Chapter 183 The Battle That Ended in One Minute!!

“This road is not possible.”

Anya raised his hand and pointed his sword at the people in front of him, murderous.


Shalev gave no nonsense and directly gave the order to attack.

For a moment all the Order’s soldiers pulled the trigger.


Bullets flew toward Ania like a curtain of metal bullets.

However, for Anya, who has been strengthened and used the angel potion, these bullets that are as fast as the speed of light in the eyes of ordinary people are like turtles in Anya’s eyes! Blah blah…

Ania wielded the energy sword in her hand, and the speed was dazzling.

You don’t even need to open the energy shield, just the energy sword in your hand can easily cut off the incoming bullets!

Finally the Order’s soldiers emptied a magazine.

The gunfire stopped instantly.

The soldiers looked blankly at Aniya, who was intact.

Are they dreaming?

Someone can cut a bullet with a knife!

And so many bullets were cut down! Boom!

Just as everyone was shocked, Ania slammed her feet on the ground.

The whole person suddenly flew out like a cannonball!

The sturdy metal floor has been stomped on with two huge dents! Poof!

The light of the energy sword flashed through the crowd.

Several heads flew out, and blood was scattered on the ground! At this moment, the soldiers finally came back to their senses.

They tried to fight back, only to find that the bullets in the gun were empty.

I want to reload, but it’s too late!

Blah blah…

Anya is like a god of death, every time he wields the energy sword, he will harvest a living life!

In the blink of an eye, the corridor was already full of corpses! The walls, the ground have been stained red with blood!

It’s like hell on earth!

“The devil! This is the devil! ”

“I’m going back, I’m not fighting!”

The rest of the people had long since lost their will to fight, and they all threw down their weapons and fled, but Shaliv was still standing where he was.

Shaliv is like a machine.

He would not feel fear, nor would he disobey the orders given by his master.

Even if he knows that he is invincible, he will not back down!

Shaliv ran towards Aniya.

The speed was not fast, but with each step, there was the sound of heavy footsteps, as if to show his firm determination.

Ania looked up at the big man rushing towards him.

The eyes hidden under the mask flashed a touch of surprise.

Everyone else ran away, and the big man didn’t run?

There was a bit of courage.

When Shaliv finally came to Anya’s face, he raised his huge fist and slammed it into Anya’s head.

In other words, ordinary people, this punch is enough to make people’s heads blossom! But it is clear that he is not facing ordinary people……… Ania did not hide, she also threw her fist at the front! Boom!

One big and one small fist collided together.

The seemingly small and weak fist blocked Shalif’s all-out blow and shook it back several steps!

Shalif’s heart shook, but then a sharp pain came from his right hand.


The armor in his hand has cracked, and blood is gushing from the joint crack!

His right hand had lost control and was hanging down like a sling.

Just one blow destroys the enemy’s hand!

But that’s far from over!

Only to see Ania quickly approaching, the energy sword in his hand swinging upwards.


Shalif’s other severed arm flew out and finally smashed heavily on the ground, becoming a member of the wreckage!

Ania threw back a leg whip and kicked Shaliv in the face.


The huge head came directly to a sharp turn of one hundred and eighty degrees! Boom!

The massive body collapsed.

Since then, this lighthouse’s existence second only to Mark’s combat power has died!

“Good, so strong’!”

Jingnan witnessed the whole battle through the surveillance camera!

In less than a minute, Ania had tackled all the enemies.

And easily killed the butcher Shalif!

It is hard to imagine that this seemingly slender and petite girl has such strength!

No wonder that Mr. Lin Ziqin said last night that sending these two reinforcements was enough to help them solve any problem!

With this combat power, I’m afraid it won’t be a problem to sweep through the entire lighthouse!

“Lord Jingnan! We have received reinforcements from liar hunters! ”

The communications officer suddenly shouted, which made Jingnan come back to his senses.

“The enemy is attacking the Lighthouse General Control Center! The Liar Hunter squad is blocking, but the enemy army is so numerous that it is almost impossible to hold on! ”

Jing Nan frowned slightly.

“Charles must not be allowed to occupy the General Control Room!” Otherwise the entire lighthouse would fall under his control. ”

“I’m going to reinforce the liar hunters, and Ania will stay here to keep you safe.”

Jingnan looked at Karen and pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement with Karen’s proposal.

“Then please!”

“Mark is still too soft after all.”

Inside the bridge of the Tianyuan ship.

Lin Ziqin watched the battle 0 on the lighthouse by connecting the lighthouse surveillance camera

Karen and Ania were on his side as he thought, and the battle ended in one fell swoop.

And Mark’s side is looking at some stomach pain.

Charles’s Orderly army attacked the General Control Room.

Mark’s liar hunter force is blocking it with all its might.

But Mark had several opportunities to push the battle line back, but each time without success.

Only because Charles took the dust every time to block the gun.

Mark couldn’t bear to hurt these people, so he retreated again and again: eventually, the defense line had shrunk to the gate of the General Control Room!

If you retreat again, I am afraid that the general control room will lose your hand!

Xiao Ai said: “Charles is very clever, the dust people he has arrested are children, and some of them have a good relationship with Mark.” ”

“It turns out so, it’s really smart, but it’s too sinister, and this kind of person is a big villain grave in any era.”

Civilians were used to block guns, but they were still used by children and civilians who had something to do with Mark.

It’s a murderous man!

Fortunately, Karen had reinforced in the past, and it was estimated that it would not be long before the battle was over.

“By the way, tell Karen not to kill the guy named Charles.”

“It’s too cheap to kill him like this, you should torture him first, then destroy him and throw him into the Devouring Beasts!”

Even if Lin Ziqin was not a party, seeing Charles’s sinister style made him feel very unhappy!

Such a person should be thrown into the pile of polar eaters and let him dance with the polar beasts!

“Your order I have already conveyed to Miss Karen for your help.”

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