in the dark night sky and finally landed in the distance.

Boom boom boom!

Five dazzling blue rays of light rise from the horizon in the distance!

It wasn’t until ten seconds later that the deafening sound reached everyone’s ears!

“Report to the master, the life signal of the Polar Eater has disappeared!”

“Good job.”

Lin Ziqin was very satisfied.

When he withdrew his gaze to look at Mark and the others again, Lin Ziqin found that they were looking at the distant scene in a daze at the moment.

It seems that he was not lightly frightened.

“Cough cough!”

Lin Fuqin coughed softly.

Mark immediately returned to his senses.

“The threat has been lifted, and you can go back.”

“By the way, do you want me to send you back?”

The so-called help people to the end, send the Buddha to the west.

Lin Ziqin didn’t mind giving them a ride.

After thinking for a moment, Mark nodded and accepted Lin Zaiqin’s kindness.

“Then thank you.”

“Then let your men put away their things and get ready to board the ship.”

After speaking, Lin Ziqin returned to Bai Yuekui and the others.

“Boss God, why do you want to help the people who cover the cauldron?”

Xia Dou immediately dodged and asked in a low voice.

She didn’t have a good feeling for the people on the lid of the cauldron.

It was because these people kept sending heads that caused the polar eaters on the ground to evolve so quickly.

Lin Ziqin said, “Just don’t hate this group of people.” ”

Admittedly, there are many problems with the lighthouse Shangpu, and there are also many annoying homes

But equally, there are quite a few characters he likes.

This, Bai Yuekui also spoke.

“If you want to conquer the lighthouse, you can conquer it by force, why is it so troublesome?”

Like Xia Dou, Bai Yue Kui Chi has no feeling for the lighthouse, and even hates it even more than Xia Dou.

After all, decades ago, she was tricked by the people in the lighthouse and almost became an experimental guinea pig.

If she hadn’t escaped strongly, perhaps she would have died on the test bench.

“I can easily conquer the lighthouse, but it’s completely unnecessary.”

“If something can be resolved peacefully, there is no need to create senseless killing righteousness.”

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