Chapter 182 Ant Only, Less Than Half a Cent for Me!!

Every change of lord of the lighthouse is an extremely important day.

Therefore, every time there is a very grand alternating ceremony.

And this edition is no exception.

Early in the morning, the residents of the lighthouse were already up.

Everyone is preparing for the lighthouse to welcome the new lord of the city.

The dust people who had been decadent all day long could not help but smile at this moment.

Because every time the city lord changes, the lighthouse will give everyone free contribution points, which may not be too many for the Shangmin.

But it is a huge income for the dust people with very few resources! With this income, they may be able to enjoy it for a short time to come.

However, these people do not know that a catastrophe is quietly approaching the future direction of the lighthouse.

Lighthouse Control Center.

“You guys, who are you?”

The sudden appearance of two people startled everyone, including Jingnan.

Jingnan’s jade hand quietly touched the alarm button under the armrest of the chair.

But she didn’t rush to press it.

Because she had probably guessed the identities of these two people.

Presumably, these two people are the reinforcements that Mr. Lin Ziqin said?

And the two men in front of them were wearing the power armor that Mark described.

It’s just that she doesn’t dare to be 100% sure that these two people are the ones she is waiting for, so she will remain vigilant.

“You’re Miss Jingnan?”

The eyes of the two swept through several people, and finally landed on Jing Nan, who was sitting in the main position.

“That’s right, I’m Jingnan.”

Jing Nan took a deep breath and nodded in reply.

“So these two are the reinforcements sent by the gentleman?”

“That’s right, my name is Karen, and this is my teammate Ania.”

Karen briefly introduced herself.

“So, what about Captain Mark?” How come he wasn’t seen? ”

After the two admitted their identities, Jingnan finally relaxed completely.

“Mark he’s getting ready at the Liar Hunter base.”

“I know, the two of us will be under your command, so what are we going to do next?”

“Wait a minute, everything is still in preparation.”

Must wait!

Wait for Charles to take the lead.

Only then will they have a reason to suppress Charles! Karen and Anya nodded without saying anything.

Before they came, the emperor had already ordered them to obey their commands for the time being.

Whatever these people’s plans are, they don’t care.

They just have to get the job done.

Seeing that the two no longer spoke, Jing Nan began to carefully look at the two of them and looked at this set of armor is very handsome, and she is a little moved to see it.

And judging from the sound, these two people seem to be women!

“By the way, how did you get here?”

Jingnan Dao had doubts in his heart.

She wondered how the two men had come to be on the lighthouse.

It can’t have fallen from the sky, can it?

Not to mention, Karen and Ania did indeed fall from the sky.

The two flew tens of thousands of meters above the lighthouse through the Phantom transport plane, how to jump down!

After entering the lighthouse, they used stealth mode to follow the AI guide of the lighthouse city to come here.

The whole process was not discovered by anyone! It can be called a ghost, coming and going without a trace.

Karen and Ania glanced at each other.

Despite wearing helmets, they could still read each other’s meaning.

Karen said, “The process is complicated, and I don’t think you want to hear it.” ”

“No! I’d love to hear it! ”

Although he wanted to say this, Jingnan finally chose not to talk about it.

Since they didn’t want to say it, it was not good for her to continue to inquire.


Just then a loud noise spread throughout the lighthouse, followed by a fire not far away.

“Has it finally begun?”

Although Jingnan had been prepared, he was still startled by this sudden sound.

“Where is that fire?”

“Report to Lord Mirror South! It’s the armory! ”



If Charles wants to end the battle as quickly as possible, he must master all the weapons in the armory!

And they could get there so quickly, so the city defense army was really transferred?

And the only one who can do this is probably the Morgan City Lord! It seems that Lord Morgan City really can’t believe it!

Fortunately, they asked for another, more powerful reinforcement!

“Report to Lord Mirror South! An enemy squad is coming towards this side! Led by Shalif! ”

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the mirror south shrank.

Sharif, one of Charles’s loyal dogs!

He is also the most powerful and ruthless killer of the Church of Light and Shadow!

Jingnan immediately checked the situation through the camera, and sure enough, he saw a burly man wearing power armor rushing towards this side with a group of heavily armed Orderly soldiers!

Charles really looked up to them, and even sent the strongest warriors directly here!

“I’m going to deal with those people.”

Ania walked outside.

“Wait! Just you? ”

Jingnan wanted to say something, but Ania had already left the command room.

Karen said lightly, “Don’t worry, she alone is enough to deal with those people.” ”

“If you don’t believe it, take a good look.”

It’s just a swarm of ants, less than half a point for the two of them! Tick tock……

The last security door leading to the command center.

A Order’s soldier crouches in front of the gate to enter a secret.

“The password is incorrect, please re-enter it.”

The soldier stood up and said to Shalif, “Sorry sir, the people inside have changed the secret and need to decipher it to open this door.” ”

“Get out of the way.”

A heavy sound like a mechanical synthesis came from under Shalif’s mask.

The soldier heard the words and hurriedly gave way.

Only to see Shalev step forward and put his hands on the gate.

The next second, the locked door was actually opened by him! Seeing this, the Order’s soldiers were undoubtedly not shocked by this.

Worthy of being the most powerful general under Lord Charles!


Just as the crowd had entered the security gate, they soon spotted a figure standing at the end of the long corridor blocking their way.

This person wears an advanced power armor and holds an energy sword.

Seeing this, the soldiers immediately raised their weapons and aimed them at this person.

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