Chapter 181 The wife’s sleeping face is so cute!!

Tick tock!

Tick tock!

In the morning, the alarm clock that sets the time goes off on time.

At the same time, Lin Ziqin, who was lying asleep on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.

He wanted to raise his left hand to turn off the alarm clock, but found that his left arm was pressed by a heavy object and could not move.

Looking down, it was that heartwarming face.

Bai Yuekui’s small head pressed against his shoulders, one on his chest, the other hand spread flat in front of him.

Looking closely now, Lin Ziqin found that Bai Yuekui’s sleeping face was quite cute

During the day, she feels like a heroic queen.

When she is asleep, she looks like a quiet little girl.

Sometimes he would curl up in his arms, like a very insecure kitten, but now is not the time to appreciate his wife’s sleeping face, and the alarm clock is still “nine.” ”

Six Three” kept making a harsh sound.

I don’t know why Bai Yuekui set this sound as an alarm bell.

If he had set it, he would have chosen a good and soothing piece of music.

And it was obviously the alarm clock she set, but it did not wake her up.

Is it really because I played poker too late last night?

Even if you have a physique as strong as Boss Bai, you will still feel tired after too much work.

But why are you as good as ever? What about the only tired cows?

Shake your head and throw the messy thoughts out of your mind.

Lin Ziqin held out his other hand and turned off the alarm clock.

Immediately afterward, he carefully withdrew his left hand and began to get up and dress.

His movements are very careful and very quiet, but also very time-wasting.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Ziqin finally walked out of the room and left the room, Lin Ziqin came to the base control center for the first time.

“Little love, connect Karen and Aniya.”

It’s also time for the two of them to go to the lighthouse to help Mark suppress the rebellion.

Room D27 of the Lighthouse Upper Residential Area.

Mark was lying on the ground naked, doing push-ups.

After a few moments, four hundred push-ups were done.

Then Mark picked up the barbell piece weighing more than fifty pounds next to him with one hand and began to do pull-ups.

This action lasted for six or seven minutes before it stopped.

At this moment, Mark’s body was already covered with sweat.

But such high-intensity training only made him slightly tired! In fact, he kept training every morning, like he would drink a bottle of milk every morning.

And this morning’s training hasn’t even reached half the usual standard! Only because there will be a fierce battle in the future, so he needs to retain some physical strength as much as possible!

Mark casually took the wet towel hanging next to him and wiped the sweat from his body.

Tick tock! Tick tock!

Just then, the communicator placed on the head of the bed rang.

Mark picked up the communicator and pressed the on-up button.

“Mark, it’s almost time.”

From the communicator came Jingnan’s voice.

“I see, how are they prepared in Mocheng?”

“Everything is ready.”

“What about Charles’s men?”

“His people are also preparing.”

“Good, it’s time to end it all.”

Mark’s eyes froze, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

Charles? Church of Light and Shadow?

Just the new account and the old account are counted together! At the same time on the other side.

Morgan, the current lord of the city, was sitting in his room, quietly reading the book in his hand.

The whole room seemed extremely quiet, with only steady breathing and the sound of pages turning over.

But this calm did not last long.

Boom boom!

There was a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

Morgan just shouted at the door, and without raising his head, he continued to look at the book in his hand, “Lord of the City.” ”

The door was pushed open and a middle-aged man with a robotic arm in his right hand walked in.

This man, Victor, was the commander-in-chief of the City Defense Army and a confidant of Lord Morgan.

Just as Ink City is loyal to Mark, Victor’s loyalty to Morgan is unparalleled!

“Lord of the city, Charles, he has already begun to act.”

As Victor’s voice fell, Morgan’s eyes moved away from the book.

He sighed softly and closed the book in his hand.

“Do you still have to go this far?”

There was a little more sadness on the old face of Lord Morgan…

Yes, he knew from the beginning that his son Charles was preparing to launch a military coup to seize power.

He didn’t expect his son to come to this point for the sake of the city lord!

But out of doting on his son, he was reluctant to stop Charles’s actions.

Perhaps, in the depths of his heart, he also wanted to see if his son could ascend to the position of the lord of the city by his own strength.

“Lord of the City, are we really not going to stop him?”

“Once they really fight, the whole lighthouse will be thrown into flames and civilians will be involved.”

Compared to the Morgan City Lord, who was more inclined to his son, Victor was more concerned with the lives of the people.

But no matter how much he cared about the lives of the people, he was always a loyal subordinate of Lord Morgan.

Therefore, whether to stop the fight between the two depends on the will of Lord Morgan.

Morgan didn’t answer immediately, he got up and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window.

He looked at the white clouds in the distance and the abandoned city on the ground, turned his back on Victor and said, “Actually, I will think about whether my choice is the right one.” ”

“But every time I fall into self-doubt, I become more determined about my choices.”

“Because I firmly believe that as long as we continue to go on like this, mankind will eventually usher in hope!”

“But this time was different, and the appearance of the mysterious spaceship made me understand that the lighthouse is not the only one.”

“Charles, can he give humanity another hope?”

Morgan has always made his decision based on the hints given by the Clotto system, the supercomputer on the lighthouse.

This includes passing on the throne of the lord of the city to Mark, also because the Klotto system believes that Mark is the hope of saving mankind.

However, since the appearance of those mysterious people, he has become suspicious of the hints of the Clotto system.

“Lord of the city, I see.”

Although Victor did not know what the hope of the Morgan City Lord had hoped for, he did not understand what another hope was.

But he had understood Lord Morgan’s choice, and that was enough.

Victor bowed slightly and exited the room…

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