Chapter 179 Get the Angel Potion!!

“This is the angel potion you want.”

This afternoon, Bai Yuekui placed a freezer in front of Lin Ziqin

Inside was Lin Ziqin’s long-awaited angelic potion.

No, it should be said that it is a reinforced perfect version of the angel potion!

The first angel potion that Bai Yuekui had used was defective.

Although it can give people great strength and the ability to live forever, once the power is overused, it will exacerbate cell failure and require frequent replenishment of life essentia.

The angel potion that Bai Yuekui now gave to Lin Ziqin did not have this defect.

She used Lin Ziqin’s powerful technology to not only eliminate the defects of the first version of the angel potion, but also enhance the strength of the potion!

“Finally done?”

Lin Ziqin opened the freezer with anticipation.

Inside are four potions.

“Huh? How is there one less? ”

Lin Ziqin found that the freezer had five grooves.

But there were only four potions inside.

Bai Yuekui said, “One of the ones I used to do experiments and injected myself.” ”

“Experiment with yourself?”

Lin Ziqin was shocked in his heart, and then asked with concern, “Are you okay?” ”

Bai Yuekui was moved.

She also thought that Lin Ziqin would be angry because she had consumed an angel potion without permission.

But not only did he not, but he cared about his own safety.

“I’m fine, but I’m a lot better now than I was before!”

Bai Yuekui shook her fist, she could feel the surging power in her body, and she could even lift a large transport plane with one hand now!

You can easily jump hundreds of meters in distance! Run at full force and even reach Mach!

The flesh can even withstand the attack of ordinary bullets without being injured!

This data is already quite scary, completely beyond the scope of human beings! It is no exaggeration to say that it is a monster draped in human flesh.

“It’s okay, it’s okay!”

Lin Ziqin was relieved after hearing this, and immediately preached to Bai Yuekui: “But next time it is not allowed to do this, after all, no one can guarantee that the potion will not have potential defects?” ”

Bai Yuekui nodded.

“Listen to you.”

Lin Ziqin handed one of the potions to Xiao Ai.

“Little love, analyze some of this angel potion, see if there are any potential defects, and if not, give me mass production.”

Lin Ziqin intends to cultivate a strong special force!

The people in the army all use angel potions, just like UXSC’s Spartan Battle Ten, making them beings beyond mortals!

Subsequently, Lin Ziqin took out two angel potions from it.

“By the way, after you’ve analyzed it and confirmed that there are no potential defects, give these two potions to Karen and Ania by the way.”


Xiao Ai returned to the shield world with the angel potion given by Lin Ziqin.

Looking at the last angel potion in the freezer, Lin Ziqin thought about it and still took it back.

He was in no hurry to use it, and it was not too late for Xiao Ai to confirm that the Angel Potion did not hide a defect.

After all, it is always harmless to sail the ship of ten thousand years with caution.


Suddenly, a strange noise came into the ear.

Lin Ziqin’s gaze shifted slightly, looking at Bai Yuekui.

More precisely, Bai Yuekui’s lower abdomen.


The voice came again, and this time it was clearer than the last, and it didn’t look like I had heard it wrong.

“Aren’t you going to hide in the lab again and forget to eat lunch?”

“I did forget to eat lunch, mainly because the experiment was too serious and I didn’t pay attention to the time.”

Obviously, the little belly was singing a song of resistance, but Bai Yuekui’s look was still indifferent.

If it weren’t for the confirmation that this sound came from Bai Yuekui’s small belly, Lin Ziqin would even wonder if he was hungry.

“I’ll take you to dinner, I just haven’t had enough at noon.”

Lin Ziqin made an excuse to prepare to take Bai Yuekui to dinner.

If you don’t find such an excuse, it is estimated that Bai Yuekui will have to wait until the evening before eating.

He knows Bai Yuekui too well!

In fact, Bai Yuekui did plan to wait for another two or three hours at first, and then wait until dinner in the evening.

However, after hearing that Lin Ziqin had not eaten enough at noon, she agreed without hesitation.

The two went to the canteen together.

They found that Xia Dou, Broken Star, Shanda, Xu Tong and Tajiyan were also here, and they were talking and laughing at the food.

Xia Dou first discovered the arrival of Lin Ziqin and Bai Yuekui.

She stood up and waved at the two of them, as if she were afraid they wouldn’t see her.

“The owner! Top banana! This side and this side! ”

Lin Ziqin and Bai Yuekui walked over.

“You didn’t have lunch either?”

Looking at the appearance of Shanda, Xu Tong and the widowed trio devouring each other, Lin Ziqin couldn’t help but have some doubts.

How did these guys look like they were hungry several times? Shattered Star nodded.

“Yes, Mr. Big Boss, we went hunting outside the city walls early this morning and are only back now.”

Since moving here, they have lived a life of abundance

But occasionally he would go out hunting in the vicinity and clean up some scattered polar eaters.

And will also hand over the hunting Lingzhizi in exchange for more advanced weapons and equipment.

Not only them, but many of the underground survivors who had relocated here had formed a hunting squad.

They often went out to hunt the Pole Eaters with weapons that the Empire had eliminated, and then used the Lingzhi Zi in exchange for more resources.

Although there will be free accommodation and food here, people will never be satisfied with the status quo.

But if you want to live better and get more extra supplies, you have to do something.

You can become a hunter to hunt the Polar Eater and exchange the Polar Eater’s Spirit for resources.

This is also the fastest way to ‘make money’.

In addition to that, you can also go to work with a simple job.

Although it has only been less than half a month since these people moved here, they have also spawned a simple social model.

Shanda said vaguely, “That’s right, Mr. Big Boss! When we went out this time, we met a white-haired old man! ”

Natsuto nodded, “That’s right! It is said that the old man came down from the lighthouse. ”

“Oh? It’s kind of interesting. ”

Lin Ziqin probably guessed who this old man was.

Coming down from the lighthouse, he was an old man who could survive on the ground for so long

No need to guess to know that this person should be Mark’s teacher, the former instructor of the liar hunter, Elon!

“What about that old man now?”

“We brought him back, now he should check in at the registration office.”

Lin Ziqin’s side would not refuse outsiders to join.

It was like when Lin Ziqin received Bai Yuekui and these survivors who lived underground.

As long as they don’t do anything bad here, it’s totally fine to want to stay here…

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