Chapter 176 The First Arrival of the Flying Cauldron Cover!!

Treading on the pedal…

Lighthouse Control Center.

Jingnan walked back and forth in black high heels, making a crisp sound.

The delicate pretty face is full of sorrow, and the good-looking willow eyebrows are twisted into a ball for this.

After a moment, she looked up at the clock hanging high on the wall.

And the last two hours!

If Mark is not able to bring back the medicine after two hours, her adoptive father, Lord Morgan, will be sent to Yellow Springs!

“Still can’t get in touch with liar hunters?”

Jingnan no longer remembered that this was the first time he had asked this question.

The adjutant sister also gave the same answer very patiently.

“Yes, we still can’t get in touch with the Liar Hunter Squad.”

Although Jingnan had been mentally prepared, she still sighed softly.

Tick tock!

Suddenly, a strange noise sounded in the control center.

Jingnan asked, “What happened?” ”

The sound was strange, not like an alarm sound, nor like a signal receiving sound.

Since Jingnan became the commander of the control room, it seems that he has never heard a similar voice.

Like Jingnan, the lieutenant and the control room staff had never heard such a sound.

They quickly examined the equipment to try to find out what was causing the strange noise.

After a few moments, a staff member finally found the answer!

“Report to the commander! An alarm sound to the airborne radar! ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, even Jing Nan.

The lighthouse was indeed equipped with an air-to-air radar system, and it was installed before the apocalypse!

Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, this set of anti-aircraft radars, although it has been in a working state, has basically no effect.

Because they haven’t met a flying polar eater yet!

Now that this set of air-to-air radar has sounded an alarm, has it found something?

Jingnan immediately returned to his position and opened the radar interface with his permissions.

Sure enough!

I saw a huge white dot on the radar scan map approaching the lighthouse!

And it’s very fast!

“Quick! Sound the alarm! ”

Although Jingnan didn’t know what it was, she didn’t dare to be careless.

Beep beep beep!

Suddenly, the alarm sounded throughout the lighthouse! The sleeping person is awakened.

In the Council of Light and Shadow.

Charles sat in prayer before the statue of the Lord of Light and Shadow.

But a sudden siren interrupted his prayer.

Charles frowned slightly and asked the masked woman behind him, “What happened?” ”

Lotus, Fan Ti, looked at the terminal in his hand and replied, “Back to Lord Charles, the control room seems to have found that something is really flying towards the lighthouse.” ”

Charles frowned.

Something flying towards the lighthouse?

You know, now the lighthouse is at a height of 1,000 meters! What can fly to the same height as a lighthouse?

“Go, go and see what it is!”

With curiosity, Charles ended the day’s prayer early.

Jingnan looked nervously at the radar.

That white dot is getting closer!

She lifted her head and looked beyond the control room through the transparent glass window.

With the help of the moonlight, she could already faintly see a black dot in the distance gradually enlarging!

Not only her, but many of the residents of the lighthouse at this moment saw this gradually growing black spot!

What the hell is that? Flying Pole Eater?

Everyone tensed up.

A group of heavily armed fighters had also reached the outer area of the upper and lower floors of the lighthouse and set up various artillery.

Over time, the black dots get bigger and bigger! A minute later.

The UFO finally came to the lighthouse.

At this time, the crowd saw the outline of this flying object! It was a battleship nearly a thousand meters long!

Its length is surprisingly far away from the lighthouse solar panel dome!

(PS: The size of the lighthouse is not stated in the anime, but a UP on the B station personally asked the production team about the specifications of the lighthouse, and the answer was that the maximum diameter was about 608 meters.)

Of course, this data is for reference only and may change in the end)

Everyone looked at the giant ship with a blank stare.

Suddenly, the entire lighthouse became extremely quiet.

“Is this a battleship built by people from the Old World?”

Jing Nan murmured.

“This is the cauldron lid?” Up close, it seems that it is not as good as the big boss’s battleship! ”

Xia Dou and a few people were lying on the porthole of the bridge and staring at the big cauldron lid in front of them… They hadn’t seen it before.

However, most of the time it is to stay on the ground and look up, and it is the first time to see it up close.

“How can this thing be compared to our big boss’s warship?”

Shanda said vaguely as he ate the chicken thigh.

Previously, in order to draw out the calyx, he had consumed some life isole, which needed to be replenished by eating.

On the other side, in front of the holographic stage.

Lin Ziqin said to Mark, “It’s already at the station, you can go down.” ”

“By the way, don’t forget our deal.”

Mark nodded.

“Won’t forget!”

After boarding the ship himself, Mark knew what perverted technology these people had mastered!

According to the little girl named Xia Dou, this ship is not yet the largest 0

That Mr. Lin Ziqin also had a bigger battleship than this ship!

Although I don’t know if this is true or not, even if it is fake, just relying on a battleship is enough to shake off the lighthouse hundreds of times!

Maybe it would be a good idea to put the lighthouse in his hands later! At least Lin Ziqin has the strength to protect the lighthouse!

Mark retracted his thoughts and boarded the vehicle with his men.

Subsequently, several Phantoms used the towing beam to leave the battleship with these vehicles full of liar hunters.

“Look! Something flew out of that spaceship! ”

“It looks like a car hangs underneath that thing!”

“It’s the armored car of the liar hunter!”

Sharp-eyed people have spotted armored vehicles hanging beneath the Phantom.

The commander-in-chief of the city defense army shouted, “Silence! No one is allowed to fire without my orders! ”

Charles was also on the periphery at this time.

“Lord Charles! This place is dangerous, please go inside and take refuge! ”

Lotus, Fandy, wants to take Charles back inside.

But it was rejected by Charles.

“The ship on the other side knows at a glance that it’s not easy, and it’s not safe for me to stay anywhere now.”

“What’s more, I’m curious about what the ship has to do with liar hunters?”

Under everyone’s watch, the Phantom came to the lighthouse’s platform and put the mounted vehicle down.

Just when everyone was wondering if anyone else would come down from the Phantom, the Phantom flew back to the SDV-class heavy frigate.

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