Chapter 192 Do you have any misunderstandings about the delegation?!!

Once upon a time, their Koya planet was also a beautiful green planet, but since their ancestors used the power of the ‘Virgin’, the environment of this planet has become what it is today.

So the people’s worries today are not justified.

The hesitation of the crowd was overshadowed by the current priest.

“We don’t have time to hesitate here and vote to decide whether or not to use the power of Our Lady.”

In the end, everyone agreed to the vote.

Moments later, the results of the vote came out.

A total of 135 voters, including the current priest.

77 people agreed to use the power of ‘Our Lady’, 40 voted against and 18 abstained.

Seeing this result, the current priest immediately stood up and said, “Prepare to start the ceremony!” ”

Although they could directly borrow the power of the ‘Virgin’, it was also the god of their race, and the rites that should have been there should still be there.

Anyway, the time of day is still long.

“Oh? Are you willing to join our Tianyuan Empire? ”

After waiting for several Earth days, Cornelia finally waited for the response of the Koya.

Originally, she thought that the other party would immediately refuse to join the Tianyuan Empire to fight to the end, but the other party’s answer exceeded her expectations.

Could it be that the Emperor and the Little Lord Love are wrong?

Just as she was thinking this, the other party said again, “Yes, we are willing to join the Tianyuan Empire, but before that, we have one more request.” ”

“What are the requirements?”

Cornelia clasped her hands to her chest and squinted at each other.

She always felt as if the Koya people across from her were planning something.

“Our request is to go to the Tianyuan Empire first.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes, it’s that simple!”

That sense of foreboding is getting stronger!

Combined with the previous analysis of the Emperor and the Little Love Lord, the other group of Koya people is definitely planning something!

Despite the premonition, Cornelia did not refuse in person.

She’d like to see what these guys are planning.

“I know, I’ll take you to the Empire, please wait a moment, the transport plane will pick you up in a moment.”

“That’s trouble.”

The communication ended.

Cornelia was in no hurry to send a transport plane to pick up the Koyas.

Instead, he contacted Lin Ziqin for the first time.

“Your Majesty the Emperor! Little love adult! ”

“Is there anything wrong with you being in such a hurry to contact us?”

Lin Ziqin was now wearing a dragon robe and sitting on the dragon chair, and the crown emitting divine light was quietly suspended above his head.

Cornelia was stunned.

She hadn’t seen the Emperor dressed so formally for a long time.

For a moment she was a little unaccustomed.

But she quickly came back to her senses.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, just now the Khoya people have made a choice, and they are willing to join our Tianyuan Empire!”


As soon as these words came out, Lin Ziqin’s brow frowned.


Cornelia nodded affirmatively.

“But they made a request, that is, they wanted to visit our empire first.”

“Since they are all willing to join the Empire, why do they want to visit the Empire first?” Isn’t that redundant? ”

There are quirks!

As long as they join the Empire, they can come whenever they want.

Even later, the Empire will open up routes between the two sides, and they themselves can come to the Empire at any time.

Is it difficult to see if the Empire is as good as Cornelia said, and then reconsider whether to join the Empire?

But if that’s the case, they shouldn’t have answered in the affirmative in the first place.

Lin Ziqin really couldn’t understand what they were plotting?

Cornelia said, “I think they must have had some ulterior motive in doing so!” ”

During these Earth days, she was also constantly monitoring the every move of the Koyas.

The Khoya, who had clearly assembled their armies in secret, said they were willing to join the Empire.

This must be a trap!

At this time, Xiao Ai, who had been silent, finally spoke: “Master, do you think it is possible that the other party came to visit the Empire under the guise, and their real purpose is actually to board the Empire’s spaceship?” ”

Lin Ziqin and Cornelia thought about it and thought it was not impossible!

Cornelia asked, “Little Lord, what is their purpose in doing this?” ”

Lin Ziqin also looked at Xiao Ai, waiting for her next step.

Xiao Ai replied, “My guess is that the other party is to board the Imperial Ship and then seize control of the Ship!” ”

“This… Unlikely, right? ”

Cornelia thought this was possible.

After all, their battleships were so big, and although they were highly automated, they had not undergone systematic training, how could the Khoya people control the Empire’s warships?

What’s more, every ship of the Empire is equipped with a high-level wise servant, and as long as the commander gives an order, he can lock the battleship!

Lin Ziqin also felt that Xiao Ai’s guess was a bit outrageous.

“But no matter what, it’s not a bad thing to be vigilant and take precautions in advance.”

Cornelia nodded, “I see. ”

In the sky.

A Phantom broke through the dark green clouds and landed on the square of the holy city of the Koyas.

Several guards stepped out of the Phantom transporter.

One of the convoys stepped forward and said to the scepter, “Your Excellency, we will send your delegation to the mothership. ”

“That’s going to be a bit of a problem, but can this transport plane fit our mission?”

After listening to the priest’s words, several guards couldn’t help but laugh.

The Phantom is not small, in addition to a few of them, at least a dozen people can be accommodated!

This is not too small, how many people are in their delegation?

With doubts, the captain of the guard asked; “What is the number of your delegation?”

The priest pointed to the crowd behind him and said, “All behind me.” ”

Looking at the crowd behind the priest, the guards were stunned on the spot.

Is this specifically a visiting group and not a tour?

This dense crowd, let alone two or three hundred people, right?

“Are these people a little bit more?”

“Much? I think it’s a little less. ”

So many people still feel less?

What exactly did they misunderstand about the mission?

Isn’t it true that in their culture, the delegation must have so many people? Forget it, this matter is still reported, let the general deal with it…

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