Chapter 194: The Wife Wants a Child?!!

“What a spectacular picture!”

Cornelia stood on the bridge, admiring the beautiful scenery of the planet as it was glassified, but just then, a siren sounded that interrupted her thoughts.

“What happened?”

“Report to the General, the sensor has detected an unknown energy signal in the polar land of the Koya home planet!”

“Unknown energy signal?”

Cornelia frowned slightly.

She hated the variables.

But just as she was about to let people find out what it was, two pillars of light suddenly rose from the poles of the Koya home planet.

These two pillars of light are so huge that they can be seen clearly even in distant space!

“Warning! Warn! Detect unstable spatial fluctuations! Repeat! Detect unstable spatial fluctuations! ”

At the same time, the red light in the bridge flashed, and the system frantically issued an alarm.

Before Cornelia and the others could figure out what was going on, the whole space suddenly shattered!

A huge space vortex appeared, sucking the Koya’s home star into the vortex along with the Tianyuan Empire fleet hovering in its high orbit!

This scene was witnessed by the warships that were staying on the outskirts of the star system and were responsible for blocking this star field.

Tianyuan Empire Zhu Forbidden City.

After handling today’s important tasks, Lin Ziqin did not rush back, but came to the courtyard of the Imperial Palace.

In the gazebo of the courtyard, the righteous name of the beautiful lady is waiting for the arrival.

A long pink hair was coiled at the back of her head, and the white dress pressed against the skin, outlining the perfect curve.

The woman was doing her own thing with her back to him, completely unaware that Lin Ziqin had come behind her.

Until Lin Ziqin opened her mouth, she finally came back to her senses.

“Yuffie, here I come.”


Euphymia turned around and took Lin Ziqin’s hand to the bench and sat down.

“Yuffie, you said you had a gift for me?” What exactly is the gift? ”

About an hour ago, Euphymia came to the temple to look for herself.

Say there’s something to give him and make him wait to end the work in hand after here looking for her.

With curiosity, Lin Ziqin came here.

He wondered what the gift that Euphemia was talking about, and how mysterious it was.

And it doesn’t seem like a special day today?

Neither his birthday, nor Euphemia’s birthday, nor what wedding anniversary, how could he suddenly give gifts?

Euphymia smiled mysteriously and placed a gift box in front of Lin Ziqin.

“Honey, guess what, there’s a reward for being right!”

“Rewards? Very good, you managed to arouse my curiosity! ”

Lin Ziqin gently scraped the cute emperor of the little girl’s head.

“So let me guess first, this is a thing?”

Euphemia shook her head slightly.

“Since it’s not an object, it’s a food?”

This time Euphemia’s answer was a nod.

Although the scope has been narrowed, there are many kinds of food, and the difficulty of guessing is still not small.

“Is it a cake?”

Euphemia smirked.

“We all know that dear you don’t like sweets, how could I possibly make a cake for you?”

How can you not understand what your husband likes to eat?

“Oh? You mean, it’s yours? ”

Lin Ziqin caught the key words.

If it’s Euphemia’s food, it’s a good guess.

After all, Euphymia can cook only a few dishes.

Euphemia also realized that she had slipped her mouth and quickly closed her mouth.

But is it a bit redundant to remedy after the fact?

Lin Ziqin smiled.

He carefully observed the gift box in front of him.

The gift box is not large, so it is certain that the contents are not small either.

Pick it up and feel it.

Weight ok.

Shake gently.

It seems to be filled with liquid.


Smelling carefully, there was still a faint hint of medicinal herbs in the air.


A word instantly appeared in Lin Ziqin’s mind.

“Isn’t this supposed to be a big tonic soup?”

Lin Ziqin’s expression became strange.

Euphemia nodded.

“Honey, you guessed right!”

Lin Ziqin: “…”

Soup in a gift box?

That’s no one.

As if seeing what Lin Ziqin was thinking, Euphemia spat out her tongue and explained, “I’m not trying to confuse you, that’s why I put on a gift box.” ”

I see.

Euphemia has also learned to be smart.


His wife has always been smart!

Euphemia opened the gift box and inside was a jar.

The moment she opened the jar, the smell of herbs and chicken came to her mind.

“Then again, why did you suddenly make me a big soup?”

Although Lin Ziqin was very touched in his heart, he was also very curious.

Suddenly send a big tonic soup, is this worried about his vain?

Euphemia blushed slightly and said, “I looked it up on the Internet and said that drinking this soup can strengthen the body.” ”

“Most importantly, it also increases the success rate.”

After speaking, Euphemia’s voice became smaller and smaller, and by the end she had even heard it.


Lin Ziqin was stunned.

But it reacted quickly.

He laughed.

“The information you have checked online may be a little inaccurate.”

This big tonic soup can indeed enhance a man’s body, but if you want to move, you can’t chain it with three bowls of soup.

Otherwise, the Empire would have solved the problem of population shortage long ago!

“Eh? Isn’t it allowed? ”

Euphemia looked up in an instant, and the eyes of the clan revealed the healing.

Lin Ziqin reached out and took the young girl Lou into his arms, and squeezed her face with his other hand.

“Silly boy, the most direct way to want a child is to work harder, there is no need to look at the useless methods on the Internet.”

“Me, I know.”

Euphemia blushed and nodded.

In fact, the reason why she will look for home remedies on the Internet is mainly because there are more and more sisters.

She felt the pressure and worried that the future machine would be less and less.

“By the way, just now you seem to say that if you guess correctly, there is a reward, what is this reward?”

Lin Zi Qin can still remember that reward!

As soon as these words came out, Euphemia’s face became even redder, and even the roots of her ears were already red!

Seeing this, Lin Ziqin was even more curious about what this reward was.

Euphemia said, “I, I bought some clothes and went back to show you.” ”

Those clothes are actually used as auxiliary devices to supplement soup.

However, the soup does not seem to have an effect, but the clothes can not be wasted.

“Good! Then we’ll go back now! ”

Lin Ziqin directly stopped and picked up Euphemia.

He couldn’t wait to enjoy the incense!

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