Chapter 195 Cornelia is missing!!

A few hours later.

Euphemia lay in bed and fell into a deep sleep, her long pink hair scattered casually around the pillow.

Lin Ziqin carefully put on his clothes and left the room.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the light was hanging high.

“Something is wrong with the host!”

Xiao Ai suddenly flew out and said, his tone seemed a little urgent.

“What’s wrong?”

Lin Ziqin was still the first time to see Xiao Ai look like this, and he couldn’t help but frown.

“Master, Miss Cornelia is missing!”

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ziqin was dead, and he looked back at the room behind him, and through the half-hidden door he found that Euphemia was still asleep, and he was relieved.

Gently closing the door, Lin Ziqin immediately asked, “What the hell is going on?” ”

“According to the news coming back from the Second World, Miss Coinillia and her fleet, along with the mother planet of the Khoya, were sucked away by the sudden appearance of three space vortices!”

Xiao Ai said as he projected the picture.

This image was captured by the fleet responsible for blocking the Koya’s Mother Star Domain!

In the picture, Cornelia’s team is vitrifying the home planet of the Koya.

Suddenly, huge pillars of light appeared at the poles of the parent star of the Koyas.

Immediately after that, a huge space vortex sucked the planet away along with the entire fleet!

The picture is very short, but the thickness is very strict!

“Little love, get ready for the transport plane!”

“Obey orders!”

The flagship of the Tianyuan Empire, Lin Ziqin’s personal car, the Tianyuan.

After a short space transition, the 15,000-meter-long battleship finally arrived at the star field where the original Koyan mother star was located.

Lin Ziqin immediately made contact with the fleet responsible for blocking this star domain.

“Do you have any latest discoveries?”

Opposite Lin Ziqin was a woman in her thirties.

She was the commander of this fleet.

“Back to the Emperor, we haven’t found anything yet.”

I don’t blame them.

After all, since the disappearance of the Koya motherstar, nothing has been straightened out.

They also sent someone to find out, but found nothing.

Lin Ziqin turned to ask Xiao Ai.

“Little love, did you find a horse?”

Xiao Ai had never disappointed Lin Ziqin, and this time was the same.

“Master, this space has been detected as very intimately and fragile!”

If normal space is likened to a solid bulletproof glass, then the space of this star field today is like a piece of plastic paper, which can be broken short with two touches!

“In addition to that, I also detected a faint void energy in space.”

“What is Void Energy?”

Void energy? Psychic? Star spirits?

However, Lin Ziqin knew that the void energy that Xiao Ai was talking about was different from what he imagined.

Xiao Ai explained, “Master, you should remember that every time we travel through the world, we pass through a dark space, right?” ”

Lin Ziqin nodded and did not reply, he stared at Xiao Ai, waiting for her next step.

“The so-called void energy is actually one of the most common energy that exists in that dark space.”

Isn’t that space completely nothing?

Moreover, listening to what Xiao Ai said, the space seemed to have more than one kind of energy.


Now is not the time to care about this!

Lin Ziqin asked, “But why is there void energy here?” ”

“There is only one answer!”

Xiao Ai’s tone became very serious.

“I’m afraid that the space vortex that sucked Miss Cornelia away is not the leaping channel we thought, but the gate connecting the other three worlds!”

Lin Ziqin’s pupils narrowed.

“You mean Cornelia and they were taken to other worlds?”

“Good value for money”

As Xiao Ai’s voice fell, the holographic platform instantly projected a star map of the Milky Way.

“Of course, if there was only Void Energy, Xiao Ai I wouldn’t be so sure that they went to other worlds.”

“The most important thing is the beacon!”

“Each of the Empire’s warships has its own unique beacon, and Tianyuan’s hyperspace exploration covers tens of thousands of light years!”

“If Miss Cornelia had been teleported to another location, their beacons would have been spotted by the ship’s hyperspace probe!”

“But it didn’t! Suffice it to say that Miss Corilla may have left the current world! ”

“Of course, there is also the possibility that they were teleported to a much greater distance, so far that even the ship could not capture their beacon.”

“But this possibility is very small, little love, I do not believe that in such a short period of time, the vortex of space can take Miss Cornelia and them to a distance of tens of thousands of light-years away!”

The reason why hyperspace detection can be called hyperspace detection, in addition to its ability to scan and detect ultra-long distances, the main reason is that it can also scan ships that are transitioning to space ministers!

In other words, even if the battleship of Cornelia and others is brought into a slippery space of transition, the ship can still lock their position and even their course!

But it is clear that tens of thousands of years of hundreds of thousands of years are not something that can be crossed in a few hours by a short bean.

“But master, you don’t need to worry too much, I can lock in which world they are in by tracking the traces of Miss Cornelia sliding through the void space, and Lin Ziqin was relieved.”

It is best to have a way to get these people back.

“But it’s not a simple thing to trace Cornelia and their traces, is it?”

“Yes master, Chengran said that when you travel through the world, you will definitely leave traces in the void space, but it is not a simple thing to accurately track, I need some time.”

“How long?”

“It’s not easy to say, depending on the situation, a few months if you are lucky, a few years if you are unlucky.”

Months and years?

Fortunately, it is not long.

At least for Lin Ziqin.

For him with an infinite life, months and years really don’t count.

“Then go ahead and get her back as soon as possible!”

“Obey orders!”


Lin Ziqin returned home.

He sat on the edge of Euphemia’s bed, quietly staring at her lovely sleeping face.

The next big trouble was how to tell Euphymia about it.

Her sister is missing, she must be very sad, right?

I don’t know how to cry sadly.

The last thing he wants is to see his own woman crying because of sadness!

“Rest assured, I’ll limit it!”

Early the next morning.

When Euphemia woke up, Lin Ziqin told her about Cornelia’s disappearance for the first time.

However, her reaction was slightly different from what Lin Ziqin thought!

Euphemia was worried about her sister’s situation, but she wasn’t too sad.

When Lin Ziqin asked why, Euphemia smiled, “Because I believe that my dear can get my sister back!” Is that right? ”

Lin Ziqin was stunned and nodded with a smile.

That’s right!

He would never give up on Cornelia.

No matter what, he will take her back to B!

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