Chapter 190 The Firm Faith of the Koya People!!

The Holy City of the Koya Empire.

Cornelia stood with a group of guards below the throne of the Koya Empire.

In front of several people was a Koya man in a dark green uniform and holding a scepter.

This person is the contemporary ‘Yama’ of the Koya Empire.

It is also commonly known as the priesthood.

“Guests from afar, please explain your intentions.”

The priest sitting on the throne spoke.

With the help of an advanced translator, Cornelia understood what the other person was saying.

“Hello Koya, I am a commander from the Tianyuan Empire, and we are here to invite you to join the Tianyuan Empire and dedicate your loyalty to the great Emperor of the Empire!”

Cornelia’s words were also translated into the language of the Khoya with the help of a translator.

After listening to Cornelia’s words, the priest’s eyes were frozen, and the ministers of the Koya Empire below were also whispering, and each look was not good.

The guards silently opened the weapon insurance.

As long as these Khoya show hostility, then they will surely give these people the harshest punishment!

After a moment of silence, the priest finally spoke again.

“Can you tell me some information about your Tianyuan Empire?”

Cornelia did not refuse.

After all, if you want to invite the other party to join the Empire, you must let the other party know what kind of country the Empire is.

Cornelia opened her palm, and suddenly a curtain of light was shot out, forming a magnificent galactic hologram.

“The Tianyuan Empire is located in the solar system of the Milky Way, just over a hundred light-years from here.”

With Cornelia’s introduction, the galactic hologram was instantly magnified countless times and finally locked in the solar system.

“The Tianyuan Empire is a highly technologically advanced country, and all the people of the Empire believe in the only emperor…”

For the rest of the time, Cornelia briefly introduced the Tianyuan Empire to the Koya present.

Although these introductions did not touch on the deeper aspects of the Empire, they were enough to give these Khoya a preliminary understanding of the Empire.

After listening to Cornelia’s introduction, the Koya ministers whispered again.

The priest sitting on the throne raised his hand, and the ministers closed their mouths.

Then he asked, “So what kind of benefits will we get if we Khoya join the Tianyuan Empire?” ”

“If the Khoyans are willing to join the Empire, the Emperor promises to give every Koya Imperial citizenship!”

“I suppose you should know how the citizens of the Empire will be treated, right?”

The priest nodded.

From Cornelia’s introduction, he understood what kind of treatment a citizen of the Tianyuan Empire could enjoy.

Just one life expectancy increase is enough to make many people excited! And most importantly, the citizens of the Empire had the right to join the military.

All citizens of the Empire can get promoted to social status by joining the army and making meritorious service!

But even in the face of such a huge temptation, the Divine Officer was still in no hurry to agree to join the Tianyuan Empire.

He asked, “What if, I mean if, we don’t want to join the Tianyuan Empire?” ”

To avoid misunderstandings, he deliberately emphasized the word if.

And Cornelia quickly replied: “The goal of the Empire is to rule the entire galaxy, so it will not allow any race that does not want to surrender to exist in the galaxy, you know what I mean?” ”

“I get it.”

If you disobey, you will be destroyed! It’s that simple!

While this is somewhat cruel and overbearing, it is necessary to conquer the entire galaxy.

Helping the weak and the poor?

Do not interfere with the development of low-level civilizations? Lin Ziqin was not so big as the Heart of the Virgin.

There are only two kinds of people in his eyes, and that is the people and the enemy!

“Can you give us a little time?” The stakes are so high that I cannot make a decision alone, and I must consult with the House of Elders. ”

The priest still did not give a definite answer.

Although he was the supreme ruler of the empire, after all, this matter involved too much, and he did not dare to make a decision on his own.

Most importantly, his term is coming to an end.

He was very old, and in a few moments he would step down as a priest.

At the end of any priesthood, certain powers are more or less diminished.

“Of course, we’re willing to give you enough time to make a decision.”

Cornelia readily agreed.

Rather, if the other party immediately agreed to join the Tianyuan Empire, it would make her feel strange.

“I’ll give us our answer after tomorrow.”

“Then I’ll go back first, and I look forward to your excellency making the right choice tomorrow.”

Cornelia left with her own guards.

After watching Cornelia and the others leave, the priest stood up from his throne and shouted to the ministers below, “Summoning the elders of all races immediately, I need to hold a council of elders!” ”

After returning to her flagship, Cornelia immediately contacted Lin Ziqin.

Nowadays the communication technology of the Empire is very developed.

Even if there are two worlds apart, it can be used for real-time communication.

“How’s it going? Will the Khoya be willing to join the Empire? ”

In the face of Lin Ziqin’s inquiry, Cornelia immediately replied: “They need to consult, and they will not give an answer after tomorrow.” ”

“Oh? Consultation? ”

Lin Ziqin heard the words but showed a playful smile.

“So what do you think they will choose tomorrow?”

Cornelia did not notice the change in Lin Ziqin’s look, she rubbed her chin and pondered for a moment before shaking her head slightly: “Sorry Emperor, I don’t know what kind of choice they will make.” ”

“After coming into contact with them, I found that they were very resistant to our Tianyuan Empire, especially when I said that I had to offer my loyalty to the Emperor, and I clearly felt their malice.”

“I don’t understand why they did this, but their priests didn’t immediately reject us, which means that the other side is at least willing to consider joining the Empire.”

Lin Ziqin smiled and shook his head, “I’m afraid they didn’t have the idea of joining the Empire at all, the so-called consultation is just to prepare for war.” ”

Cornelia was stunned: “Eh? How did the Emperor know? ”

Lin Ziqin did not answer, but made a look at Xiao Ai.

The latter quickly sent a document to Cornelia.

Immediately afterward, Xiao Ai helped explain: “The latest research shows that the Koya people have absolute loyalty to their Virgin, and it is impossible for them to give their loyalty to others!” ”

The society of the Khoya people has undergone countless changes over the years, but their beliefs have never changed.

They firmly believe that they are the descendants of the Virgin, so they will never betray their Virgin Mary again!

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