Chapter 177 A Missionary Leader!!

A medical staff member is using state-of-the-art testing equipment to scrutinize the condition of the Morgan City Lord.

Moments later, the paramedic came to a conclusion.

“Folks, the lord of the city has been cured! The medicine Captain Mark brought back was much more advanced than I had imagined! ”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

Morgan’s feelings as a party are very complicated.

He had thought he was going to die because there was no medicine on the lighthouse to stop his heart disease!

And the formula of life has determined that he has no value for healing.

Now that he is healed, he is the first to break the formula of life.

It also means that he became the first city lord to violate the three laws of the lighthouse!

“Mark, is that your choice?”

Lord Morgan looked at Mark with a complicated look.

In order to be with his lover, he did not hesitate to drag him into the water! And he did this to really preserve the emotion with Ran Bing.

Mark Yizheng said: “Human life should not be determined by a string of data! The same goes for human feelings! We humans are able to distinguish ourselves from animals precisely because we have emotions that belong to the individual! It should not be bound! ”

One of the three laws of survival of the lighthouse: abandon the old ideas of family, affection, love and marriage.

Can this kind of self-restraint really save mankind? Mark didn’t know.

But he knew that he was not willing to abandon his feelings for Ran Bing!

Looking into Mark’s determined gaze, Lord Morgan finally sighed softly.

At this point, he could not hold him accountable.

What’s more, if Mark is held accountable at this time, he will also become the target of everyone.

“Then can you ask Captain Mark to explain the origin of that ship, and how did you get to know each other?”

At this time, Charles, who had endured for a long time, finally became difficult.

Mark was able to come back safely, which was beyond his expectations.

Obviously, he arranged for a killer that no one could think of in the team!


The dust people are the dust people, and they are indeed waste, and even this thing cannot be done!

Charles had decided that when he had finished dealing with this side, he would go and take care of the duster in secret.

As Charles interrogated, everyone present looked at Mark, including Lord Morgan and Jingnan.

Although the ship was long gone.

But word had spread so much that even Morgan knew what had happened when he was unconscious.

In the face of Charles’s questioning, Mark looked indifferent.

He said unhurriedly, “After this incident, I will naturally write a report to the lord of the city, and I don’t need you to take care of it.” ”

What does Mark mean by this: What qualifications do you have as a missionary to ask Lao Tzu? Ever since he learned that Charles wanted to assassinate himself, Mark’s attitude toward Charles had gotten worse.


How could Charles not hear what Mark meant?

His lungs were about to explode, but he really couldn’t help but get Mark.


With a cold snort, Charles turned and prepared to leave.

But when he walked to the door, a mechanical foot suddenly stretched out and blocked in front of him.

“Liar Hunter Mocheng, what do you mean by that?”

It was no one else who stood in his way, it was Mark’s henchmen and subordinates Ink City! Mo Cheng looked at him coldly and did not speak back.

Mark then said, “Charles, you don’t have to hurry to leave, there’s something I want to tell everyone here.” ”

“Oh? What’s up? ”

Charles turned to look at Mark in anger.

“There’s no hurry, let you meet someone before you say it.”

With that, Mark shouted outside the gate, “Come in.” ”

The door was pushed open, and then Fei Xue was seen walking in with the dust man 4068.

When he saw Dustman 4068, Charles’s face changed, but he quickly disappeared.

“Captain Mark, what do you mean by that?” This is a Shangmin area, how dare you bring a duster here? ”

Without waiting for Mark to say anything, Charles took the lead.

“Come on people! Bring this duster down! ”

Charles’s guards were preparing to come forward.

“Back me off!”

Mark shouted angrily, which immediately stunned the guards.

“Charles, you are so anxious to drive away the dust 4068, which also shows that you have a ghost in your heart!”

Charles’s face was gloomy, and a hand behind his back clenched his fist.

“Mark, what’s going on?”

Lord Morgan glanced at his son and asked Mark.

“Let Dust 4068 speak for himself about this.”

Mark made a look at the dust 4068, indicating the opening.

The crowd looked at him as well.

Being watched by so many people, Dustman 4068 looked a little nervous, but still opened his mouth to tell him about the assassination of Mark that Charles had commissioned him.

After listening to the words of Dust Man 4068, Lord Morgan City and Jingnan and others were shocked.

Charles was in a hurry, and immediately angrily said, “Ridiculous! You guys are spewing people in blood! How could I do such a thing? ”

“Mark! Don’t think that just finding someone to make up a story can frame me! I would do the same! ”

“I also said you instructed him to assassinate me!”

Charles immediately pointed to a guard.

And the guard looked confused.

What does this have to do with me?

Lord Morgan looked at his son, his eyes full of disappointment in his son.

Although Charles did not admit it at this time, he knew what kind of person his son was.

“Lord of the city! You, you wouldn’t believe what this person said, would you? ”

Naturally, Charles also noticed his father’s eyes.

He panicked.

It doesn’t matter if others don’t believe him, but if his father, as the lord of the city, doesn’t believe him, then he may really have no connection with the position of the lord of the city!

“Lord Morgan, I hope you can dispose of Charles, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to run to the ground with someone with me again.”

Mark said half-threateningly.

This matter must be explained to him anyway.

Otherwise he really wouldn’t mind the strike!

He is the Liar Hunter Commander.

The lighthouse is indispensable to him and his liar hunters! Anyone can strike, but not a liar hunter! Otherwise the lighthouse will be difficult to keep running!


Charles glared at Mark.

If the eyes could kill people, then he would have slashed Mark with a thousand knives.

Lord Morgan sighed and said, “Come on, take Charles down and lock him up, and I’ll investigate the matter myself.” ”

With that, Morgan looked at Mark.

Seems to be asking if such a treatment is full of dissatisfaction?

“Lord of the City is wise!”

Mark was not satisfied with such a treatment, but it was enough.

Although Lord Morgan did not say what to do with Charles, it was enough to stink Charles’s reputation.

At least he won’t be an obstacle to his ascension to the position of city lord again!

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