Chapter 191 The Plan of the Koya!!

The truth is indeed as Lin Ziqin said.

The Koya priests did not convene the Council of Elders to negotiate whether to join the Tianyuan Empire.

Instead, they are discussing how to win the next war!

The so-called reply the next day is just to buy time.

After listening to Lin Ziqin and Xiao Ai’s words, Cornelia’s face became very ugly, and she felt that she was being played.

“I’m going to exterminate the Khoya!”

Cornelia said angrily.

How could she, one of the three great generals of the Heavenly Yuan Empire, tolerate such a disgrace? If the world knew that she was being played by a little Koya, where would her face go?

“No rush!”

Lin Ziyun immediately spoke out to block Cornelia’s action.

“They haven’t said anything yet, and we don’t have an excuse to do it directly to them, and it’s not too late to do it after tomorrow.”

Anyway, tomorrow the Koya will have a direct showdown.

It’s never too late to get started.

“It all depends on the will of the Emperor!”

Cornelia calmed the anger in her heart.

Tomorrow she’ll definitely let these bastards still watch!

“Master, and Miss Cornelia, I have one thing I have to remind you.”

At this time, Xiao Ai opened her mouth again.


The two looked at Xiao Ai doubtfully.

“One day on the home planet of the Khoya is equivalent to the day of the Earth!” Nearly a week! ”

Lin Ziqin: “…”

Cornelia: “…”

Good fellow, is it true that their home planet has such a long day and night time? No wonder they dare to say that they will give a reply after a day.

The day of their home planet is indeed enough for them to prepare!

“Forget it, just wait a few more days, it doesn’t matter.”

“What the Emperor said is very true.”

As previously introduced, the Koya Empire was a theocratic kingdom.

The supreme ruler is the priest, and below it is a group of elders who have a total of 134 elders in the House of Elders, who are responsible for making decisions for the priests.

The House of Elders is also equivalent to the wisdom of the priesthood.

Whenever a priest encountered something that could not be solved, or something needed to be done, he would call on a council of elders.

That being said, it is not uncommon for all 134 elders to attend the meeting.

It was nice to have seventy or eighty elders attending the meeting.

Only when the old priest abdicates and the new priest takes the throne will the elders attend in full.

But none of the 134 elders were absent from today’s meeting.

Because this meeting is a matter of life and death for their Koyas!

“We’re going to fight an enemy that’s far stronger than us, do you elders have any suggestions?”

The priest sits at the highest place with a scepter representing supreme power.

When he opened those eerie eyes, he could see everyone below.

As the Divine Officer’s voice fell, an elder stood up and said, “My suggestion is to first pretend to agree to join the Tianyuan Empire and board these foreign enemy ships under the pretext of visiting the Tianyuan Empire.” ”

“Then we will take the opportunity to launch an attack and rob the other side’s spaceship!”

As soon as these words came out, many people turned their heads and ears and tilted up.

Many people think that this plan is quite good.

But soon someone came forward to deny the former’s plans.

“These alien ships use technology that we have never been exposed to, even the text is different, can you guarantee that our warriors can control these ships?”


They had never been exposed to human technology products, let alone learned human language, and they could not control those human spaceships.

However, they were very confident in their warrior strength, and they did not think that their powerful warriors would lose to those ‘weak and windy’ humans in terms of combat effectiveness!

But physically, they are indeed stronger than humans.

And this is also their standard for measuring the combat effectiveness of both sides.

“We can hijack some of the humans to help us control their warships!”

At this moment, I don’t know who said something, which suddenly made everyone present see the hope of hijacking the Tianyuan Empire spaceship.

“Yes, we can kidnap some humans!”

“This is indeed a good idea!”

“I support!”

“I support it too!”

More and more people have expressed support for the hijacking plan.

Even the elder who had originally spoken out to deny the plan sat down and said no more…

“But that’s not enough!”

Suddenly, an old voice came into everyone’s ears.

The crowd followed the sound and looked over.

When they saw the person speaking, everyone showed a touch of respect.

Even the current priest is the same.

Without him, only because this man is a former priest!

After leaving office, the priests of the Koya Empire could choose to go home and enjoy their old age.

You can also enter the Council of Elders and become an Elder to continue to shine and dedicate the last shred of contribution to the Empire.

The previous priest chose the latter.

“You can’t win these humans by snatching the opposing warships alone!”

“Then I wonder if the teacher has any good advice?”

The current priest asked.

The relationship between the two is not just a matter of generations.

The former priest is still the teacher of the current priest!

This is the main reason why the current priest is so respectful to him.

The former priest said, “If we want to defeat humanity, we may need to use the power of Our Lady!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the whole house of elders suddenly became extremely quiet.

The crowd looked at the former priest in amazement.

It is not without reason that they have not converted for thousands of years! Their Lady is not just a vacuous, imaginary deity.

It’s real!

But very few people knew this, and only the 135 people present and the retired former elders knew of the existence of Our Lady!

The former priest continued, “Only the mighty power of Our Lady may be able to help us defeat humanity! ”

In recorded history, they Koya have experienced disasters many times.

There were even a few times when they almost wiped out the Koyas!

And every time it was the ‘Virgin’ who helped them through the crisis!

“But is it really necessary to let the Virgin Mary do it?”

Someone asked, looking at the person’s expression as if he were a little reluctant.

Not only him, but most of the people present actually did not want the ‘Virgin’ to take the shot.

Without him, it is only because every shot of the ‘Our Lady’ will bring great damage to the environment of this planet!

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