Chapter 178 This time it was Wangwang Crushed Ice that won!!

“You all go out, I want to be alone.”

Lord Morgan waved his hand for everyone to leave.

Mark’s purpose had been achieved, and naturally he didn’t want to stay here any longer.

He took the lead and turned away with his own men.

As soon as he stepped out of the gate, a slender figure plunged into his arms.

Familiar voices ringing in the ears.

“Great, you’re finally back!”

Mark held Ran Bing in his backhand.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

The ending of Ran Bing in the original book can be described as very tragic.

Dead, the body shattered to the ground.

But this time it was she who won the Wangwang Crushed Ice Ice!

Mo Cheng and Fei Xue looked at the two quietly, unable to bear to disturb this warm atmosphere.

However, Jingnan, who had just come out of the room, did not have this concern.

“I really envy the two of you, not only found someone you liked, but finally came together.”

In the face of the three cruel laws of survival of the lighthouse, how many years has no one cultivated the right results?

She couldn’t remember it anymore.

She was also very happy to see her apprentices and friends finally become dependents. (PS: Official information shows that Ran Bing is Jingnan’s apprentice)

However, in addition to being happy, she is also very envious of the two.

She didn’t dare to think about it before, but now that she saw someone break the three laws, she was also fantasizing about where her other half was.

After hugging for a while, the two reluctantly let go of each other.

Mark turned to Mirror South and said, “Are you free?” I want to talk to you. ”

“Hey, hey, with Ran Bing, do you still want to soak me?” Don’t go too far. ”

Although he knew that Jingnan was joking, Mark quickly explained: “Don’t misunderstand, I have something important to talk to you!” ”

He glanced at Ran Bing beside him.

It was relieved to see that he was not jealous of Mark.

In fact, Ran Bing was not stupid, and naturally he could see that his master was joking.

“Important things ~~?”

Jing Nan looked slightly serious.

“Go to my office.”

Mark nodded, and then said to Ran Bing, Mo Cheng, and Fei Xue, “You go back first, and then come back to you.” ”

The three nodded and left, and then Mark followed Jingnan to her office.

Jingnan took out her treasured tea leaves and made two cups of tea, and she handed one of them to Mark.

“Say, what?”

“I want you to do me a favor.”

Mark took a sip of the tea.

He didn’t like the slightly bitter taste of tea.

But compared to milk, he really likes the former.

“What’s the rush? Let’s elaborate. ”

Compared to Mark’s big boss, Jingnan likes to drink tea.

The tea leaves are slightly bitter, but they also have endless aftertaste after careful tasting.

It’s like life, obviously there is no hope, but life makes people have to move on.

Mark did not open his mouth immediately, but took a chip like a USB stick out of his pocket and put it on the desktop.

“I want you to help me plug this thing into the main computer in the control room.”

“What is this?”

Jingnan looked at the things in front of her doubtfully.

Mark replied, “This is an AI that the man gave me. ”

“That person?”

Jingnan was stunned at first, but soon she guessed who ‘that person’ was.

“You’re talking about, the one who sent you back?”

Mark nodded slightly.

“Why do you want me to help you plug this AI into the main computer in the control room?” What is this AI for? ”

Jing Nan did not dare to casually insert something into the computer in the control room.

What if the computer is poisoned?

In the face of Jingnan’s inquiry, Mark did not hide it, and he told her all the truth.

“I made a deal with that guy.”

“He gave me the medicine to cure the lord of the city, and I gave him the lighthouse after I became the next lord of the city!”

“According to him, this AI can be used as a locator and he can grasp the location of the lighthouse at any time.”

Of course, the real role is certainly more than that.

Lin Ziqin must have had more things he hadn’t told him.

But Mark didn’t ask, he just did it.

Jingnan was shocked to hear Mark’s words.

She stood up with a snort.

“You, you actually want to give the lighthouse to a stranger?”

“I have no choice.”

“But aren’t you afraid that the lighthouse will be pushed into the abyss by you?”

“They don’t look like bad people, and I see hope in him that the lighthouse might be better in his hands!”

Although doing so is a betrayal, Mark is very convinced that his thoughts see hope for the future in Lin Ziqin!

A man who can have such a powerful military force must have a way to protect the people on the lighthouse!

“Aren’t you afraid that I will tell the city lord about this and then ask the city lord to cancel your status as the next city lord?”

“Will you?”

Jingnan fell silent.

Will she?

Obviously, she won’t!

Although she had not been in direct contact with the other party, the power of the person who could have such a battleship was far above the lighthouse!

If Lighthouse could join him, maybe their people could really live a better life!

Eyebrows stared at the chip in front of him, and finally, Jingnan made a choice.

She reached for the chip and put it in her pocket.

“I hope you’re right.”

This is not only said to Mark, but also to herself

Mark said, “I trust my instincts! ”

Early morning.

Jingnan came to the control room early in the morning.

While no one was there, she plugged the chip into the main computer.

At the same time, Xiao Ai, who was far away, sensed the signal that the chip was activated for the first time.

“Report to the owner that the chip we gave to Mark earlier has been activated.”

“It seems that Mark’s efficiency is still quite high.”

Lin Ziqin suddenly looked at Mark with some surprise.

I didn’t expect that this five-year-old and three-thick guy did things without any ambiguity.

And the efficiency is fast!

“Little love, monitor the situation on the lighthouse twenty-four hours! Inform me as soon as there is a situation! ”

Mark guessed correctly, Lin Ziqin handed him the AI chip is not just to locate the lighthouse.

Its main role is to monitor the every move of the people inside the lighthouse! If he could, Lin Ziqin could even directly remotely control the entire lighthouse

Although the lighthouse has not yet fully joined his camp, it is no exaggeration to say that Lin Ziqin is now the real owner of the lighthouse!

Xiao Ai replied, “Obey the order! ”

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