Chapter 187 Return to the Empire, and the women take turns as acting emperors?!!

Tianyuan Empire Overworld.


Near the orbit of the Earth in the solar system, space suddenly warped.

Tianyuan jumped out of the distorted space with a huge fleet.

“Whew, finally back!”

Looking at the familiar picture outside, Lin Ziqin breathed a sigh of relief.

The World Crossing cooldown ended two days ago.

However, because there were still some things to be dealt with, he was not in a hurry to return to the Empire Overworld.

It wasn’t until this morning that he finally decided to return to the Empire.

“Wow”! It’s so pretty! Is this the Earth of another world? ”

Xia Dou was lying on the edge of the porthole looking at the earth beneath his feet.

Now the Earth of the Empire Overworld has become very sci-fi.

Even if you stand on a high track, you can clearly see the neatly planned outline of the building.

Especially the night side is more clearly seen.

The moment the city lights up, the surface of the earth is like a forerunner rune!

Especially good-looking!

“Is this the Heavenly Emperor Overworld?” It’s really pretty. ”

Bai Yuekui hugged his chest with both hands, and his look seemed indifferent.

But the flickering glare ruthlessly debunked her disguise.

Standing with Bai Yuekui and Xia Dou was Jingnan.

It’s just that compared to the casualness of the two, she seems a little restrained.

She stood silently to the side, her hands folded in front of her abdomen.

It had only been about a week since she had joined the Tianyuan Empire.

She was still very unfamiliar with everything here.

“Three young ladies, have you seen enough?” We’re in a hurry. ”

Seeing that the three people were standing still, Lin Ziqin had no choice but to call out.

“Here it comes!”

Soon Lin Ziqin led them to the portal door of the Tianyuan.

Lin Ziqin activated the portal and connected it to the portal of the Naval Academy.

“Jingnan, you go to the Naval Academy, but someone will pick you up after you go there.”

“Obey the order, Your Honor!”

Jingnan nodded obediently, then stepped into the portal and disappeared.

After seeing Jingnan leave, Lin Ziqin adjusted the portal again, changing the connection coordinates to Zhu Forbidden City.

Then Lin Ziqin stepped into it with the remaining two people.

Zhu Forbidden City in the Imperial Palace.

Lacus sat on the dragon chair.

She carefully reviewed the document in front of her, not missing a single word.

The ministers below were fighting in place like needles and felt.

From time to time they looked up at Lacus above, as if waiting for something, looking a little anxious and uneasy.

Finally, Lax’s eyes moved away from the document.

She casually threw the document at her feet, and a touch of anger appeared on her face.

“Do you really think that the Emperor is not there, and you dare to embezzle wantonly?”

Despite her anger, Lax’s voice was still very good and seductive.

But the ministers below were not in the mood to listen carefully to this beautiful sound like a rhythm.

They were so frightened that they quickly knelt down.

“Your Majesty the Imperial Princess is angry! I was also kept in the dark! ”

“Yes, Your Honor! It has nothing to do with us, it’s all those guys’ claims! ”

“Please ask the Imperial Princess to be clear!”

“Please ask the Imperial Princess to be clear!”

Lacus stood up and looked at the people below.

“Whether this matter is related to you or not, I will naturally let people investigate clearly, but whether you are related to this matter or not, it will not change the fact that you have dereliction of duty!”

“Come on people, crush these people and lock them up!” Wait until the investigation is clear before convicting! ”

As soon as Lax’s voice fell, several Prometheus warriors suddenly appeared and took the ministers into custody.

After the men left, Lacus picked up the papers on the ground again, rubbed her temples and sighed softly, feeling slightly helpless.

How long has it been since their husbands left that corrupt officials have appeared, and do they really think that they can’t cure these people?

“Lacus, I’m back.”

Just then, a familiar voice came from outside.

Lacus immediately looked up, only to see the figure she was thinking about appeared in front of her!


The document in his hand was thrown away again, and Lax threw herself into Lin Ziqin’s arms and hugged him tightly.

“Sorry, waited a long time, huh?”

Lin Ziqin gently stroked Lax’s long pink hair.

After returning this time, he deliberately checked the time of the Empire.

He found himself away for more than four months!

This was the first time he had been away for so long!

Lax lightly kissed Lin Ziqin’s cheek and smiled, “As long as my husband comes back!” ”

“By the way, are the next two sisters?”

At this time, Lacus noticed Bai Yuekui and Xia Dou behind Lin Ziqin.

“Cough, Bai Yuekui is, Xia Dou is my sister.”

Well, temporarily.

As for why it’s temporary? I understand everything.

“Sister-in-law is good!”

Xia Dou greeted Lacus warmly.

Bai Yuekui just nodded faintly.

She had long known about Lin Zi Qin’s harem, so she was not surprised.

“Hello guys.”

Lacus also smiled and greeted the two.

“By the way, Lacus, did those ministers make any mistakes?”

In fact, Lin Ziyun had been here for a while, and he had witnessed the process of Lax’s order to detain those ministers.

Lacus explains: “Their relatives went around making trouble because they were ministers of the Empire and embezzled a lot of money. ”

“Their relatives are so arrogant, do they know it themselves?”

“I don’t know about this, but I’m still investigating.”

“But having such relatives does show that they have dereliction of duty, wife, you are doing a good job!”


Lacus smiled happily.

“By the way, C.C., what about her?”

Lin Ziqin was suddenly a little curious about what C.C. was doing now.

Lacus is in charge of the Empire, so what about her?

After all, it was usually the C.C. who ran the empire.

Lacus replied, “Sister C.C. is resting at home, she just finished her shift last week.” ”

Lin Ziqin was stunned: “Shift? Is it the shift he wants? ”

Lacus explained, “We sisters have agreed that we will help run the Empire when you leave the Empire, dear.” ”

“And to reduce the pressure, we took turns working, each at the helm of the empire for a week.”

“And today is my weekday.”

Sure enough, it was just as Lin Ziqin thought.

How to say it, it is also very good.

They have a good relationship and don’t have to worry about traveling when handing over jobs.

“Let’s go, let’s go back, the sisters will certainly be happy to see you back!” Lax took Lin Ziqin’s hand and couldn’t wait to take him home. ”

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