Chapter 188: Aliens of the Second World!!

“That is, the New World is an apocalyptic world?”

After returning home, Bai Yuekui and C.C. and others got to know each other.

This is followed by an indispensable storytelling session.

They like to hear Lin Ziqin tell interesting things about what happened in the new world, and they also want to know more about the new world.

However, after knowing that the new world is an apocalyptic world, the girls suddenly feel a little lost.

Originally, I wanted to follow Lin Ziqin to see it over there.

But since it’s a doomsday world, forget it.

Ruins and a bunch of monsters are nothing to look at.

“So what are you going to do with that doomsday world?”

C.C. suddenly turned and asked.

“First of all, the resources of the empire are only enough to develop two worlds.”

Lacus nodded too, her long pink hair swaying in the wind.

“Sister C.C. is right, at present, the empire is still developing, the resources are inclined to the imperial overworld and the second world, if you want to develop the third world, I am afraid that the resources will not be able to keep up.”

After all, after all, the Tianyuan Empire was just a country that had just stepped into the Haoran Universe not long ago.

The resources that the Empire was fully exploiting could only barely be enough for the development of the two worlds for the time being.

Lin Ziqin said, “I am naturally clear about this matter, and I do not intend to develop the Third World for the time being, but only regard it as a mining world.” ”

The Third World is short of nothing but sparsely populated.

Therefore, Lin Ziqin only regarded the Third World as a mine for the time being.

When there are enough resources in the future, it is not too late to go back and develop the Third World.

The SEED world, also known as the second world.

As the Second World opens, a large number of Overworld people see the business opportunities involved.

Countless imperial merchants poured into the Second World, instantly adding countless jobs to the Second World.

But not everyone is here to make money.

There are some tourists and travelers among them.

In addition, there are a small number of cosmic explorers.

Cosmic Explorer is a recently emerging profession in the Tianyuan Empire.

It is also one of the most popular careers for young people in the Empire at present!

These people like to drive the Empire’s civilian spacecraft through various star domains, discover unknown planets, and explore the mysteries of the universe!

And Irene is one of thousands of cosmic explorers! She has been an adventure enthusiast since she was a child.

As a child, she aspired to become an explorer when she grew up.

Now she has fulfilled her wish.

At the moment, she is piloting a second-hand spaceship she has spent a lot of money to travel through the universe of the second world.

The Second World has only recently opened, so there are many unexplored star domains here compared to the Empire Overworld.

Today, the Star Domain within a radius of more than three hundred light years of the Imperial Overworld has basically been explored.

Flying farther away was difficult to do with the jump space engine of her second-hand spacecraft.

And this is one of the main reasons why Irene came to explore this second world.

“Eh? Sister, did you wake up so early? ”

The bridge door was opened, and a woman who looked seven points similar to Irene but was slightly younger came to the bridge.

“Aish, are you sleeping well?”

Irene looked back at the girl behind her.

It was her sister Ash.

Compared to Irene, who has already entered society, her sister Aishi has just graduated from high school.

In just over a month, her sister will enter college and become a college student.

Ash nodded and handed the coffee in her hand to her sister.

“Fortunately, the first time I went into hibernation, it turned out to be this feeling.”

It’s been more than two weeks since the two last talked.

The jump space engines equipped by civilian vessels cannot be compared with those of the military.

What’s more, Irene’s ship is still an old second-hand ship, and the fault space jump engine equipped is only a second-generation civilian engine.

Even if it is only a hundred light-years away, it will take at least two or three weeks.

When he first entered the fault space, Ash stayed in the boat because of the initial freshness.

But as the freshness passed, she gradually became bored and finally entered the dormancy cabin with her sister.

Now that they are reawakened, it means that they are about to reach their destination! At this moment, the sound of AI sounded inside the bridge.

“Approaching the target, out of the fault space in five seconds, please be prepared 4… 3… 2… 1! ”


A light lit up outside the bridge, and then the ship finally left the fault space!

“E211 star system, here we come!”

Irene looked excitedly at the strange star system in front of her!

While this wasn’t the first time she’d explored an unknown planet, she would be so excited every time.

Every time it’s like first love.

This is a star system named E211.

It’s slightly smaller than the solar system, but the stars in this star system are slightly older than the solar system.

“Lock on to planet E211-2 and launch a probe!”

Irene skillfully controls the ship’s system.

And her sister Ash stood by and watched all this silently, as if studying.

Her major is indeed related to planet exploration, which is why she came here with her sister during the summer vacation.


Suddenly, an electronic sound sounded, which immediately attracted the attention of the two people.

“Sister, are you going to help your sister see what’s going on?”


When Ash heard this, he immediately went to the terminal next to him to check on the situation.

“Sister, it’s the hyperspace detection radar that has reacted.”


Irene suddenly became serious.

Hyperspace detection radar, as the name suggests, is a radar that can perform ultra-long-range detection.

Military hyperspace detection radars can even detect ships in transition!

However, the ultra-space detection radar of their civilian ship is obviously not so powerful.

“Did you find anything?”

“Yes sister, radar has detected a dozen special signals in orbit on planet E211-3.”

“Special signal?”

Erin frowned slightly.

It is not surprising that special signals appear in the universe.

But it was the first time I had seen so many at once.

“Modify the detector target, change the outer E211-3!”

After thinking about it, Irene decided to find out.

The probe is fast and is flying at sub-light speeds.

It was only an hour later that he arrived at the target planet.

Immediately afterward, the detector sent back a picture that the two sisters could never forget in their lifetime.

“Sister, I think we’ve found the ‘treasure’!”

Erin said in a trembling voice.

Ash swallowed his throat: “Sister, will our discovery make us celebrities?” ”

“That’s for sure! Because we were the first humans to discover an alien race. ”

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