Chapter 189 The Koya!!

“The discovery of alien civilizations in the second world, this is the first alien civilization discovered by mankind in the universe…”

“According to the latest research from the Imperial Institute, this alien civilization is in the fifth level……”

“The Empire has sealed off the Star Domain and does not allow any civilian ships to approach.”

“The Empire decided to send a fleet to the second-world E211 star system, but the exact purpose is not known, and the official has not elaborated.”

“The two discoverers of the alien civilization have been picked up back to their homeland and have received a warm welcome.”

“In gratitude for their contributions, the Imperial Authorities gave away a newest expedition ship for free as a reward…”

Lin Ziqin turned off the TV.

In just a few days, the discovery of the alien civilization by the Empire has spread throughout the Empire!

But this is also because Lin Ziqin did not intend to hide the reason.

The discovery of extraterrestrial civilizations has also inspired more people to join the cosmic exploration industry.

Suddenly, this already very hot industry reached a new climax at this moment!

“Little Ai, is there any latest information about that ‘Koya’?”

The Koya are the names of the alien civilization that was discovered.

Of course, this name is not given by humans, but by themselves.

The Empire only used advanced translation machines to translate the words and languages of the Khoya, and only then did it know that their names were the Khoya.

Xiao Ai projected a holographic picture in front of Lin Ziqin.

In the picture, two humanoid creatures are in the picture.

They have extremely rough gray skin and arms longer than legs.

Their legs were curved and arched, as if they were old men.

Their faces are unlike any creature known to man.

And that’s the Koya!

“According to the latest research, the average life expectancy of Khoya is around 130 years.”

“They are highly unified, and there is only one country on the entire planet called the Koya Empire.”

“The Khoya are also a theocratic kingdom, they believe in their gods, and the supreme ruler of the country is called ‘Yama’, which is what we commonly call the priests. Another theocratic state? ”

I didn’t expect that a highly unified alien population that had reached the fifth level of civilization would still believe in gods?

Lin Ziqin said that he did not understand it very much.

Lin Ziqin himself was an atheist.

Especially when he mastered such advanced technology, he firmly believed that there were no cattle, ghosts, and snake gods in the world.

Of course, whether other worlds have them or not, Lin Ziqin is not clear.

But at least there are no worlds at his disposal at the moment.

“Little love, is it possible for the Khoya to be subdued?”

Lin Ziqin’s concern now was whether this alien race could be subdued.

After all, it is a neighbor, and it would be better if it could be subdued.

Xiao Ai replied: “Because their faith is very firm, the possibility of acceptance is relatively low, but you can try it.” ”

“Then let Cornelia represent the Empire and engage with it, and if the other side is willing to surrender, then take over.”

“If you don’t want to… Cornelia knew what to do. ”

Lin Ziqin’s future goal is to rule the entire galaxy!

He could not have allowed any race that disobeyed the rule to exist on his territory!

… Two days later.

Cornelia’s fleet reached the orbit of the Koya’s home planet.

“Planet E211-3, no, it should be called Temple Star.”

“It’s a weird name.”

In the mythology of the Khoya, the mother goddess created them the Koya.

And the planet at their feet is the palace where the mother goddess once lived! Therefore, they call their home planet the Temple Star.

The name Temple Star seems to be tall, but the appearance of this planet is not flattering.

A thick green fog envelops the entire planet.

From time to time, there were some eerie lightning bolts flashing in the clouds.

Looking down from the height of the orbit, the whole planet is like a dark green bead!

According to intelligence, these thick green fogs are actually a kind of poisonous gas.

At least for humans, it is poison gas.

And the atmosphere, which is thinner than Earth’s, also fills the planet’s surface with less radiation.

The reason why the Koya people look so distorted may have a lot to do with the environment in which they live.

Of course, it could also be that they were born that way.

In short, no matter what, her task remains the same.

“Navigator, take us down.”

“Obey orders! Lord Cornelia! ”

With Cornelia’s order, a huge fleet of hundreds of warships began to enter the planet’s atmosphere.


At the same time, the Khoya also discovered the arrival of the Tianyuan Empire fleet.

As a fifth-level civilization, although they had only just entered the fifth level, they had already set their sights on space.

Just as humans did in the mid-to-late twentieth century, the Khoya mastered the technology to launch satellites.

Today they have several moons near their home planet.

Naturally, there are some observation satellites.

The moment the Imperial Fleet appeared over the planet, the satellites had already detected the fleet’s signal.

At first they didn’t take it seriously, mistaking it for a meteorite signal.

After all, with their current technology, it is impossible to accurately distinguish what it is.

But when the Imperial Fleet entered the atmosphere and came over their holy city, the entire Khoyan society boiled over.

“What’s that?” Are you from outside the sky? ”

“It’s not just us in the universe! We Koya people are not alone! ”

“Alien invasion, can we withstand this disaster?”

“O great Virgin, please bless your people!”

The people of Koya looked up at the huge fleet overhead.

Some people are afraid, some people are worried, and some people are even full of excitement.

Suddenly, there was chaos in the Koya society.

But the chaos soon subsided.

Under a highly unified regime, no matter what emotions lie in their hearts, they always obey the orders of their own country.

“It’s a race with a very high war potential, so it’s no wonder the Emperor wants to try to subdue them.”

At first, Cornelia did not understand why the Emperor would take over such a weak race.

But at this moment she understood the Emperor’s thoughts…

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